Monday, June 20, 2016

The Bachelorette, Ep. 12.5

We pick up right where we left off 2 weeks ago. Chad just got dumped on the 2-on-1 and ALL of the guys are ecstatic, to say the least. They are so happy he is gone that they bring out the guitar and have "funeral" for him. They took his protein powder and sprinkled it into the air as they said farewell to the person they hated the most in this world. Meanwhile, Chad with his creepy whistle is on his way back to the house, in an unprecedented move for the show. He makes his way to the glass door, where he knocks and everyone looks like they've never seen someone at the door before. He proceeds to wipe his hands the whole way down the glass until someone lets him in. They don't know what to do, so they awkwardly ask how his date went. He said Alex talked about him the whole time. He said when you are backed into the corner, sometimes you have to do things that aren't pretty. Jordan apologized for not seeing things the way he does and hoped that Chad would apologize as well. Chad said he will say what he wants to say when he wants to say it. He said they all pushed him into each situation where he had to say things he didn't want to. Jordan grabbed his hand to shake it, and Chad starting squeezing really hard and held on for a very long time. Jordan tried to clear the air and shake his hand again, and Chad slapped it away. Insults started flying, and Evan goes and tries to poke the Chad bear again. He asked if he had his wallet on him because he still owed him money for the shirt he ripped. Chad couldn't believe he was still asking about that and wondered if he was really that poor that he needed the money that badly. Jordan told everyone to just stop and leave the room because Chad was not supposed to be there anymore so they didn't need to really talk to him anymore.

Alex comes back to a huge cheer and the hoist him up on their shoulders and hailed him as a hero. They had a cake that they smashed all over his face and head and they had a huge flare - inside the house - which was quite odd and a pretty big safety hazard.

Cocktail Party

Chase takes her outside for some fun in giant blown up balls. She ran at him and knocked him down. That whole thing was pretty lame for a Cocktail Party.

Robby took her outside to make a wish in the fountain. Everyone sees him kissing her in front of the fountain.

James F. said he wrote her a poem a few days ago and thought now would be a good time to read it. He no sooner than reads and then gets interrupted by Alex (who already has a rose).

Luke, with a rose, interrupts Daniel's time to say that he couldn't stop thinking about her after her date. She said the same about him. He wanted her to know that he was falling for her. Out of all the kind of lame guys this season, I would say that Luke seems maybe the most genuine.

Jordan, with a rose, took her around the corner and forced her (pretty hard) against the wall to make out. He later acknowledged that the guys were on the other side of the wall - "oops".

Rose Ceremony

Receive Roses (11): Alex, Chase, Derek, Evan, Grant, James T., Jordan, Luke, Robby, Vinny, Wells
Eliminated (3): Chad, Daniel, James F.

James F. said he would be OK with going home if he felt like she really got to know her. Daniel said that she is obviously looking for personality, and his personality is s***. He thinks if this was solely based on looks he would still be there. His body had nothing to do with it because obviously she picked guys like Evan and Wells. No one else is on his level and he's had more experiences than all the guys combined.

JoJo tells the guys they are going international - to Uruguay. They are all so excited, even though I'm pretty sure none of them know where that is. James is a little embarrassed that he doesn't because his mom teaches geography. But he doesn't care, he's just so excited!!

One-on-One: Jordan - "Let's seal the date."
The guys are super annoyed because he got the first impression rose, has gotten a group date rose, and seems to be the front-runner. He had the whole football group date that was obviously geared specifically towards him. They make fun of his hair flip, and immediately start talking about him maybe being fake and not trustworthy. It's interesting because just before that, everyone was all good with everything and someone commented that it was going to be drama-free now that Chad was gone.

On the date, we see Jordan making out with JoJo on the boat, but every other frame is going back to the guys all saying bad things about Jordan. They get off their boat and get to swim with a bunch of seals. And we're back to the guys who are apparently in Vinny's barbershop. They are all sitting around while Vinny is buzzing Alex's hair. Derek and Wells are enjoying reading some gossip magazines that Vinny had laying around. He starts reading articles about JoJo and her ex. It said that she went back with her boyfriend and then dumped him for the Bachelorette. The article said that her ex Chad (not the same Chad) went to the magazine to tell all. Chad says that they were sneaking around together during the filming of The Bachelor but had to lay low because she wasn't allowed to be seen. They all question if she is still in love with this Chad, and if so, what are they all doing there. They all want some answers! Those few guys later told the rest of the guys, and they all pass around the magazines.

Finally back to Jordan's date. He tells her that he means it when he says he's falling in love with her. She says that she can't see anything wrong with the Jordan that she's seen so far. BUT, she met a girl that dated Jordan and she told her that he was not the best boyfriend and he wasn't that great at relationships. So, she's got some questions for him. She comes right out and says she's scared of getting her heart broken. She said her past relationship with her ex was a rollercoaster and she was so insecure coming out of that relationship. She was broken. She says that they had talked earlier and wondered if they knew any of the same people. She just happened to remember that she met a girl in Dallas who said she had dated him. I have so many problems with how she brought this up, seemingly "forgetting" about something like this until now - all seems a bit constructed for TV, but anyway. Jordan immediately tenses up and it looks like his pet just died because he is going to have to lie his way out of this, clearly. She goes on to say that the girl said that they dated off and on and he kind of blew her off and there was some "trust stuff". He takes a sip and just says "it's interesting". He said he didn't know what to say and goes to his standard move - the hair flip. She said that he told her that he was ready for something serious and was ready for marriage. He said that during that relationship it was all about sports and she was with him when he was at his best and when he was at his worst. He said he wasn't always the best person and he did things wrong. She asked if there was cheating and he just about cut her off and said "NO!" Liar! She said she wished she could read his mind and he said he really wasn't thinking anything. Liar! You can tell he's lying. So obvious! He said he was immature and that's where the trust issues came in. He admits he talked to girls when he probably shouldn't have been. She said that's what makes her nervous and she doesn't want that to happen to her again. He brings up something that his pastor said when he was growing up that has always stuck with him (yeah, right): "You don't say 'I love' you to someone unless you are willing to put a ring on her finger." And that girl was the only girl he'd said that to, and they did talk about getting married. His face is turning so red right's like his own version of Pinocchio...the more lies he tells, the redder his face is getting. He said being able to walk away from her, he realizes what his faults are and what he wants. And he knows he's not a cheater. Liar! Clearly, she's so smitten, she just believed everything he said. She hugged and kissed him and told him not to be mad at her. She said giving him the rose meant a lot to her.

They go for a walk into town and end up dancing with some weird musical street performers. She thinks this could be the start of an amazing love story. And the rest of the season is history.

At the Hotel
After the date, Jordan is excitedly telling the guys about swimming with seals. JoJo is on Cloud 9, until producers show her the magazine the guys were reading. She wondered why they were showing this to her now. The producer says it needs to be addressed because the guys have seen it. She flipped out. She couldn't believe that he would do this to her. As upset as she was, she knew the guys deserved to know the real story. It was really hard for her to share, but she sobbed her way through the details. She wanted to make sure that they knew that she wasn't faking anything and they shouldn't be worried that she's not there for the right reasons. They all agreed that it was a non-issue and what this Chad guy did was not right and she didn't deserve it. Oh look, her and Jordan now have something else in common - people spreading "rumors" about them.

Later the next day, I don't even know how to describe what is going on. Jordan and Robby are getting a mani-pedi, they have a weird paper mask with eye and mouth holes and cucumbers on their eyes. They are carrying on a very normal conversation, while looking like complete idiots. Jordan stops to take a bite out of one of the cucumbers, and then places the rest of it back on his eye. This is just the most weird, and bizarre thing. They're talking about the group date and who might get the group date rose. I don't know, it's too hard to focus on what they are saying while they look like that.

Group Date: Luke, Derek, Chase, Evan, James, Vinny, Grant, Wells, Alex - "I can't stand to be away from you."

She meets the guys on the top of a big sand dune. The guys race up to her, and she tells them that they are going to be sand boarding. It's so windy! Evan is so sure that he is going to get another bloody nose today. We can only hope. They are all wearing way too many layers of clothes to be doing so much rolling around in the sand. That can not feel comfortable. Sand in every possible nook and cranny.

On the evening part of the date, Luke is the first to talk to her. He brought up the article and he said he believed in her intentions and he doesn't need to know what other people think and say. She appreciated how supportive he was being.

James and Wells each said they believed her. Wells said that is the last that he wants to talk about anyone named Chad. She said she was done with Chads and apologized to all of the good Chads out there, but she hasn't met a good one yet.

Derek is starting to get a little jealous hearing all the guys talking about their feelings for JoJo. He wants to keep moving forward and it's been awhile since their one-on-one date. She said she didn't want them to fall behind. Behind his back, Alex said that he doesn't like Derek and he doesn't think he's a good guy and he's a really jealous guy. Oh no, a bad side of Alex is starting to come out. He thinks she doesn't need someone like Derek, she needs someone like him. Sounds like something Chad would say. He told JoJo that he was starting to fall for her. He hoped that by opening up to her on the date, she would give him the group date rose. And wouldn't you know, Derek gets the group date rose. She said she was giving it to him to give him some reassurance. He assumes that by her saying that, that he told her that he needs some validation. On the other hand, he, is not an insecure little bitch and doesn't need a group date rose for validation and he doesn't need a pity rose. Ha! Now the rest of the group has another guy to pick on. They all don't think Derek deserved a rose and they weren't afraid to tell that to his face. Alex is starting to be exactly like Chad! He said he doesn't go around picking fights with people, but yet that's exactly what he's doing. Ugh! Grow up! Luckily, Derek takes the high road and doesn't stoop to his level. I like Derek, and I think he's another one of the good ones left - and not just because I think he bears a strong resemblance to John Krasinski.

One-on-One: Robby - "Love is within our reach."
They head to the beach and grab a bite to eat from a food cart while joking with the owner, saying they were dating and not married yet. Then they did some "rock climbing" - or just standing on a cliff of rocks staring at the ocean. Robby convinces her to jump off the cliff with him. She said she trusts him because he's an Olympic swimmer (really?!). I'm not so sure that was a safe was pretty high and it was pretty rocky down there, but they made it and didn't die or end up with any broken bones.

I don't know why, but I just cannot get into Robby. He just seems so boring. And now I feel bad because he just told JoJo that his life changed not long ago when his best friend drove off a bridge because he was texting. He had just asked his girlfriend's parents' permission to propose and they were moving in together the following week. He said within 6 months, he quit his job, left the city he was in, and got out of a 3-month relationship because he wasn't happy with any of it, and he realized that life is short. He also wanted her to know that he has fallen in love with her and he doesn't want to hide it. OK, is it just me, or does it seem like every season, people are telling the lead that they are "falling" or are "in love" earlier and earlier. I mean, this is only the 5th episode and like 6 guys have told her that already.

Robby got the date rose and he is the happiest man in Uruguay. Oh look, his best day ever just got even better because of...fireworks! It was so magic...ugh, I can't even finish typing it. He seems so fake right now. I'm not sure what it is exactly, but I don't buy it, and I don't think it's only because of what RealitySteve has said about him.

Cocktail Party
The negative energy Derek, don't! He wants to talk to Robby, Chase, Jordan, and Alex outside. Derek said he wants them to know that they are starting to look like a high school clique. Jordan said he's sorry he feels that way, and it's petty, and not everyone agrees with him. Alex thinks he is insecure and is distracting them from focusing on JoJo. Chase said all that did was just alienate him further from the group. Luke wondered what happened outside and Jordan said Derek thought that they had excluded some of the guys from the group. He asked if anyone else felt that way. Wells said apparently that was something that was bugging Derek and he had balls to address it with them. Chase said he just didn't like the timing of this little talk when there are people who don't have roses.

Chris enters. Let me guess...she doesn't want to join the cocktail party. Nailed it! He said that her mind is already made up and they are going right to the Rose Ceremony. Good luck to all you guys who said you really needed that time with her. Ha!

Rose Ceremony

Receive Roses (8): Alex, Chase, Derek, James, Jordan, Luke, Robby, Wells
Eliminated (3): Evan, Grant, Vinny

I'm so surprised that Vinny was so emotional after getting eliminated. Even Evan wasn't that emotional. Sure, he was so disappointed in himself for not making the most of their time together, but Vinny sobbed. His elimination response was literally the most we heard him speak all season. His little barbershop segment was the most on-screen time he had and it wasn't even with JoJo. He seemed like a good guy, it's too bad that we didn't get to see more of him.

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