Monday, December 1, 2014

The Voice, Ep. 7.20

Top 8 Perform

Team Adam

Damien - "Someone Like You" by Adele
What an interesting song choice! I'm so glad he is out of the musical rut of crappy song choices that he's been in the last several weeks. This is a great improvement. This performance was so good! His high notes were incredible. He always gives such an emotional performance, and this was no exception. You can't help but feel every note right along with him.

Chris Jamison - "Sexual Healing" by Marvin Gaye
Not my favorite song choice, but he makes everything sound good! This song is old, but he makes it sound so new and fresh.

Matt McAndrew - "The Blower's Daughter" by Damien Rice
I'm not familiar with this song, but man, he could make me love anything he sings. His voice is so smooth, and I absolutely adore his tone. Such an incredible performance. Week after week, he's just separating himself from the pack...he's in a class of his own.

Team Blake

Craig Wayne Boyd - "Take It Easy" by The Eagles
This is such a recognizable song, but he adds his "Craigness" to it and makes it his own. This is definitely the most "Country" he's been in awhile. Somehow, I still find it entertaining and not too Country. It must just be his voice, or something, because normally I wouldn't like this at all.

Team Gwen

Ryan Sill - "Open Arms" by Journey
The wide range of song styles that Gwen has given him just proves how versatile he is. He can sing anything. This week is the tender, yet powerful side of him. I just love his voice. If this doesn't give you goosebumps, you're dead inside...or deaf.

Taylor John Williams - "Royals" by Lorde
This is a great song, and such an unexpected song choice for him. I think this might be my favorite performance of his. I love the stripped down version. I think this is the kind of stuff he needs to keep doing. The more he sang, the more I loved it. It had such a cool vibe to it.

Team Pharrell

Danica Shirey - "These Dreams" by Heart
This is a better song for her than she's been doing. I'm not sure why I still don't care for her much though. She has a great voice, but for some reason I just don't feel any connection to any of her performances. This one was more enjoyable than most, though. Until, that is, that loud screechy note that went awry. That was kind of painful.

Luke Wade - "Holding Back The Years" by Simply Red
Interesting song choice, and definitely not the worst one he's done. I actually kind of liked this and the ways he changed the song. It did get a little boring, though, and I kind of wished it would pick up a little bit. There were a couple times where he wasn't singing, and I'm not sure if he forgot the words, or was wanting the audience to sing, or what, but that was a little strange. Overall, it was a pretty good performance, but it didn't knock my socks off.

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