Friday, December 12, 2014

Amazing Race, Ep. 25.11

Leg 11: Manila, Philippines

Misti & Jim lead it off. Misti injured her foot in the last leg and had to be bandaged up by medical.

Misti & Jim and Amy & Maya take the same transportation, and find out they were going the wrong way.

Speed Bump
Brooke & Robbie arrived at the Detour 2nd, but have to complete the Speed Bump because of the non-elimination last leg. They have to take stuff and move it from one cart to another.

They completed the task before the other 2 teams make it to the Detour, so they didn't lose their place, only some time.

Detour: This or That
There is no explanation of what either Detour's a blind pick.

This: shoot hoops while being guarded by a local team. They have to get 21 points.

That: teams have to ride bikes with side cars, and they have to complete the course in a certain amount of time.

Adam & Bethany arrive first, and choose "This". They work well together, but it's hard for her to pass with one arm. Adam missed free throw after free throw. Finally, after what seemed like a lot of misses, they get 21 just as Brooke & Robbie show up.

Brooke played basketball growing up, so she thinks this will be an easy task for them. Let's just say, she was a little bit rusty. Once she got started, she started nailing everything. I'm not sure if Robbie made any.

Misti & Jim and Amy & Maya decide to do whatever is the closest, and that happens to be "That". Steering and breaks are real issues with these bikes. Each lap, they have to switch. Misti's foot proved to be a problem for her pedaling the bike.

Amy & Maya lose control and their bike goes free-wheelin' and smacks into a parked car.

Amy & Maya finish first, and not far behind Misti & Jim finish, and they were both under the allotted time.

Adam can't find the clue! Oh no! Luckily they remember part of the name of the street they need to be on. I just hope they don't get penalized for not having the clue. They continue to look for their clue, and he finally finds it buried in his bag!

Roadblock: Deliver the Goods
Pick up and deliver coconut products to 3 different shops. The items were brooms and bowls...and there's a lot of them to carry through the narrow and congested streets.

Robbie chose to do the task. He missed that there were posted locations of where the items needed to be delivered to, so he had to go back.

Misti & Jim and Adam & Bethany arrive at the same time. Jim and Adam are doing the task, and neither of them see the posted list of where they need to go.

Robbie finds his first location, and he finds out that he didn't pay attention to "how many" of each thing he needed to deliver where. Oh my! Eventually, he does make his first delivery, and so far he's still in the lead.

Amy & Maya arrive, and Amy chooses to do the task.

Adam tells Jim that they should go back and look at the list again. By now, Robbie has made 2 deliveries.

Adam and Jim make their first delivery as Robbie makes his 3rd and final delivery. Meanwhile, Amy is on her own and is very lost. She is also injured, so this really isn't a good task to be doing. At one point she stops and says that she can't do it, and drops everything in the middle of the street.

Adam was kind of leading the way, and Jim was trying to keep up with him, but Adam was moving quickly to try to lose him.

Jim finds someone who will lend him a cart to load all his stuff on. PLEASE tell me that that is illegal and he will get penalized for that!

Amy also finds a cart that someone lets her borrow. Come on...not fair!

Adam finishes before Jim, and Adam didn't cheat! Way to go Adam!

Jim finishes, leaving just Amy left at the task. She's limping along, and looks dehydrated, but she finished.

Pit Stop
1. Brooke & Robbie -- from last to first...and they are still racing!!!!
2. Adam & Bethany
3. Misti & Jim
4. Amy & Maya -- non-elimination (come on, another one!) Amy had to be checked out because she wasn't looking so good. I'm sure they were hoping for a rest...but...they're still racing.

...and the final 3 are off to Los Angeles for the final leg!

For the first time in Amazing Race history, 4 teams get to race the final leg. And, I'm bummed. That's just one more team to mess things up!  Go Adam & Bethany!!!!

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