Friday, December 19, 2014

The Amazing Race, Ep. 25.12 -- Finale

Leg 12 -- The Final Leg: Manila, Philippines > Los Angeles, USA

4 teams are left...hoping that the only good team worth rooting for, Adam & Bethany, come out with the win.

Brooke is NOT happy to see Amy & Maya were not eliminated and are still racing.

After arriving in LA, Misti & Jim get lost and go the wrong way.

Adam & Bethany and Amy & Maya arrive at City Hall first to receive their clue. Misti & Jim aren't too far behind. Brooke & Robbie are driving around and have no clue what they are doing. They are way in last place. They started out in first, and are now in last. Last leg, they were last and ended up in first. I've never seen a team so up and down. And now they are just arguing...not looking good for them.

Amy & Maya ask strangers to use their phone so they can find directions to their next location. Adam & Bethany stop at a fire station for directions, where one of the firemen recognizes her. Unfortunately, they can't stay and chat.

Road Block: Action Hero

One team member will perform a stunt on the set of a movie production.

Maya is up first, and Adam is not far behind. They have to jump off of scaffolding on to a big safety bouncy bag. Adam wasted no time, but Maya started and stopped over and over because she was scared. Eventually, she did it.

The next thing they have to do is swing through a glass window, with a much bigger fall. This time Maya wasted no time, and she went nuts.

Amy & Maya are now in first place...still yet to do there Speed Bump (they do have to do one right?!...that's really not fair if they don't). Amy realized that Maya was supposed to change out of the stunt gear before leaving the lot, so they have to go back. Adam & Bethany were in 2nd, but are now in first. Misti & Jim have caught up, and they are both changing at the same time. Why in the world did she leave with all that gear on? Maya leaves, but Jim can't find the was in the zippered bag he was carrying for the stunt...duh.

Meanwhile, Brooke & Robbie are falling further and further behind.

They finally make it to the task and complete it...and in walks Phil. You know that's not a good sign. And with that they were eliminated.

Route Info: Search and Rescue
They will go out on a boat with the US Coast Guard. They will do a training exercise of a search and rescue in the open ocean.

This task is really good for Adam & Bethany because they are used to the water and the gear, so they make quick work of the task of retrieving the 200 lb dummy.

Adam & Bethany are done, as Amy & Maya and Misti & Jim are just arriving. Maya has done triathlons before, so she's used to swimming. It is so close between 2nd and 3rd right now.

Road Block: A Numbers Game
Whoever did NOT do the Stunt Road Block has to complete this one. They are at a shipping yard, and they have to look at a ton of shipping containers with the places they've visited on them, and write down the corresponding numbers in the correct order. They aren't allowed to take notes! So, they have to first find the containers with country names on them, then MEMORIZE their container number, and then put them in order. Each container had a different number for each team member, so they had to look at the right color and number. So many things to remember!

Bethany is the first one to get started, but Misti and Amy are very close behind.

Bethany said she isn't good with memory, so she started to sing the country and number combinations to herself.

Amy and Bethany get all their numbers at the same time, and then Misti gets her last's neck and neck and it's going to come down to who can correctly remember all the numbers and get them in the right order. This is so nerve-wracking and scary right now!

Amy is correct on the first try...are you kidding me?!

Bethany has 2 numbers in the middle mixed up. Misti has the last 2 in the wrong order.

Now Bethany has 3 wrong...come on! Misti got it right...dang it!

On her 3rd try, she finally got it right. I don't see how the 2 teams ahead of them could both make a's all over for my favorite team. Boo!

1st Place: Amy & Maya
2nd Place: Misti & Jim
3rd Place: Adam & Bethany

The 2 stupid girls who should have been eliminated in the last leg, and didn't have to do a Speed Bump or anything, are you kidding me?! I would have rather seen Misti & Jim win because they had been so consistent through the whole race and came in first 5 times.

Season 26 Preview:
Coming in February: For the first time ever, all the racing teams will be dating couples! And...5 of the teams are meeting each other for the first time at the starting line! Talk about one heck of a first date!

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