Sunday, December 14, 2014

BBAU 11: Week 12 Recap -- FINALE

Week 12 Recap--FINALE!

It's final week in the house, and we're down to 6 housemates: Priya, Ryan, Skye, Travis, Lina, and Penny

I've got to say, that I really hate that they bring so many people in the house, and then they have to do so many double and triple evictions at the end.

Secrets Revealed
Big Brother reveals some of the housemates' dirtiest secrets, most secretive conversations, and a few nominations. Things this season have just been so petty and childish, so there really wasn't anything too revealing. I don't think anyone was really surprised what they saw and heard.

The funniest thing was Skye's crush on Ryan, and then showing that she nominated him like 5 times because he was a threat to her.

...and then she had a complete meltdown. She is so self-conscious of herself and she doesn't think it was a good idea to come on the show. She doesn't like that people think she's not smart. She goes to the bedroom and starts crying. Travis and Priya try to cheer her up.

Penny then, out of nowhere, decides to take a knife and start covering herself with chocolate from the chocolate fountain.

Backyard Cricket
They have 20 minutes to get 20 balls over the pool and into the net. If they pass the challenge, they get a KFC feast. If they fail, Big Brother will take food out of the kitchen.

These are the kinds of things that were severely lacking this season. I wish they would have done more things like this to show them having fun!

They passed!

Big Brother's Birthday
It is the 1000th episode of Big Brother!

Big Brother's Little Sister told Ryan that they need to celebrate. Skye dresses up like Marilyn Monroe, and she is going to sing "Happy Birthday" to Big Brother.

Travis's made up game of Travia...he comes up with the questions and the answers, and what he says goes. First to ring their bell and say their name, gets to answer.

Tie-breaker between Ryan, Skye and Priya.

He said "This questions is..." and before he could finish, Ryan buzzed and said "massive", and Travis said that was right! "Massive" was one of Travis's favorite words,and a word he had trouble spelling.

Things got off to a bad start when Travis called on Ryan even though he didn't say his name. Priya then continued to get upset about every little thing in the game, and I don't know if he was doing it on purpose or not, but Travis continued to just upset her throughout the whole thing. Everyone, including herself that that her behavior was really childish and selfish.

Ryan's prize was some food and wine, and he decided to share it with everyone.

While Priya was talking to Big Brother, everyone decided to hide from her. When she came down, she couldn't find anyone. They were all hiding in the supply closet. She went outside, then inside, then outside, then inside again. She tried the supply door, but they were holding it shut. "This is so weird" she said. They came out into the dining area and pretended to have been there the whole time.

Eventually, Travis and Priya have it out, in a full-out fight. Neither of them are right and neither are wrong. There is no talking to Priya...she doesn't listen, she just talks.

Ned and Kelly
It's time the puppies to go to their new home. It's a sad day to see them go. Penny was so upset...she said she is sadder than when some people have left. Ha! The eviction also brought together Travis and Priya, and they made up.

I love the video montage of their time in the house. We missed so much fun with them! They were hardly even shown on the show, but they actually did quite a bit with them, and dressed them up in cute clothes. Last season, we saw Mr. Clooney a lot, but we hardly saw Ned and Kelly. I wish we could have seen more of them having fun with the housemates.

Music Video

Penny choreographs a music video to them to perform. They all dress up like popstars, and it is hilarious! Again, this is stuff I wish they would have done more of!

Ryan -- Justin Bieber
Penny and Priya -- Spice Girls
Lina -- Madonna
Travis -- Freddy Mercury
Skye -- Katy Perry

Nominations to Win
These nominations have nothing to do with the actual votes to's just an experiment Big Brother concocts.

Travis -- 3 pts to Skye and 2 pts to Ryan
Penny -- 3 pts to Ryan and 2 pts to Travis
Skye -- 3 pts to Travis and 2 pts to Priya
Ryan -- 3 pts to Travis and 2 pts to Penny
Lina -- 3 pts to Priya and 2 pts to Penny
Priya -- 3 pts to Skye and 2 pts to Lina

6th place - Lina -- 2 pts
5th place - Penny -- 4 pts
4th place - Priya -- 5 pts
4th place - Ryan -- 5 pts
2nd place - Skye -- 6 pts
1st place - Travis -- 8 pts

How interesting, that the most nominated person of 2014, is now the person who got the most points to win.

Triple Live Eviction
6 people are left, and 3 are going at once.

In 6th place -- Lina

In 5th place -- Penny

And with that, there are no more intruders left in the house. Thank goodness! Intruders can be fun, but I don't think they deserve to win.

In 4th place-- Priya

And the final 3 are Sky, Ryan and Travis

Housemate Predictions for the Win
Aisha -- Travis
Cat -- Ryan
Jason -- Skye
Lisa -- Ryan
Katie -- Ryan
Lawson -- Ryan
Marina -- Ryan
Dion -- Ryan
Jake -- Ryan
Gemma -- Ryan
Leo -- Travis
Sandra -- Ryan
Sam -- Ryan
David -- Ryan
Priya -- Skye
Penny -- Ryan
Lina -- Travis

Housemate Vote Tallies:
Ryan -- 13
Travis -- 3
Skye -- 2

Does anyone else wonder why the 2 male intruders, Tom and Richard, weren't at the finale? It's not like last season where there was an intruder who didn't become a full housemate...both guys were actually housemates.

Final Results

3rd place -- Skye
I've never heard someone squeal so much! My goodness!

And it's down to the boys! Funny to think that they were originally partnered up to start the game, and now it comes down to them. That's pretty cool! Go Team Purple!

2nd place -- Travis

WINNER: RYAN!!!! He wins $200,000

I'm so happy for Ryan! I actually would have been OK with Travis also. They both played a really good game, but Ryan seems like such a great and genuine guy. I like that Travis was so happy for him. They didn't always have the best relationship in the house, but in the end, they seem like good friends.

Overall, this season, I wasn't happy that so many good people went so early (Dion, Jake, Sam, David, Sandra). But I'm glad one of the good ones won.

I absolutely wouldn't say that this season was near as good as last season, but I'm glad it ended on a good note. Last season just had so many likable and lovable people, and it was just so much fun to watch. The problems with this season were:

1) Half of the cast got really annoying, did nothing but gossip, and really didn't do anything fun (that we got to see).

2) There were hardly any fun games and tasks...what happened to Showdown? and the fun Family Dinner tasks in the Diary Room? Tasks are what get the house together and form times for them to have fun and develop a good morale.

3) Too many intruders, and too late in the game!

4) Overall, the things they chose to show us on the show was nothing but gossiping, whining, laying around, etc. That's what made last season so fun, and so much better than the US version.

I'm hoping that next season goes back to what worked from 2013.

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