Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The Bachelor, Ep. 17.4

One-on-One Date: Selma

Selma promises that Sean is finally going to get to see the real her. Sean takes her in a private plane...to the desert. When they arrive at the airport, she says "Is every date going to be like this from now on?" Really, Selma? Yeah, he's a billionaire and you'll have a red carpet laid out for you everywhere you go. Yep, that's real life. When they step out into the middle of nowhere, her excitement quickly faded. "He took the Iraqi to the desert. I don't do well in heat...at all." This should be an amazing date, can't wait.

Then Sean says that they are going to be rock climbing. Lots of complaining follows, as she says "I feel puffy." Nice. Oh, and she hates heights...even better! You'd think that they choose these dates on purpose for people who say they don't like something. I gotta give it to her though, for someone who normally wears 6" heels, once he started encouraging her, she shot up that mountain like there was a wild animal chasing her. I think it's safe to say she impressed the heck out of him.

After the climb, of course they had dinner. But, not the usual Bachelor dinner. No fancy restaurant, it was an RV park. Yes, you read that right. Who even thinks of that? Very odd choice. But I guess he just really wanted to see if she could handle not being a girly-girl.

Everything's going great, and then the bomb dropped. Sean wanted to kiss her very badly, but there's just one little problem. She opened up about her conservative, strict up-bringing in Baghdad, Iraq. She grew up Muslim, where people don't date in public. And her Mom would totally freak out if she kissed Sean on TV. She said her Mom is not happy at all about her being on the show. She seems to be quite contradictory. She talks about her culture and everything, but yet she dresses so provacatively. So, does she really believe in how she was brought up? Seems a bit like a tease to me.

Either way, Sean wants more, so he gives her a rose.

Group Date: Lindsay, Robyn, Jackie, Catherine, Amanda, AshLee, Tierra, Sarah

Their date is at a roller derby rink. That won't end badly, will it?

Guess who is NOT excited about another group date. TIERRA! And she's going to let everyone know that she is not thrilled. It's a good thing she tells us how she feels, because you would not be able to tell just by looking at her.

Amanda totally lies and says that she has done roller derby before just to intimidate the other team.

Within the first 2 minutes, I'm sure Sean was second-guessing this choice, because none of the girls can even stand up, let alone move forward. And then there's poor Sarah. Did you know she only has 1 arm? Me neither...don't know how I missed that. Big shocker, this is difficult for her. I felt bad for her because she really wanted to do it and prove to him that she could do it.

And then in a sudden moment of irony, Amanda goes from a creepy, snarky laugh in a recorded interview, to smacking face-first (or jaw-first) right into the pavement. How embarrassing. There she is doing all kinds of trash-talking, only to being taken away in an ambulance.

Sean then makes the wise choice of deciding to scrap the whole roller derby idea and turns it into a free skate instead.

After the skating fiasco, the night of course was not over. Which means there is plenty of time for crazy Tierra to rear her ugly head. "I don't want a sympathy rose. I want him to give me a rose because he wants me to be here." Let's remember that quote, shall we?

Amanda returns. "This didn't happen for nothing." She says she's going to milk it for all it's worth. That's nice. She seems like a real keeper, that one.

The claws start to come out when Tierra feels that Robyn purposely left her out of the conversation. She thinks they are all acting so childish and when anyone tries to talk to her, she just gets up and storms off....just like a child. She then makes a scene and tells the producers that she wants to leave because she just can't take it anymore. Oh, the poor thing. Don't you just feel so bad for her? Not! I wish it was that easy to just get rid of her. But we all know that it can't be that easy. "Why should I be tortured every day?" Really, you're tortured? "I can't take the fakeness from any of these girls any more." Ironic words from the fakest person in the house (besides Amanda). "I'm breaking down inside and holing it all in. And that is not fair." Wow, she calls this keeping it all in?

Lindsay was on her way with Sean to the hot tub when Tierra pulls him away and she spills out her sad story. Poor Sean, he's so gullible, and he's got such a good heart. He definitely has the blinders on when it comes to her. You have to know that he's probably feeling pretty silly watching all of this play out.

By the end of their conversation, he talked her out of leaving, and totally changed her mood. He then got up to leave and said he'd be right back. She had the most evil, sinister smile on her face. You could read it all over her face...she was thinking "I pulled it off, he totally fell for it." So, he comes back and gives her the rose. Now, let's go back to her quote earlier..."I don't want a sympathy rose." What was this?! Seems like a pity rose to me. She wanted a rose and she didn't care how she got it, plain and simple.

One-on-One Date: Leslie H.

When the date card arrived, it also came with some earrings. She of course knew that this was the "Pretty Woman" date. "This is like "Pretty Woman! That's my favorite movie!" Wow...excited much? Get a grip! And did she really just say "Holy moly, Batman!"?

Can I just say how annoying Leslie is? What a dork! Stop with the crazy voices, the screaming, and all the "holy moly"'s already...geez! And close that big mouth of yours for goodness sake! How can he stand it? Yikes! The whole experience was painfully brutal (for Sean and us, the viewers)-she tried on a bunch of dresses and shoes and gets a huge necklace with 120 carats of diamonds! I think that's just a tad much for a first date, don't you?

After a long day of shopping, it's dinner time. Sean is hoping for a romantic connection. I can tell you right now, I don't see it happening. Underneath her forced perkiness, she was just plain boring. Sean didn't look like he was having any fun at all. Yep, I was right, he just doesn't feel the connection, so he sends her on her way. Well, at least she gets some earrings and a dress out of it. She also got in the last words "Watch out for some of the girls. Some of them have roses that are not here for the right reasons." Way to go down fighting.

No big loss there. Good job, Sean. Now if you could just kick Tierra and Amanda to the curb. I'm not quite sure why he was questioning himself so much. And, him dropping the rose from the balcony was just a bit over-dramatic. Attention producers: way too cheesy!

Cocktail Party
Ugh, Robyn. There's another annoying girl. "Which chocolate do you want to taste." Can I just say, "yuck". That was just disgusting and ridiculous.

The rest of the girls are sitting around talking about, who else, Tierra. Tierra on the other hand, is telling Amanda that Robyn attacked her on the group date. Really? Whoa...the only person attacking anyone was her! And just when you think she can't stoop any lower, she asks to talk to Robyn and Jackie. She apologizes for the other night (oh that's nice of her, maybe she's not so bad after all), but then says they wrongly attacked her and that wasn't fair. She says that she accepts them for who they are, and it's "your bad for assuming." that she didn't like them. What a back-handed way to go about an "apology". She says all the heat is on her and she wishes people would stop focusing on her. Well, maybe if she wouldn't make a scene every other minute, people wouldn't have any reason to be talking about her. And THEN, after the awkwardness, they part ways, and Tierra admits that the whole thing was fake and forced, but she'll do whatever it takes. "I came here to win this." Class act right there, it's a wonder that she's single. I bet the guys are just lining up at her door after watching this.

The nickname that the girls gave her is perfect: "Tierrable".

Tierra gets her one-on-one with Sean and she tells him how hard everything has been and that she doesn't want him to think that she likes drama. "I hate drama. For some reason girls have a hard time accepting me for who I am." Oh boy. And the sad thing is that Sean says that he knows that she doesn't create drama and that he knows who she is and that she has a good heart. Not good, Sean. Not good.

Rose Ceremony

Already have roses: Selma and Tierra
Receive roses: Catherine, Desiree, Lindsay, Lesley, Robyn, AshLee, Sarah, Jackie, Daniella
Going home: Amanda - yay!!! Good riddance! (and Leslie H, sent home on her date)

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