Wednesday, January 16, 2013

American Idol Ep. 12.1

And it's back! I will be here every step of the way. For those who don't like to watch the audition rounds and Hollywood week, I will have recaps of who to watch for and who to check out for a laugh.

It's no secret that I'm not looking forward to Randy being back...again. I am also not looking forward to Nicki Minaj or Mariah Carey. Keith Urban is the only one I want to see, but I don't think he will be able to get a word in edge-wise.

A word of warning for those who have never had exposure to Nicki Minaj: you WILL want yo rip uour ears off. Her nasally, high-pitched, squeaky voice will grate on your very last nerve. When she breaks out into a fake British accent, you will just ask yourself "why?". "Why is Fox subjecting us to this nonsense." My suggestion for the entire season: record it so you can fast forward. Your ears will thank you.

The show was 2 hours, but I watched everything I needed to know in a little more than 1 hour.

From New York...

Great singers to watch for in Hollywood:
* = my favorites

Tenna Torres ("camp Mariah Carey")

Christina "Isabelle" (aka "girl who lost a lot of weight and has a big voice")

Shira Gavrielov (aka "girl from Israel")

Frankie Ford (aka "nervous guy who had to start over")

*Sarah Restuccio (aka "this season's Skylar in every way" and "girl who can rap Nicki Minaj's song better than she does")

*Angela Miller (aka "girl with hearing loss")

Gurpreet Singh Sarin (aka "The Turbinator")

Ashlee Feliciano (aka "girl who's family fosters medically complex children")

Good, and should have gone through:

Evan Ruggiero (aka "one-legged guitar hero/tap dancer")

Bad singers to look up on YouTube if you want a laugh:

Michael Buonopane

James Bae (aka "Asian Justin Bieber")

Benjamin Gaisey (aka "creepy guy in a wig singing 'I'll Make Love to You' to Mariah and Nicki")

Albert Chang (aka "foreign Phantom of the Opera")

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