Thursday, January 24, 2013

American Idol, Ep. 12.4

Baton Rouge Auditions

Great singers to watch for in Hollywood:
*my favorites

**Megan Miller (aka "Miss Baton Rouge, girl on crutches heading to surgery after the audition")

Charlie Askew (aka "kid with social issues and a high child-like voice" and "mystery man" - as named by Nicki)

Maddie Assell (aka "girl nominated by her grandma who sprinkled 'magic dust' on everyone")

*Paul Jolley (aka "guy with the unexpected singing voice much stronger than his speaking voice")

Dr. Calvin Peters (aka "the very boring doctor")

Michelle Montezeri

Breana Steer

Brandy Hotard

Dustin Watts (aka "the firefighter")

Burnel Taylor (aka "the guy from a musical family who lost everything in Katrina")

Bad singers to look up on YouTube if you want a good laugh:

Chris Barthel (aka "guy with way too much energy " and "mushroom" - as named by Nicki and "fun guy=fungi" as named by Keith)

Alissa Griffin (aka "the girl who had a very nasaly voice")

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