Sunday, June 28, 2015

Big Brother, Ep. 17.3

Instant bros and BFFs = Jace and Austin. These guys are like 2 peas in a pod. OMG they are using seashells to pretend calling each other on the phone. Their alliance name was born: Shell Town. This is hilarious! Austin is psyched because Jace is a bigger target than him because of his mouth.

Jason and James as Co-HOHs have their first chance to talk one-on-one. For some reason they both agree that John (aka "the dentist") does not seem like a dentist and they think his story is made up, especially the fact that he is from Scranton, PA. Points to Jason for bringing up that that is where The Office takes place, which means he has good taste in TV shows. They are not the first ones to say this about him. Da'Vonne immediately said he didn't seem like a dentist either. They think that if anyone has something to hide or is making something up that it is him.

They think Jace is playing hard socially right now and that he's friends with everyone. Later, Jason and Audrey talk and Jason tells her that he doesn't think she should be worried. She asked who they talked about and he said that he brought up Jace. That made her happy because she thinks he's a challenge beast.

At least early on, it seems like James and Jason could make a really good partnership because they seem to think very much the same.

Shelli and Clay are getting closer. Noooo! Clay, don't do it! She will mess with your head and keep you unfocused in the game! Da'Vonne saw them together and she went to Audrey and said that they need to keep her on the outer ring of the alliance because she seems more into flirting than playing the game.

BB Takeover

Phil is back. He introduces a twist called the "BB Fast Forward". They can't be nominated or evicted this week. This is inspired by the Fast Forward on The Amazing Race. But Phil isn't done! They also each get to choose someone else who can't be nominated or evicted.

Vanessa decides to choose someone who she feels has different strengths that she does and can win HOH next week and can promise her safety next week.

Da'Vonne told Shelli that she wasn't going to save Audrey or her because she doesn't want anyone to thin that they are going home. Steve told her that James has been avoiding him and she said it's because he gives off an "Ian" vibe. He was shocked! He said "are people intimidated by me?" She said a little bit and he was so nervous he was like shaking! Da'Vonne flat out asks John "are you a dentist?" He asked if she wanted him to pull out his retainers.

Da'Vonne chooses to save Liz. She said that Liz was the only person to offer her something, and that was safety.
Vanessa chooses to save Austin.

More Gamplay
Steve really likes the way Da'Vonne is playing the game and he would really like to work with her because it would be a really unlikely alliance. He is so funny when he's talking to her. He asked if she thought he should be worried and she didn't think so. He asked her if there was anything he could do for her and she said "no". He said if there was ever anything that he really wanted to help her out. She said "thank you" as he was getting ready to leave the room. He replied with "love you too". Immediately, he turned around and said "ooh, I'm sorry." She was like "what did you say?" He stuttered and said he didn't say anything. LOL poor guy.

Audrey and Da'Vonne go to talk to James and Jason. They feel like this is a good group, and also an unlikely alliance. They immediately talked about Jace as the biggest threat. They said the only way to go after him is a backdoor because they don't want him playing in the Battle of the Block.

James goes to work in finding some pawns. First victim is Jackie. He told her that she wasn't the target for the week, but wanted to let her know that it could be a possibility that she could be nominated.

Jason told John that he might get used as a pawn but he shouldn't be worried.

James and Jason told Meg that she is well-liked and they might use her as a pawn. They also told the same thing to Becky and Steve. Becky was OK with it, Steve was not. He said he felt like he might be a target. They told him that he has the chance to save himself. Steve is smart, he knows the game. He knows that pawns can go home after being promised that they will be safe and aren't the target. They told him this would be a way for him to gain trust in the house.

Jason drew #1, so he was the one to make his selections before James.

Nomination time, and what in the heck did Jace do to his hair? Holy moly! He's wearing a headband and a side ponytail that is right up on the front of his head! Yikes!

Jason nominates: John and Becky
He said his personal interactions with them has not been as strong.

James nominates: Steve and Jackie
He said he's pretty sure that they can get themselves off the block and that's why he nominated them.

After nominations, Steve and Jackie talk. She said they are going to kill the competition and she feels good about it. He said they should be confident and not cocky because when you're cocky, it can make you off your game. She looked at him like he was crazy. She said she just wanted to put some positivity out there and she thought they were going to win.

Becky took it kind of hard and was crying even though Jason told her this was to throw people off. He tried to smooth things over, and she told him what he wanted to hear. On the inside, she is saying that she would put him up next week.

Battle of the Block Competition: DuBOB
Each team gets a blueprint for a building. They will walk across beams that look like high scaffolding as they take a block at a time. There is a wrecking ball and the beams spin. They have to place the blocks the way the blueprint showed and complete their building first.

They attempted to try to each be on the course at the same time. If they fall off, they have to start over. Let's just say there was A LOT of falling into the clouds below. John said he hoped the wrecking ball would hit some of them in the mouth because it would bring him business later. Ha!

Steve was really struggling. He decided to lower his center of gravity and he started crawling instead. It worked...but was hilarious!

Both teams are pretty neck and neck, but Becky and John finish first. They are safe for the week and Jason is dethroned, leaving James the sole HOH. He's happy and he and Jason are hoping that his plan to backdoor Jace will work.

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