Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Big Brother, Ep. 17.1

It's premiere night! Woohoo!

Right away, Julie Chen tells us that 3 twists will be unleashed tonight!

First impressions on the 1st 8 in the house:

  • James -- did not expect him to be a country boy with that accent! Is he the Asian Judd? Who does he remind me of? Can't put my finger on it.
  • Meg -- she's going to get get very annoying very fast, and I really hate her bangs!
  • Jace -- reminds me a lot of Hayden last year\
  • Audrey -- still can't believe she used to be a man!
  • Austin -- still think he looks like Dan Gheesling with tons of hair! I hate the little tie he has on his beard.
  • Da'Vonne -- not sure what I think about her yet
  • Clay -- welll...he's just gorgeous and he loves animals, he's a family guy, and he's bringing his Bible, so yeah...pretty much my favorite (aka he's doomed).
  • Shelli -- she's one tough cookie

Austin, Clay, Da'Vonne, and Shelli are the first 4 in the house, followed by James, Jace, Meg and Audrey.

House Introductions (1st 8 in the house)

  • Shelli and Clay totally have the hots for each other. She's 10 years older than him and she doesn't even care. They must be soulmates because they both have heart murmurs.
  • Clay did not tell the group that he played football at Texas A&M because he didn't want to put a target on his back.
  • Da'Vonne lied and said that she was a school teacher instead of a poker dealer. Let's see if she's as good of a liar as Derrick.
  • James is liking what Meg is bringing to the table. He thinks she's like Taylor Swift.
  • Austin talked about his wrestling injuries and he made it seem like he wasn't totally healed...but he totally is.
  • Audrey shocked the house with her secret, that she is transgender...the look on James' face was priceless. They all seem to be really open-minded and accepting of her...let's hope it stays that way.

Audrey, Da'Vonne, and Shelli get along well and Audrey spearheaded a female alliance within the first few minutes in the house. I have no idea where Meg was at this time - it looks like she's not a part of this alliance (at least right now).

Da'Vonne isn't sure she believes all of Audrey's story.

Looks like the rest of the houseguests aren't moving in until tomorrow night. Can I just say that I hate when there is a 2-night move-in. Regardless of the country, the 2-night move-ins always create unnecessary cliques and an immediate divide amongst the Night 1 people and the Night 2 people. Not a fan of that.

Twist #1: Battle of the Block
Same twist as last season. Darn, I was kind of hoping they would get rid of that this time. For those who don't remember: each week, 2 HOHs will be crowned and each will nominate 2 houseguests. The Battle of the Block is a competition for the 2 HOHs and whoever wins stays HOH and the other could be nominated.

The first HOH competition is taking place now! person has to sit out. Austin was going to, but Da'Vonne spoke up first.

HOH Competition: Flying Tomatoes
There's a red carpet and Kevin Frazier from Entertainment Tonight is there to talk to them. They are perched on a narrow board while tomatoes are being hurled at them. They have to catch 10 first to win, or be the last one standing. And of course the board is moving up and down and tilting.

Oh no! Clay is the first one out, then Meg and Austin too! Jace almost went down, but saved himself. James has 3 balls and the rest who are left have none. Clay was very upset with himself that he didn't last very long. I'm hoping this is a good thing that he didn't win the first one and become an instant target.

Now the tomatoes have exploded and they all look like they are covered in blood. Jace saved himself again! His skating skills are really paying off.

All of a sudden everyone fell at the same time! They had to go to the instant replay to see who fell last. And the winner is James!

Twist #2: BB Takeover
EVERY week there will be a new twist! Major one knows what to expect.

Twist #3: Twin Twist
This twist is one that the house doesn't know about. This is actually a repeat of a twist used in Season 5 in the Project DNA twist. In that season it was Adria and Natalie both playing as "Adria". They succeeded in making it to week 5 and Natalie entered the game at that point.

We don't know who has the twins are this season yet, but what we do know is that Shelli's twin will not be joining the game...because her twin is a guy :) The identical twins will be playing as 1 houseguest and will be switching places throughout the game. If they can pull off fooling the other houseguests, they will both earn the right to stay in the competition, just like in Season 5.

I remember this twist pretty well and it was very entertaining! The task is a hard one because not only do they have to act and speak similarly (which can be hard, even though they are twins), but they also have to "remember" conversations they've had with the houseguests, and details about events that have taken place. If they do it like Season 5, the twins will switch places in the Diary Room and they have a very limited time to tell the twin coming in what they talked about with people and what happened.

Until tomorrow night, and the entrance of the rest of the houseguests!

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