Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Big Brother, Ep. 18.29

HOH Comp
Michelle's advantage was to look for a disc with no one else being allowed to. She found one that was close...but it was a decoy that didn't fit! Haha! Advantage nullified!

Nicole only seems to be finding decoys.

James barely made it back to his button before the horn went off. Paul lost his shoe in the slime! Corey tries to mess with James by freaking out that something is in there. Michelle was swatting something and her hand came off the button - she's out!

Everyone keeps yelling out how many discs they have, but most are lying. No one trusts anyone.

James had 4 discs, but he fell trying to hit his button and he is out.

Paul - 5 discs
Nicole - 5 discs
Corey - 10 discs
Natalie - 10 discs

Tie breaker - Natalie brought back her last disc 4 seconds faster than Corey, so she is the winner

Nicole tells James and Natalie that Paul is targeting them and he's been throwing them under the bus. This upsets them and so now they want to work with Nicole and Corey.

Victor and Paul are worried because the others stop talking when they enter the room.

Paul overhears Michelle and Natalie talking, so he inserts himself into the conversation, but when he left, they talked about Paul on road to winning the game. Paulie told Michelle some shady things that Paul has done.

Paul's Talk Show
Paul cracks me up. He started his own talk show: Friendship Talk. He has guests, he talks about life in the house. It's hilarious. Reminds me of Talla's talk show on Big Brother Canada Season 1. I love seeing stuff like this. THIS is what the show needs more of!

Care Package
Michelle gets the next Care Package (grrr). She wins the "Co-HOH". She gets to nominate 1 person and share all the perks.

Nomination Ceremony
Natalie nominated Victor
Michelle nominated Paul

I hate both of these nominations! But, we're getting down to the end and I wouldn't really like any of the nominations (except for Michelle).

Michelle nominated Paul because she can see him winning the game and she knows some things he's done in the house like lying to her face. She hopes Victor wins the Veto, and if she wins, she is taking him off the block.

Natalie didn't give a reason for nominating Victor. She just said that he battled his way back in the house and deserves his spot. She said she likes him as a person and wished him luck in the Veto.

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