Sunday, August 7, 2016

Big Brother, Ep. 18.22

HOH Comp
Round and round they go, who will win, no one knows.

James was really struggling, and he is the first to drop. He was then attacked by one of the internet trolls.

Bridgette can't hold on any longer, and she is down.

Corey is losing grip, and he is out, and makes up the last person to be a have-not.

At about 24 minutes, Michelle is getting nauseous and she pukes...gross. She is still holding on but she finally gives up and continues to heave. Paul was nice and got a bucket. James points out "that's the pizza!" Gross James. Guess she's sobbing...again. She said she feels bad for whoever has to clean it up and she was doing good until she was sick. Waaa waaa waaa...

At 41 minutes, Nicole is struggling. She is getting dizzy and just about fell in the vomit. That would be motivation to hold on longer, I think...don't want to drop in the vomit!

At 55 minutes, Paulie is swinging around like a crazy person. He won't drop until Zakiyah drops because he doesn't know where she stands. She knows she needs to make a deal with Victor and Natalie. Victor said to bring on the deals because he'll lie all day long since he was voted out 9-1. Zakiyah falls. and Paulie goes ahead and falls soon after since another Executive member was in. Zakiyah realizes that Paulie fell after her on purpose.

At 1:05, it's down to Natalie and Victor. Natalie just really wants to be HOH and really wants to win a comp. Neither of them were going to drop. She tried and begged for him to let her win so she could have a letter from home. He said he wanted one, too. She tried to make a deal with Victor. He said he wouldn't put her up, but she's not sure if she can believe him. She wants to hold on a little longer to see if she can win.

At 1 hour 37 minutes, she says again that she can't do it and they all said they've been hearing it for the last 40 minutes and they think she's lying. She tries to guilt Vic into dropping. He said she has to earn it, he's not going to give it to her. He said he won't put her up especially after she lasted this long.

Natalie drops and Victor is the winner! Way to go, Victor! I'm glad he won, but I think he might have needed to win the 2nd of the double eviction night. He's safe for the first vote, but come 2nd eviction, he's vulnerable.

Natalie cried that she is never going to win a comp, and Victor said she almost beat him and outlasted everyone else. Paul said don't be a #crybaby (quoting one of the hashtags).

Corey, Paul, Victor, James, and Paulie officially make an alliance of the boys: "The Executives".

Victor = CEO
Paulie = Director of Social Affairs
Corey = Chief Event Coordinator
James = Chief of Operations
Paul = Chief Friendship Operator

I definitely like this because I love the guys and I don't really care for any of the girls - especially Michelle and Zakiyah.

Victor tells Paulie and Paul that they should make the 3 of them official final 3 within the Executives. If they can keep winning comps, they will be in Heaven. Victor thinks they should be called The Board because the Board appoints the Executives. Paul is OK with this, but what Victor doesn't know is that "PP prevails - there is no V in PP'. LOL I just love Paul!

The boys talk about how the girls are freaking out. Victor knows that if Zakiyah would have won he would have been up because she hasn't liked him from the start. He asked Paulie if he would have his blessing to put up Zakiyah and he gave the OK. She's a lot of drama and they are hot one minute and cold the next.

Michelle is upset that she and Zakiyah were the only one who didn't know Da'Vonne was leaving. She couldn't believe that Nicole didn't tell her. She said she felt bad but she knew she wouldn't want her to go and she didn't want her to tell Da'Vonne. And of course, Michelle was bawling through the whole conversation.

Zakiyah had the same conversation with Paulie that Nicole and Michelle had. He said he made it known who he was voting for. She then asked him why he fell after her. He said he was slipping and just fell. She wants to believe him, but she is going to start sleeping with one eye open.

Michelle had another emotional discussion, this time with James. James told the Executives, and they are thinking that they should just take her out.

Care Package
James is the recipient of the next Care Package from America. He got some underwear, tube socks, aviators, and...the right to eliminate 2 eviction votes. That's huge!

Victor nominates Zakiyah and Michelle. Way to go, Victor! I love these nominations! Let's go after some people who are floating and doing absolutely nothing in this game.

Victor's speech was rather harsh! He called them out for the 9-1 vote that sent him home. He said that if Zakiyah had her way, he would have been on the block. He said that she has only shown affection to Paulie in the house (as he hides his face). He told Michelle that yesterday was not the day to be mean and piss people off. He hopes he hasn't hurt any friendships, and so he throws out some beads for them to share.

...and Michelle bursts into tears and throws her head into her arms on the table and just sobs. Seriously, Michelle? "I'm the worst superfan in history!" She's right. She clearly has no idea how to play this game, and she clearly doesn't have a thick enough skin for it.

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