Thursday, August 18, 2016

Big Brother, Ep. 18.27

Paulie Meltdown
Paulie is kind of laying down on his sword. He doesn't want to campaign against Corey, who has been his biggest ally. He realizes that he is not what is best for everyone's game. He sacrificed a lot to be there, and then he broke down when he saw a butterfly. He said it's a sign and it's like a spirit. James was there to console him. Paulie is not right mentally right now...not sure what's going on with him.

Paulie refuses to do his apple pie punishment. He said he was going to work out again. The song keeps starting over as his cue, and he just ignores it. Michelle realizes that she is no longer the baby in the house. Corey hates seeing him act this way. He sat him down and told him that he can't see him act this way all week. He gave him a "man-up" speech and told him to be the best guy he can be. Paulie said he didn't want to break his heart. Corey said it's OK to be sad and break down a little bit, but he shouldn't be soft. He said his parents and Cody are watching. It looks like the pep talk worked.

Paulie wants to start to repair relationships in the house to try to stay. First up was Natalie. He apologized for taking out his anger and sadness over Zakiyah leaving on Natalie. She accepted his apology, but she isn't forgetting what he did and said.

Paulie's Strategy
Paulie thinks that if he can get people feeling sorry for him, he might get a sympathy vote or 2. He thinks that he can convince Paul that having him around is good for him to help go against Victor. Paul seems like he is willing to give him a sympathy vote because he doesn't break the rule of friendship. James can't take him seriously in his chef's hat as he tries to get him to swing his way. He said he can be used as a weapon to take out Paul and Victor. James said it sounded good and he would think about it. It's a big decision and he's not sure he wants to trust Paulie because he's burned him before. He's now sure he's got Paul and he thinks he has James. Naturally, the #3 vote would be Natalie. James said whatever Natalie wants he will do because she is calling the shots. Paulie wanted to know what they wanted from him in order to vote to keep him. He was willing to do pretty much anything they wanted, including laying down, and getting himself nominated if they asked him to.

The Votes
OK, Paulie just made a reference from one of my all-time favorite movies - "A Knight's Tale"! He addressed Julie, the houseguests and "all of the audience out there NOT sitting on a cushion!" That was just awesome. He went around the room and said really nice things about each of them. He even gave Meech the one thing she has missed this summer - a showmance! He dipped her and gave her a huge smooch!

Michelle -- Paulie
Paul -- Paulie
James -- Paulie
Natalie -- Paulie
Nicole -- Paulie

Bye-bye Paulie. You had more potential than I gave you credit for at the beginning, but you self-imploded in a very not-so-flattering way. Cody remains the better Big Brother player, and seemingly, just an overall better guy.

The ticket reveal...and he is going home with a one-way ticket. That also means that whoever is in possession of that ticket will not get to use it, as the tickets are now expired. Oh, they're going to all open their tickets now! And the Round-Trip Ticket belonged to...PAUL! Nice! He solved the puzzle and he picked the first ticket! Wow, that's crazy!

Don't forget...tomorrow is a special episode! And guess what...looks like Jury members are competing to get back in the house. You know what that means...Paulie is a shoo-in against all those girls.

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