Monday, July 11, 2016

The Bachelorette, Ep. 12.7

1-on-1: Alex
He is stoked for his 1-on-1 because he is the only guy left who hasn't had one. He gets to ride to their next destination with JoJo, while the other guys pile into an old bus - none of them too happy about it. I don't know what it is with this group of guys - there aren't that many more musicians than other seasons - but they seem to really love to freestyle songs. Before it was a romantic "Jo - Jo, Jo - Jo, Jo - Jo" and this time the opted for a rap that made fun of Alex's height. I have to say that some of their rhymes were pretty clever. They think that JoJo would be having a lot more fun on the bus with them than on the 1-on-1 with Alex.

She is having fun with Alex, and is really comfortable with him...but she's still not sure about the romantic connection. Alex is starting to get bored and is having a hard time finding things to talk about.

Finally, they arrive at their destination on a ranch where they are going to be gauchos for the day. I'm already so bored by this date. Alex has to wear a very weird outfit. They ride some horses and try to hold hands. Alex tells her she looks like something out of a Ralph Lauren catalog and thinks there is a deeper meaning behind their horses liking each other so much.

A real gaucho does some horse whispering and he has the horse laying on its back and he's rubbing it all over like he's giving it a massage. The horse is like totally hypnotized. The gaucho then has them both just lay on the horse. They are rubbing the horse...rubbing each's a lot of rubbing and it's kind of awkward to watch, but they seem to be enjoying it. They feel so connected with the horse and somehow more connected to each other.

Alex said he was starting to fall in love with JoJo - and he knew it as soon as he saw her for the first time. She was blown away and didn't know how to react. He has not been that open and expressive with her before. She said unfortunately, she doesn't feel as excited as she should be to hear him saying that he's falling in love with her. She doesn't feel like in her heart that she will get to the same point that he is now. That means that she needs to send him home now, even though there is no rose on the date. She doesn't think it's fair to make him wait around for the Rose Ceremony, out of respect for him. He didn't expect that to happen since there was no rose at the date. Well, blame Chris Harrison for that one. He specifically told the guys who get a 1-on-1 date that they don't have to worry, there's no pressure of a rose on the date. She felt horrible because she doesn't think he was seeing that she did what she did to respect him and his feelings.

1-on-1: Jordan

Gag! He's so excited to get his 2nd 1-on-1. Ugh...I don't know if I can stomach this's going to be nothing but her falling all over him and believing all of his lies.

They take a private jet that is going to fly them to do some wine tasting. Whoop-de-do.

First, they get to stomp some grapes with their bare feet. She couldn't bear to be in her own barrel, so she jumped in his to be closer to him. Then they took some glasses and scooped out some juice and clumpy grapes - that they stomped with their feet - and drank it.

More cuddle time as they get into a hot tub with their wine. Jordan said he can't wait to take her home to meet his family and his "mama".

Knowing that family is important to JoJo, Jordan is ready to tell her "everything" about his family. Really? Are you going to tell her why you don't really have a relationship with your much more famous brother? He tells her that it's been years since he's brought anyone home. He said she would be meeting his parents, his older brother Luke and their dog...but not his middle brother Aaron. He was honest in saying that he doesn't have much of a relationship with Aaron. However, he said it was basically because of how his brother has chosen to do life and he's chosen to stay close to his parents and his other brother. He loves his brother and can't imagine the pressures he faces. No hard feelings, but they just don't talk at all. He stuttered around saying "yeah, no, yeah, no"...he just wanted her to know where he was at and what he stands for, especially after James calling him out for acting entitled. He said that's not who he is. He feels like he's never been good enough because he was always compared to someone who did it better.  She had goo-goo eyes the whole time he was talking. She said she knows who he is and she trusts him. She thinks they are on the same page. He said he was SO in love with her, and he's known it for a couple weeks, and he's been waiting for the right time to say it. She was over-the-moon happy to hear that. Obviously a different reaction to when Alex said it.

I can't wait to see what RealitySteve has to say about this tomorrow.

Group Date: Chase, Robby, James
Rain spoiled their plans, so she (producers) decided to spend the day in a suite in the hotel.

First event on the agenda - see how many french fries James can stuff in his mouth. Chase found this so funny because it made him look super unattractive...not to mention he started gagging and then almost threw them up all over her.

Next - massage train, followed by Pictionary. Very weird things, but they seem to be having a lot of fun!

Uh oh - truth or dare?! JoJo dares Robby to strip down to his underwear and run through the hallway of the hotel. Are we really expected to believe there are actually any other guests staying in that hallway? He "ran" with it, and even pulled down his undies and mooned the camera a couple of times. He apologized to his mamaw.

James called out Robby for looking at other girls and how he has to remind Robby "eyes!". JoJo said she believed James because he doesn't lie. Robby is getting really upset because James just won't stop making up lies. JoJo and Robby kind of joked about it, but she did say if it was true she was a little annoyed. Well, judging by some of the things RealitySteve has said about Robby, I would say James is probably telling the truth.

Time for Brazilian Bachelor!

Robby said his number one priority is his love for her. His last relationship ended 4 months ago over Christmas break. She wondered if he was fully moved on and ready for a commitment. He said he was beyond ready and that's why he's there. She wanted specifics about what happened in his last relationship because it lasted a long time. He hesitated to talk about it, but said that family is important to him, and he only met the girl's mom once in 3 years and that was hard for him. He said his dad never really saw the relationship lasting and eventually he saw that too. The breakup was hard and it was a full-on fight. But he's glad it's over and he has moved on.

Chase said he is nervous because there are still other guys involved. He feels confidence in them and that's more overwhelming than his fears. He said he really likes her a lot and doesn't want to lose her, so he is 100% ready to bring her home because he can see a future with her.

James wanted to ask her something important. He said he can tell that she has more of a physical relationship with some of the other guys. He wanted to know if that's because she knows what they have is so strong, because he feels like it is. She said he has every quality that she is looking for in a husband and a father. She said she feels loved, cared for, and appreciated when he looks at her. She said she's able to connect with him emotionally and be comfortable with each other. He can't wait to tell his family about this great, amazing woman that he can see himself with forever. He said that tonight he feels like she really felt what he feels and he thinks he is for sure getting the group date rose.

The guys argue with who they think is the front-runner. James thinks Jordan and Luke are front-runners because they got 1-on-1s. Robby said he didn't want to be cocky, but he thinks he is the front-runner.

The group date rose goes to Robby. That earned him a little extra 1-on-1 time with JoJo.

1-on-1: Luke
Robby thinks he's the front-runner and he thinks he will for sure be getting the group date rose and will sail right through to hometowns. The only question I have is: will he smile or be serious the whole time?

Aw, look at Snowflake, the cute little pony! I forgot that he rode in on a horse on night 1. He told her the story of how he broke his first horse when he was 12. He showed her the ins and outs of riding a horse and giving it signals. He was completely in his element.

Later, they went skeet shooting. JoJo then said one of the stupidest things - "Luke's for sure a man, like there's no doubt in my mind." Oh my word. He gave her some really good pointers and she was able to shoot one. She got super excited.

Luke said he is so excited for her to meet his friends and family. He said everything feels so real and natural. She said she can easily see a future with him. She was happy to hear that he doesn't have his future mapped out but he wanted to explore it with her and see where it would take them.

The guys were surprised to see Luke back so early from his date. They thought maybe he was meeting up with her later, but nope. He dropped a bombshell on James and Chase - they are going right into a Rose Ceremony that night! Oh snap! James and Chase were both looking forward to the cocktail party to secure their spot. Funny how the producers know when to do that just when the guys need the time the most. Tough luck.

Rose Ceremony

Get Roses (4): Chase, Jordan, Luke, Robby
Going Home (2): Alex, James

Ouch...poor James. He's got to be absolutely devastated. She broke down crying...he broke down crying and said he gave it his all. He said he is always told that he deserves a great girl. He thanked her for being so sweet to him and giving him confidence in himself. She said she never wanted to hurt him. He couldn't believe it was the last time he was going to get to hold her hand.

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