Friday, July 22, 2016

Big Brother, Ep. 18.15


Tonight we find out which evicted houseguest will be re-entering the house. Please, not Jozea. Please, not Jozea. Please, not Jozea....

None of the players know who was evicted after them, so it is a surprise when they find out who they are going to be facing.

Round 1: Glenn vs. Jozea (Go Glenn!!!)
Game: The balance beam - berry collecting challenge; new twist: poison berry to wipe out your opponent's berry column

Thoughts: Jozea is a dancer, Glenn is a big guy who is moving slowly...this isn't looking good for Glenn. BUT, Jozea is taking the short, harder path and is struggling, so... Another added challenge is the rain. At this point, Jozea pulls ahead of Glenn 9-7. Glenn decides to go for his poison berry to stop him from getting #10. They are neck-and-neck, but Jozea beat him by a millisecond. Jozea gets one column done and then wipes out Glenn's berries with the poison berry. That's it for Glenn.


Round 2: Jozea vs. Victor (Go Victor!!!)
Game: The tennis ball bouncing challenge, but instead of getting numbers, they are trying to hit faces of their opponent

Thoughts: Hopefully Jozea is overconfident and the luck is on Victor's side. This one isn't really a skill competition, it's more luck. Grr... Victor needs to quit watching what Jozea is doing and focus on what he needs to do! Victor is the first to connect. Victor took a 2 point lead, but then Jozea tied. No!!! They are both getting tired because they have to retrieve their own balls. Victor gets #4 with the hardest one left. Woohoo! He did it!!!!! Take that Jozea!!!

WINNER: Victor

Round 3: Victor vs. Bronte (Go Victor, you can DO THIS!)
Game: The photo memory challenge; in this one, they can run back to the monitors as they pick houseguests to answer 6 questions. If they are wrong, they keep going.

Thoughts: Oh no, Bronte's "smarts" might help her with this one. My hopes are not too high for Victor on this one. Although, Bronte based one of her answers on someone drinking a lot in the house not whether they had a wine glass in 2 photos. Bronte continues to have 3 wrong, Victor only has 1 wrong. Come on Victor! Woohoo! 2 down, 1 to go! Bronte warned Victor not to trust anyone in the house and told him that no one in the house likes him.

WINNER: Victor

Round 4: Victor vs. Tiffany (1 more, come on Victor!)
Game: complete a giant hanging puzzle. They have to scale the wall to hang their pieces, and listen for clues along the way.

Thoughts: Well, Tiffany has proven to really suck in comps, so I'm hoping Victor can win just one more. Watch Tiffany decide to get good now. Of course, she says she's great at puzzles (but she also said she has a photographic memory and bombed 2 memorization comps. It will really suck if Tiffany just left and gets to go back in. The whole "Battle Back" set of comps will be pretty worthless. I don't think he's doing a great job...Tiffany's puzzle looks better. Tiffany worked from the bottom up, which Victor should have done because the bottom of his was wrong and he needs to move the whole thing up. BUT, Tiffany looked at Victor's and realized the words needed to go at the top. Victor has the puzzle done and needs to plug in the bands and times...that Victor wasn't really paying attention to. But he managed to do it! YES!!!!!!  Take that Tiffany!

WINNER: Victor

Awesome job, Victor! 3 comp wins! Now, to go back into a house that doesn't really like him. Hopefully, a couple weeks away will help and people will be worried about Frank and Da'Vonne more than him. Tiffany told him to trust Frank and not to trust Da'Vonne. If he takes heed to her words, this could help Frank out.

The house has no idea anyone is coming back...until now. Julie doesn't tell them who it is, and the doorbell rings...Paulie is terrified because he evicted 2 of them!

#VictorIsBack!!!!! Could not have asked for a better outcome. I didn't want him evicted in the first place.

New Twist
There is a secret room in the house. If someone figures out the clues that are secretly placed around the house, they could earn a secret power that could change their fate in the game. It will be in play for 4 weeks.

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