Monday, July 25, 2016

The Bachelorette, Ep. 12.9

Rose Ceremony Conclusion
We left off last week with Luke stopping the Rose Ceremony and wanting to tell JoJo his true feelings because he didn't feel like he did that in his hometown. She can't believe it took him this long and now she isn't sure what to do. She was going to send him home because he didn't profess his love like she wanted him to (I'm not sure what else she wanted...I mean...he had light candles in the shape of a heart and said he was giving her his heart). Apparently, what he did wasn't good enough and not enough validation for her. So now, she's weeping and sobbing about what to do.

The guys think it's super shady and they wonder if what he did will change her mind. Luke walks back in and they can't read him or figure out what he might have told her. He hopes it's not too little too late. Unfortunately, that's exactly what it was. You could tell she had a much stronger connection with Luke than with Chase (and Robby, for that matter).

Get Roses (3): Chase, Jordan, Robby
Going Home (1): Luke :(

Luke seemed shocked and in disbelief. She was in tears the whole time. She could have just told him right then and there that it wasn't enough and not even bother going through with the Rose Ceremony.

She said this hurt her so badly. She said that she struggled not knowing what he really felt. He said they will never know now what they could have been. She said she didn't know how to say goodbye to him. She was literally a mess. He said he didn't know that he wasn't saying enough. He said he thought their kisses and when he looked at her that the magic was real and that she knew what he was feeling. I think her emotions proved that she made the wrong decision. She said she was trying to follow her heart and her gut and she was so sorry and she cared so much about him. He kept looking at her like he wanted her to change her mind. He said this wasn't supposed to happen and he felt like he was hit by a train. He was in love with her and could have proposed to her today but now he hasn't even gotten the chance to really be in love with her. After he left, she wondered if she made a mistake because it was so hard to let him go. She missed him already.

Off the topic: they did the Rose Ceremony in an airplane hanger. Yet, they sent Luke out in a limo? What an epic sendoff that would have been to sent him off in a plane or even a helicopter. What was the purpose of being in an airplane hanger?

Off to Hua Hin, Thailand
...and time to forget all about Luke with 3 overnight dates.


  • Date in a busy marketplace
  • They got Thai massages while it was pouring down rain and storming
  • Robby shared a letter his dad wrote him after JoJo's visit, confirming his belief that Robby loved her - he told her to keep it and read it when she has doubts, because it's coming from the person who knows him best
  • Fantasy Suite Card - accepted
  • First time (I think) that someone referred to her as "Joelle" instead of JoJo...and more than once...this must be serious
  • No doubts about his feelings...he said he loved her on many occasions
  • She trusts him and believes him 100% and she knows she loves him, and she's ready to be intimate with him
  • She used her experience with Ben to learn to not to tell him exactly how she is feeling - she's in love with him and she knows it, but she feels things for the other guys, so she isn't going to tell him 100% that he's the one
  • They go for a hike and get winded, just walking up some stone steps (but it was extremely hot)
  • They end up in a cave and then in a temple
  • She's bummed because there is no kissing in the temple
  • Jordan asks what her parents are like because he knows he will be meeting them soon
  • She wonders if he is too good to be true
  • JoJo said they've never talked about what the future holds - he had trouble answering, and was very vague 
  • He said he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her and she quickly said that that's exactly what Ben told her and she believed him, and so those things just scare her now; she wants to know how he knows that this is forever - he said he's never felt this way and it's different from when he thought he was in love before
  • He said all the right things to answer all the fears that she had for how this could possibly go wrong
  • Fantasy Suite Card - accepted
  • She knows she loves Jordan, and realizes how Ben got to the point where he loved 2 people and she doesn't want to say too much too soon even though she's feeling it
  • Spoiler Alert: there's a reason why Chase's date (probably normally the least interesting) was saved for last (how in the world is there still 1 hour of the show to go?!)
  • They walk around a fish market and she bonds with him over how a fish almost dripped fish juice into his mouth when he held it up over his face
  • She was surprised how much fun she was having with him and she doesn't want the day to end
  • They kissed on a tiny boat and then made friends with a monkey that followed their boat from shore
  • He is appreciative of this journey and how it has helped him open up 
  • He is ready to tell JoJo that he loves her and he's ready to propose to her
  • Out of nowhere, Robby shows up to her hotel room just because he missed her and wanted to tell her how much he was thinking about her - he's all in - he's ready to propose, start a family, etc.
  • She knows she's in love with Robby and Jordan, and could be falling in love with Chase, and that makes her sick just to think about it - I think you can see where this is going
  • Chase tells her that he wants to have a future with her
  • Fantasy Suite Card - accepted
  • Chase is excited to have a full night with JoJo with no distractions
  • He said he has been falling in love with her, but after today he said he's not scared anymore to say that he is 100% in love with her - he's never told someone that he loved them first in the relationship
  • Her reaction was "Thank you for telling me that." She said she is not feeling the way that she thought she was going to feel. He continues to tell her these amazing things, and her reaction quickly went from excited and grateful, to yikes, I need to get out of here. Literally a few seconds after he tells her these things, she gets up, leaves, and goes outside. Well, that's a first. Poor guy, just sitting there all alone after telling the girl of his dreams that he loves her and wants to be with her forever, and she's like "I need a minute." That can't mean anything good.
  • She feels like her relationship is just a little behind Jordan and Robby and isn't where it needs to be.
  • She comes back and said she had been wanting to hear him say those words to her, but when he said them, she knew in her heart and in her gut that she didn't feel what she thought she was going to feel and she doesn't know if she is in the same place as he is - she doesn't know if spending the night together would change that feeling and she doesn't think that would be fair to him
  • He got pretty upset because he jumped over a hurdle he's never done before and now he is shattered. He regrets saying what he did. It was terrifying for him to say and he didn't give it a chance. 
  • He wanted to know what was missing and all she could say was that she didn't know if in a week she could be where he was. She wanted to be fair, but to him it was the opposite. She cares about him so much and now she's sick to her stomach because she wants to be in love with him. She said he did everything right. She said they would probably have had a chance outside of this and if she didn't know the other relationships existed.
  • She hates being the one to make him feel the way he is feeling. She said she didn't mean for it to end this way. She didn't want him to leave feeling the way he did, but there was nothing else to say or do. She wanted him to know how much she cares about him.
  • He basically thinks that she gave him the Fantasy Suite Card just to hurt him. She didn't want that to be the last thing he thought about when he thought about them. 
  • He equated what happened to pulling his pants down and being kicked in the nuts. He is totally embarrassed and heartbroken. He put his heart out there just to be stomped all over. "That sucked" pretty much just summed it up.
Rose Ceremony
This is really just a formality since she sent Chase home already. But, she wanted to give the guys an opportunity to accept the rose. The guys don't know anything about what happened, so she had to fill them in. While she was doing that, guess who shows up. If you were guessing would be correct. She was very shocked, to say the least. The guys wondered if he was allowed to "come back from the dead". He said he could leave things the way he did. He said he wasn't there asking for a second chance. He didn't get to say what he wanted to that night because he was in shock, but he's had time to think. He told her that he was proud of her and he thinks she is amazing. He said he's not mad at her. She understood that he was mad and hurt. He wants what is best for her and she deserves someone great. He thinks she is wrong and he thinks he could be the one, so if things change, she should let him know.

And she's a bucket of tears again. She said she does still have feelings for him, but she doesn't know why she didn't fall in love with him. 

Get Roses (2): Jordan, Robby
Going Home (1): Chase

Don't forget to tune in tomorrow night for a special Tuesday night episode. It's time for The Men Tell All. It's sure to be a good time, because we get to see our favorite villain, the egomaniac, Chad. 

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