Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Survivor, Ep. 31.13

Our first Joe-less episode of the season. Go Spencer! Actually, I shouldn't say that, because we will get to see him briefly sitting with the jury!

Orkun Camp
Ugh! I don't want to hear what any of them have to say after voting out Joe. Especially Abi! Kelley thinks they all have an equal chance to win challenges. Ha...that's what they's Keith and Spencer now, all the way! Keith wished he would have been in the loop about the vote. Tasha wants to keep an eye on Keith since he voted for her. Well, it's her own fault for not letting him in on the plan.

Jeremy and Spencer talk, and they are not feeling great about their decision. Nice...wish you would have thought about that more before you turned on Joe! They need to make sure that Tasha and Kimmi are really with them. They hope the all-girl alliance isn't real.

Reward Challenge

Challenge: they are attached to a rope that they need to untangle, then build rungs to crawl across some beams, and then throw bags to knock down blocks
Reward: be blessed by monks and spend the night in the temples
First Ran: Keith's season, and he won (I thought so! I thought I remembered him being good at tossing and knocking down blocks.

Spencer makes a big move and hopes he has enough rope. Keith and Jeremy follow, and Tasha is there too.

Keith is through first and is first to start tossing. Jeremy gets his bridge finished, but he doesn't have enough rope. He has to go back. Keith has knocked down most of his blocks. Spencer is now to the tossing stage, but he doesn't have enough rope.

Keith is just nailing all his blocks. Tasha is now throwing and she can't hit the broadside of a barn.

Keith now only has 2 blocks. Jeremy is throwing very pitifully as well. He can't reach his bags that he through, but it doesn't matter, because Keith just won this challenge for the 2nd time! Way to go Keith! On the bad side, he is now opening their eyes that he is a challenge threat.

Keith chooses Kelley to go with him since she chose him for the family visit. Keith then chose Jeremy. Awe! He said he had no logic for choosing Spencer but he felt bad that he didn't get to spend time with his girlfriend, while Jeremy has been married for awhile. And, he couldn't even remember Tasha's name. Ha!! Good one Keith! This did not sit well with Tasha. I think he knows exactly what he's doing...he just wants them to think he's slow.

Orkun Camp
They all talk about how Keith is such a challenge threat. And I can't believe that Jeremy is still having "buyer's remorse" and wishes they would have kept Joe and got rid of Abi! Jeremy! WHY couldn't you have seen it earlier?! Tasha tries to reinforce that he can trust her and that they she isn't in the all-girl alliance.

The look on Keith's face when the monks were chanting- ha! He was like, "what am I supposed to be doing right now?".

Spencer said he would be very happy if this was his final 3. He thinks it's still early to lock in his final 3. His ultimate final 3 would be him, Keith, and Abi.

Spencer said they should get rid of Tasha. Keith and Wentworth agree. They need to secure a 4th person, which would most likely be Abi - and that's a scary thought. She's such a wildcard, you just have no idea what she's going to do.

Orkun Camp
Tasha asks Abi if it's OK if she could talk to Jeremy alone. Abi said it would be better if she could stay, but she would let them have their talk. Tasha said she didn't want to be rushed, so they could talk later. Seriously, Tasha? I get that she wants to be nice and accommodating, but just coming out and asking something like that is going to do more harm than good.

Finally, Tasha and Jeremy talk and she thinks Abi is a bigger threat than Keith. She can flip in a heartbeat and she doesn't trust her. Having her around could ruin their game if she makes a wrong move. Jeremy is OK with this because there will be one less girl to worry about.

Immunity Challenge
Challenge: run/swim over obstacles in the water to get to buoys with a key; come back with the key to open a chest with puzzle pieces (they pick varying degrees of difficulty); first to solve the puzzle wins

Jeremy is first to the platform, and Spencer is right with him. Keith is taking his time. Spencer misjudged his jump and had a hard fall! He has to start over. Keith hits the deck!

Jeremy is first to the keys. Spencer gets to the keys, but Keith and Wentworth aren't far behind. Spencer made up A LOT of time in the water and he blows past Jeremy!!

Tasha is moving so slowly, and she doesn't look so good.

Oh no! Spencer fell face-first into the platform and he has to start over. Jeremy passes him. Meanwhile, Tasha is still holding onto the buoy and is not moving.

Jeremy gets his box of puzzle pieces open first, and he chose the one with 5 pieces. Spencer is there too, and he chose the same. Come on Spencer! He's great at puzzles...and before I can even finish typing that, he's solved it! Woohoo!!!! Jeff said that no one has ever completed the puzzle as fast as Spencer did! (PS Jeff: Thanks for putting an even bigger target on Spencer's back - I'm sure he appreciated that.)

And back in the water, Tasha is really struggling. She had no energy and was taking in a lot of water. She had a mini panic attack and the divers had to bring her back in. She was fine after a little breather.

Imagine that...that necklace looks almost as nice on Spencer as it did on Joe. As much as I'm ecstatic for Spencer, I'm kind of wishing Keith would have won because he's in a little more trouble than Spencer is right now.

Orkun Camp - Pre-Tribal
Keith, Spencer, Wentworth, and Abi agree to vote Tasha. Abi's thinking about who to bring to the end with her. Ummm....wait're still here, but you will NOT be the one deciding who to bring with you. If you make it to the end, someone else will be dragging you along. Let's be real. She then says that she will be deciding who wins $1 million. Well, it may be true that she may help decide who wins...however, despite what she may think...she will not be casting the sole vote to win. And she's delusional to think that anything she says will help persuade the rest of the jury to vote with her.

Tasha, Jeremy, and Spencer talk and Tasha tells them that the plan is to vote Abi. Spencer said he wants to do what is best for him and if that's the plan, that's the plan. He asked if Kimmi was on board, and they said she was. So, Spencer's in the middle. He gets to decide which side to take and who goes home. That's a powerful spot to be in...kind of wish it wasn't up to him...when they find out who flipped, some people are not going to be so happy.

Tribal Council
Hi Joe! Long time no see! He's not shirtless, but we'll take him any way we can get him, right?!

Uh oh, Keith speaks up! Let's not have another "stick to the plan" debacle! He said he thinks tonight's vote will get us back to where we need to be. Spencer said he is with the "we". Keith said "I feel pretty confident that my "we's" will reign supreme; let's do it, time to vote!" Oh Keith! Spencer said if it doesn't go "my "we's" way, it's not so good for tomorrow". Jeremy pointed out that everyone is in a "we". Abi said this has her thinking which "we" should she go with. Oh no...again...Abi don't screw this up!

The Votes
Side Note: Keith remembered Tasha's name enough to vote for her again :)


Haha! Bye-bye Abi!

Wentworth looks a little confused. So, Spencer decided to go with Tasha, Jeremy, and Kimmi. As glad as I am to FINALLY have Abi gone, I think maybe Spencer should have gone with the other side and taken out Tasha. But, it does prove his loyalty to Jeremy and Tasha, whom he's been with the longest.

I wondered who voted for guess was Abi...and I was right! What an idiot! Total waste of a vote there. Maybe she knew she was going and decided to stir the pot a little, because people might think it was Tasha. Who am I kidding? She's not that strategic or smart.

So, next week is the finale already! I can't believe it! This season has gone by so fast! It's been absolutely great. Probst gives a little teaser for what we're in for at the finale:

"The finale is … phenomenal. Historic. Unpredictable. And ultimately satisfying. I think it will cap off, in grand fashion, what most fans will regard as one of — if not THE greatest season of Survivor."

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