Sunday, August 30, 2015

Big Brother, Ep. 17.30

HOH Comp, continued
We last left the comp with all 4 jurors still hanging on, and only a couple regular houseguests. Meg, Julia, and Steve had fallen off before the live show ended on Thursday. We actually see their falls, and both Julia and then Steve, fell off before Meg...shocking!

Next off is surprisingly James. Or not so surprising, as his techniques for holding on were pretty wild and reckless. Liz is next off, after slipping into an unfortunate position with the foot disc.

Jackie is the first jury member down. We're down to Vanessa as the only regular houseguest left, along with 3 jury members. How awesome would it be for one of them to be the last one remaining?! And with that Becky fell and soon after Shelli was off. That means Johnny Mac is back in the game! Woohoo! Way to go Johnny Mac! This would be such a sweet win for him after being ousted only about 1/2 hour before this.

It's funny that they are making this endurance comp seem like it lasted for hours. When in reality, the whole thing was done in about 15 minutes.

Vanessa tells John that he is safe. He doesn't want to drop, but part of him believes that they made up and decided to work together before the eviction. She told him she really wanted to hear from her girlfriend, and he said he wanted a letter, too. She said she could go another hour and a half. Finally, John, *knowing* that he is safe, and he is in a lot of pain...he decides to let go. He wanted it to look like he didn't really think he was safe so they wouldn't think that they are working together.

Comp and John's Return...the Aftermath

They head inside and John's face is colored again on the wall. It's like he never left. Immediately, Austin and Liz are fuming! They know that John is coming for him because the told him they would work with him, but then put him on the block and voted him out. They "actually hate him". Seriously? He didn't win HOH, so shut up! They are so glad Vanessa won because they are sure she will put up Johnny Mac...because, why wouldn't she? They supposedly hate each other.

Meg and James think they are OK, but they don't know where Vanessa's head is at. James told Meg that he doesn't want to go after Johnny Mac any more, he wants to go after the twins. Why didn't anyone think of this last week? Seriously! These people are morons!

Steve was psyched that John was back. Their little celebration was hilarious. I would have so missed Johnny Mac's Diary Room scream sessions!

Vanessa asks John if he fell on purpose. He said he did. He said he faked not taking her deal because everyone was there watching. Vanessa finally realizes that she is at the complete bottom of Austin's Angels. Johnny was so happy that he actually gave her a big hug. Vanessa told him that they bought him not taking the deal and they all don't suspect that they are working together. Vanessa told Austin that it was weird that he rejected her deal.

Steve feels pretty good about his relationship with Vanessa because they made up before the eviction. He told her that he was happy to help this week. She said they are partners.She told him that his opinion means the most to her.

Vanessa wants to target James this week, but she also wants to make sure that Austin is being genuine with her. She's an idiot if she doesn't target the Austwins.

Vanessa tells the Austwins that she doesn't feel as good about Meg and James as they do. She thinks it's a better move to go after them and she hopes they understand that she needs to do what's better for her game. Vanessa said that James and Meg said they like the Austwins, but this is a game. This was enough to convince them that Meg and James are a threat. They are so gullible and wishy-washy, they would believe anything. She wasn't exactly lying, but she put more into it than there really was.

Liz & Austin
I'm sorry, but anything involving these two just makes me want to gag. They talk about how things are progressing between them...even though they had a rough patch..due to the fact he has a girlfriend. He told Liz that he had something important to ask her. His question was if she wanted to officially be his girlfriend. She said yes. She said he can only have one girlfriend, so he better break up with his other girlfriend when they get out. Barf!

Julia Copies James
Julia is often the target of James when it comes to being scared. Instead of getting him back, she decides to go after Austin. She does exactly what James did, and hides in the closet. Liz and Austin are making out in the bed next to the closet. She makes a loud noise that scares him and then she flies out of the closet and jumps on their bed.

Vanessa Looks for a Pawn
Vanessa confronts Meg and James about her being the target last week. Meg said she was never aware of that, even though she was. Vanessa tells them that Johnny Mac is her target and she needs to put someone else up with him. James said he would go up as a pawn. Meg got upset and said she didn't want him to do that. She said she should go up because she has more of a chance to stay than James does. Their loyalty for each other just proved to Vanessa why they need to be split up.

James said he would target the Austwins next week, but she doesn't know if she believes him.

James tells Meg that he thinks they are safe. They pulled on Vanessa's heartstrings by crying in front of them and being willing to do an act of kindness. He thinks she is going rogue against the Austwins and she knows she is on the bottom of their totem pole.

Flashback to Day 44: remember when James was HOH and Vanessa told him that if she was HOH before final 7, he would be safe and he could save someone else too. Good memory James! I totally forgot about that! He told Meg he wasn't sure if he should bring it up before nominations, just in case she doesn't target them.

Vanessa nominates Meg and James.

Vanessa says it isn't personal, it's a game move. She said a king isn't anything without his queen, so that's why she had to put them up together.

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