Thursday, August 20, 2015

Big Brother, Ep. 17.26

Who's Going?
Fingers crossed...the feeds are suggesting that Becky will be going. But...things can turn on a dime in this house, so I won't feel safe until the votes are made.

Johnny's strategy is the "dead fish strategy" - lay out on the table and don't do anything until Thursday!

I still don't like how comfortable John feels. I also don't like that he trusts Steve.

New Alliances
I don't know if I trust Steve. I think it makes sense for John and Steve to be a tight alliance, because they don't really have anyone else. However...Steve has been somewhat of a mystery to me and he's made some weird votes. The feeds suggest that John's trust and "understanding" of his alliance with Steve is kind of one-sided. I think Steve would throw him right under the bus if he needed. to. They talk about joining one of the 2 bigger groups, and which side they would rather join. Obviously they would rather be with Meg and James, but on that side they are the bigger targets than if they join the Austwins.

Liz and Julia talk to Steve and John and tell them they would like to work with them. They know what Vanessa's been up to and everything they have told them about her has been proven true this week.

Becky kind of throws John under the bus in the HOH room by saying he's been the pawn all season. She said if she stays, everyone knows that Vanessa is her target. So now that John and Becky have told them that their target is Vanessa, they just need to figure out who is better for their game.

The Votes
Johnny...your speech...just no! You do NOT tempt the house like this! (but it was funny though)

"This girl (Becky) does nails, highlights hair, cleans and cooks like a machine...and I do none of those things Keeping me would be really, really dumb, but I want to stay, so I would appreciate your vote". 

Steve -- Becky
Vanessa -- Becky
Meg -- Becky
Austin -- Becky (...even though her breakfast is made with real fruit)
Julia -- Becky
James -- Becky

Whew! John dodged a bullet on this one...I'm glad they all stuck to their word. I didn't love or hate Becky, but I definitely liked her more than some of the others in the house. I wish she wasn't leaving, because she might be the only person to get Vanessa out, but...I'd much rather it be her than Johnny Mac! I think I would root for her to come back into the game, and hopefully Johnny Mac will still be there to help him out.

John HAS to win HOH, he just HAS to!!! I'm afraid he is in so much trouble if he doesn't. No more throwing the comps's time to win!

HOH Competition
Well, based on the time left in the episode tonight, it looks like it's going to be a continued competition :( Gonna have to keep an eye on the feeds spoilers to find out what happens!

There will be 6 rounds of races. Each round, someone will be out. It's literally a race. They are watching for the word "Go", and when they see "Go" they release 3 buttons and race to the other side of the yard and buzz in. The last person to buzz in is out. There are decoy words, and if they release any of their buttons before "Go" it is a false start and the first false starter is out. This is could be a matter of seconds or up to 30 minutes in! This is going to take some mad concentration.

Round 1: Whoa...Meg is way out! Not even close! Anyone shocked about that?!

...and that's all we get to see :(

And, Julie makes the announcement that everyone's been expecting. There are now 3 jury members, and next week there will be the 4th. At next week's live eviction, someone will be re-entering the house.

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