Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Big Brother, Ep. 17.19

Nominations Aftermath
James is here to play! He made a big move, let's see how this plays out! If either Shelli or Clay go home this week, the other is going to be absolutely  devastated.

Clay immediately lashed out at James and Shelli had to pull him away. She said that would make them target him. She thinks she is the bigger target this week. She also feels terrible because she knows she could have held onto the wall longer and shouldn't have given up because she just threw it away to James. Shelli can't figure out why they are the targets and why not Liz, Austin, or Vanessa.

Vanessa is making this all about her because she tried to hug Shelli and Shelli acted like she was mad at Vanessa. She then got into a fight with both of them because Clay said it was HER decision last week that got them where they are. James said that is why they are on the block, because they aren't taking any responsibility for their actions. Shelli apologized for blowing up at Vanessa because it was all just emotions. Shelli broke down crying saying she needs Vanessa, and then she bawls about "why this week, of all weeks?" She said she knew they would eventually probably be on the block with each other, but why this week? She thinks this is the worst week. I'm not really sure why? Is it just because she could have won HOH? I don't see any other significance of this week versus any other week. She said she wished they could have made it one more week. Oh, is next week the first member of the jury? I bet that's it. Yikes...didn't think about that! If one of them goes, they won't get to be together at the jury house. (Austin sees this and realizes...YES! I get to be on jury with Liz! lol)

Clay apologized to James for blowing up at him. He said they were going to have his back and hadn't betrayed him. James doesn't believe it because he was on the block both weeks that Shelli was in power, so she had to have had something to do with it. James knew that they are a pair and in any alliance they come first to each other and everyone else loses, so they had to be split up.

Veto Competition

James draws Houseguest choice and he chooses Jackie
Shelli draws Becky
Clay draws Vanessa

Each player will launch their catapult to shoot a dart onto a map. Each round the player with the smallest number will be out. They will choose a prize. Each eliminated player after that can steal or choose a new prize. Well, this sucks for Clay and Shelli because this game is almost all luck.

Round 1: Jackie is out, she gets the Veto (she says "I win, game over!" lol)

Round 2: Shelli is out (James laughs out loud when she misses the board), she wins the armitard, but trades for the Veto (she said she already has a knight in shining armor in Clay)

Round 3: Vanessa is out, she wins an Ireland castle vacation, and she keeps it

Round 4: Clay is out, he wins the "knight in shining armor" and he would have to be shackled to the other "knight in shining armor" aka the person in the armitard and have to shine their armor -- as much as he likes Jackie, he decided to steal the Ireland vacation from Vanessa

Round 5: Becky is out (she looks like she totally missed the board on purpose), and she wins $5,000 and keeps it

James's prize was "castle guard" in which he would have to perform a swordsman's training regimen 2400 in 24 hours -- if he fails, he won't be able to compete in the next Veto. It's no surprise that he steals the Veto from Shelli. Shelli will now have to face being on the block and this awful "prize" all in the same week.

All of this sadness between Clay and Shelli, and I realize that we are 35 minutes into this episode and we have not heard anything funny from Johnny Mac yet! I'm missing my Johnny Mac!!! And THERE IT IS! Right on cue!!! There was some weirdness between Meg and Clay in the bathroom. I'm not sure what in the world was going on there. Obviously Meg had a few too many...I'm not sure about Clay though. He wanted a hug from her and she said she can't stand him and she was touching his face, and then they both started crying?! What the heck?! We've never seen these 2 talk before now. And there's Johnny Mac washing his hands, watching them in the mirror and making a funny face. LOL! The longer this goes on, the more confused I am. Does she have a crush on him? I don't know...very weird.

Veto Prize/Punishment
Jackie gets her armor, and Vanessa is her squire who has to polish her for 24 hours straight. Poor Shelli has to do the swordsman's regimen 2400 times in 24 hours. This consists of taking the sword to a punching bag, through a target and cutting a rope..and that counts as 1! And she has to do that 2400 times! All in all, that's 7200 motions! I think that is really, really unfair! I mean, who was it a couple seasons ago that had to kick the soccer goal like 2400 times. This is way more grueling than even that was! I don't know how she's going to make it. At least she will be able to work out some of her aggression this way. But wow, look at her go! She's already up to the heck did she do that so quickly! And she's done! Wow!

Last Ditch Effort
Shelli and Clay hope to sway James into using the Veto on one of them. In order to do that, James wants some information from them and a good reason for putting someone else in their place. I know that James is just using them for information and has absolutely no intention of actually taking either of them off the block at this point. He's smart to use this as a ploy to get valuable information out of them and then just dump them at the curb. Clay and Shelli don't really have any other options though, it's the only chance they have and who knows, stranger things have happened, but I really think his mind is made up and this is what his side of the house wants, so it's not just up to him.

Shelli starts with Austin. She said he's shady and he even has an alter-ego named Judas, which was his wrestling name. She said when he makes a promise, Judas could turn on his word, even if Austin would want to keep his word. While totally true (because we've seen it happen in the Diary Room on eviction night), James asks if she has been on any narcotics. Ha! She said that Judas was a betrayer in the Bible and so is he in this game. She said Judas was the one vote to save Audrey (not sure how she knows that). She said that when Liz was HOH and he and Jackie were on the block that he wasn't supposed to be up there, but Austin changed it to him last minute.

He said he needed time to think about it and would make a decision. We all know what this decision is going to be...let's not kid ourselves here.

Veto Meeting
James said he thought they were all on good terms,  but then he felt like they turned their backs on him and left him in the darkon a lot of things, so he decided NOT to use the Veto. Shocker! Not!

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