Sunday, August 23, 2015

Big Brother, Ep. 17.27

HOH Competition, continued
Round 2: Julia accidentally let go of one of the buttons and was disqualified

Round 3: Vanessa's foot comes off the button and is disqualified

Round 4: John got to the buzzer last and was eliminated (No!!!! He was bummed that Steve beat him)

Round 5: Steve flinched and false started, so he was disqualified

Round 6: James vs. Austin -- Austin beats him to the buzzer by a sliver of a second (James was hilariously trying to fake Austin out and trick him into false starting...I don't know how it didn't work)

So, great. Austin winning is basically like Liz winning. We know that Austin can't think for himself, so he will be doing whatever Liz (or whoever else he let's influence him) wants. Ugh! I'm so over the Austwins alliance! Let's face it...Clay and Shelli were the only part of that alliance that I ever really liked. I never thought I would actually be rooting for James and Meg! I just wish James and Meg would form something solid with Johnny Mac and Steve and take control!

Austin's Alliances with Everyone

Austin has been over-extending himself lately and has made an alliance and/or sub-alliance with just about everyone in the house. Here's a rundown:

Austin's Angels: with Liz, Julia, and Vanessa
Scamper Squad: with Liz, Julia, Vanessa, and Steve
(no alliance name): with Steve and John
(no alliance name): with Meg and James

He now has to figure out what to tell everyone and how to handle his nominations without making alliance members upset. Good luck with that Austin! You did this one to yourself!

Nomination Discussions
Austin does not want to put up Meg or James because he likes them and he also thinks that by having another duo in the game is beneficial because of him and Liz.

Vanessa of course has ideas of what Austin should do, and Austin wants none of it. He does not want her running his HOH. She said that Shelli and Clay told her that Johnny Mac and Steve have final 2. Austin thinks that her telling him this now means that either (a) she's lying and just made it up, or (b) isn't telling him everything that she's doing in the house. She thinks they need to put Johnny Mac up and somehow convince him not to go for the Veto by assuring him that one of them will use it to save him. Vanessa said he won't do that if he's up against Steve.

Austin thinks that of anyone, John will be the most likely to want revenge if he's voted out and comes back from jury. He also thinks that he's the least likely to come back (why?).

Meg thinks Vanessa has had a hand in every eviction. Austin thinks that of anyone, Vanessa is working more with him than anyone else in the house. The more they talk about her, the more he thinks it would be a good move for him to be the one to take her out. Getting out Johnny Mac would be an easy move, but Vanessa might be a better move. But, who are we kidding, I know what happens in Nominations and I know what happens in the Veto...and even if I didn't know, I would tell you right now, Austin does not have enough balls to actually target and follow through with getting Vanessa out.

Austin tells Vanessa that the number of people he has to pick from is small. He is telling her that he is targeting Johnny Mac. This is partially true, but he might also want to target her. Vanessa said if Johnny Mac is the target, they need a pawn. If he doesn't want to put up James or Meg, that only leaves Liz, Julia, Steve and Vanessa. She knows he won't put up Liz or Julia, so that leaves Steve or herself. She pretty much just tells Steve that it should be him. She leaves the room and Steve is ticked that she just throws him under the bus. Austin knows and sees exactly what she is doing. Steve told Austin that he does not have a final 2 with John, and Austin believes him. Austin knows he's putting up John and he told Steve that if he isn't comfortable with going on the block (which he is totally against), that they would have to figure something else out. Austin tells Vanessa that Steve doesn't want to go up. She said if she goes up that John will know that he is the "backup" target. What? This doesn't make sense to me. Austin thinks it's hilarious that Vanessa doesn't want to go on the block for the same reasons that Steve doesn't, but she goes off on him for not "taking one for the team". He said she isn't looking like a very loyal alliance member.

Austin brings up the week he was the backdoor target...again! He pushed and pushed to get her to admit to him that she knew that the plan was for James to throw the BOB with Liz. She continued to deny it and say she doesn't think the plan was for James to throw it. He knows she's lying. She wanted 3 minutes with him and he said he just wanted some time to think with Liz. He was smart not to let her get alone time with him to try to manipulate and warp his mind. Finally, he did something right! She leaves and he is livid that she is continually lying to him. She had the gall to say that Austin deserved to be backdoored because he lied to her. She did the exact same thing.

Steve makes one last request. He said that he really doesn't want to go on the block, but if he has to go up, his request is to go up with Vanessa and not with Johnny Mac. He said if he goes up with Johnny Mac that is telling him that he is working with Meg and James and not him. He said he doesn't trust them more than he trusts Steve. He just begged him to not put him up with Johnny Mac and that's all he wanted. He went to leave the room and wanted him to tell him that he wouldn't be going up with Johnny Mac. Austin said yes. Liz and Vanessa are alarmed that Steve is so adamant that he doesn't go on the block next to John. Vanessa is concerned that if Austin listens to him that she will be the only option left, and that's not OK. She tells Austin that she would love to be the pawn, but this is not the time to do it. Ha! She said getting rid of her would be stupid because she isn't connected to anyone in the house but them. Austin asks everyone to leave so he can talk to Vanessa alone. He wants to know, once and for all, did she know about the plan for James to throw the BOB to backdoor him. He said that EVERYONE has told him that Vanessa knew. She finally said she did. She said she was so hurt and upset when he lied to her and that made her so confused that he was working against her. She said she then realized how wrong she was when she saw how upset he was when she let him know that the house wanted her to put him up. He's glad she finally told him the truth, but he still doesn't know if he can trust her. He asked if he put her up if she would hate him. She said he had to do what he had to do and she would understand. There you go Austin! There's your chance! Take it you idiot!!!!!

Nomination Ceremony
Austin nominates: Johnny Mac and Steve

And there you have it. We all knew it. Austin's an idiot. Or should we say Judas? He was wearing the Judas hat to deliver the fate of Johnny Mac. He said he was so conflicted and he's always a conflicted person. Then he talked about knowledge and blah blah blah...I have no idea what he was rambling about. He said something about life being meaningless and important all at the same time. Meaningless because we're all gonna die. He said he has a quest for knowledge because knowledge is power. He said his fate was sealed in week 5 when he was supposed to go home. If it wasn't for Liz single-handedly winning the BOB and saving him, he would have been backdoored. He said he's not only looking out for himself in the game, he's also looking out for Liz. He said John wasn't a part of what happened to him in week 5 and he's only there because he's also a victim. And with that, he throws his Judas hat.

James thinks he's nuts and I agree.

Steve is dumbfounded. He doesn't know what Vanessa did, but somehow she talked her way out of being nominated...again. He has to give it to her because she is amazing at what she's doing. Let's just say that Steve is really upset that Austin went against his wishes and his word not to put him up with Johnny Mac.

Vanessa is stunned that she was not put up...she really didn't think she was going to get out of it this time. She's glad that Austin realizes that she has his back in this game.

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