Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Survivor, Ep. 29.1

Who's ready for some Survivor? This girl! I'm so excited for what I'm sure is going to be another awesome season! If you missed my preview post with cast bios, be sure to check it out here.

Let's get it started! The pairs are dropped off apart from the rest of the Survivors. They get a message telling them to set up camp for the night. They will need to make fire and shelter by themselves with the help of some flint and steel. Rupert says "Hey, where did they get flint and steel?"

Alec & Drew do pretty well and get some fire going, but not without some sibling rivalry.

Nadiya & Natalie, no surprise, did a lot of yelling at each other while trying to make the fire. And then as the helicopter flies overhead, they yell "We need help!" Ha!

Keith & Wes fight over who lost their striker in the sand. They started to get it going, but then their flint broke.

Orange buffs are Coyopa
Blue buffs are Hunahpu

Reward Challenge
Blue wins Rock, Paper, Scissors and chooses Jeremy to compete. Jeff then reveals that he will be dueling his wife Val. The winner wins flint and beans for their tribe. The loser goes to Exile Island to live with no shelter and little food. They won't be around to start forming alliances. They will come back right before the Immunity Challenge.

The challenge is to go through an obstacle course attached to a rope. They are going move for move, it's so close! Jeremy gets out first, and Val is stuck.

Next they have to lasso 2 wood platforms and pull them back. Jeremy gets the first one and goes back for his next ring. And he gets his second platform! Jeremy wins for blue, and his wife Val is off to Exile. Such an emotional moment.

Jeff reveals that Jeremy will also have to pick someone from his own tribe to join her in Exile! He chooses Keith because he knows that he knows how to start fire and he can help take care of his wife.

Hunahpu Camp
Jeremy and Kelley form a quick alliance. He then pulls in Natalie for a third. She calls him her designated "twinnie". Oh dear, here we go. Jeremy approaches Missy next. Noticing a theme here? Yep, he's going for all the women. And he's going at a rapid pace too. Has no one watched this show before? It never works to start playing so hard right from the beginning.

Drew takes over building the shelter, just because no one else was doing it. Basically because Jeremy was off making alliances. Drew seems to really think highly of himself. Lots of self compliments to go around.

Jon starts making friends with the monkeys.

Coyopa Camp
John takes charge in building the shelter...and then belches loudly. Just what I figured...he's going to be really annoying.

Dale immediately feels the age difference. He broke his glasses...on order to double up the lenses to make fire quicker. Smart move or dumb move? Smart move because now everyone loves him. Bad move...he can't see now.

Josh starts having trouble with his eyes. They are very red and are really burning. They are only 3 days in. Josh asked if there were any plants that might have caused the burning. They think they figured out that it was the leaves that they used to build their roof. So, they proceeded to rip all the leaves back off the roof and get rid of them right away.

Exile Island

They each get a piece of paper. Val doesn't realize that it's a clue to the idol. Keith opened his paper and it was blank. When she finally looked at hers she realized what it was. He asked her about it and she stuttered, and then said it was about stuff at camp. Nice cover (sarcasm). Keith literally and figuratively has "no clue"'s not looking good for him to last long in this game, especially after being separated from his tribe.

Wes is the first to officially recognize John because the Atlanta Braves were his favorite team. He confronted John and he asked him what his last name, and John totally lied about it and said Wetland. He almost had him confused when he asked him if his last name was "5 letters, no wait 6". John said "no, 7, W-e-t-l-a-n-d". He continued to tried to lie...for about 5 seconds. Finally, he gave in and said he got him. He told him to not tell anybody.

Immunity Challenge
Obstacle course -> Untie bags -> Toss bags on ropes up a tall wall -> Climb up the wall -> Climb up another wall using pegs -> Climb a third wall any way you can -> Puzzle

Is it just me or are these people all moving extremely fast? They are flying on their hands and knees! How are they not totally crashing into each other?

Orange has the early lead, but not by much.

John let everyone climb up him. Then he had to get his huge body up the wall and all the women had to help pull him up!

Orange still with the lead and they start on the puzzle. This puzzle looks intense. The pieces are huge and can go in more than one way.

Orange made pretty quick work of the puzzle, but it wasn't right. Blue is now on the puzzle and they thought they had it, but not quite.

And it's Blue for the win!

Pre-Tribal: Hunahpu
Keith rejoins the tribe. Jeremy tells him that he owes him for taking care of his wife. He would like to kind of work with him because they are both firefighters.

Pre-Tribal: Coyopa
Val rejoined her tribe and she immediately found the well. This is where she needs to look for the clue.

The group talks about who to vote out. Dale said Nadiya would be an easy target because he knows how she played The Amazing Race and her and Natalie were backstabbers. Josh agreed with the group, but after talking to her, he thought maybe it would be good to work with her. Nadiya said that Natalie will most likely be working with his partner Reed on the other tribe.

Val approaches the girls about doing an all-girl alliance. They said they can include Josh as one of the girls. They are thinking that they want to go for Dale. Josh told one of the girls that the guys were wanting to vote out Nadiya. So basically, he has now become the swing vote.

So, an all-girl alliance? I'm having deja vu...just this season on Big Brother in the very early days of the game, Joey tried to form the first all-girl alliance that would take the house by storm. Yeah, that didn't work out so well. I don't know what makes these girls think they are any different. Hasn't been done on Big Brother, and it hasn't really been done successfully on Survivor either.

Tribal Council
Does a rare commercial break BEFORE the Tribal mean we're in for a good one?

John says there isn't one obvious obnoxious person to vote out. When you say might mean that YOU are THAT person!

Jaclyn says the guys have all seemed to have bonded.

Nadiya kind of throws Josh under the bus by saying she considered him one of the girls, and that he has an advantage because he can go between the boys and the girls. Jeff asked if that put him in the middle. She just couldn't stop talking, and it was not helping her case at all. He tried to deflect by saying that might be happening and it might not be.

The Votes

I'm thinking she might have...just might have...talked about being on The Amazing Race too many times.

Interesting strategy for Josh to not take either side and vote for Baylor.

So far, it seems like a great start to the season!

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