Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Big Brother, Ep. 16.35

Frankie's target remains Victoria. Most people would say he needs to take out Cody because he is a key member of the alliance. But, his thinking is that because he is such a huge target that if she stays, he will be put up next to her, and then HE will go. If he's up against one of the other guys, he has a shot to win. Interesting strategy...I hadn't thought of it that way.

Victoria is really upset because it just now hit her that she is going home. Just now. Of course, Derrick is her biggest support in the house. He is spending more time with her than the guys. It's all part of his game to work the jury. He tries to reassure her that she might not be going home because they don't know what the button is going to do.

The guys talk about why they have to get Frankie out. He's a huge competitor, and if he wins the comps, they won't be able to get him out.

Derrick tells Frankie that Caleb is the one to beat because he's won so many competitions. He also says Cody has a shot. He basically was saying that Frankie, Cody and Caleb all have a shot to win. Frankie was onto his game, and he says he definitely doesn't count Derrick out for winning.

Derrick & Victoria
Derrick decides to use Victoria again. He said before she leaves the house, she's going to help him with his game. He tells her if she goes, she's a jury vote. If he can get them to think for sure that he doesn't have Victoria's vote in the jury, that will help his game because if they think he does have 1 solid jury vote, they aren't going to want to take him to the final 2. He tells her that this plan will take some skill on her part. She should get really mad and tell everyone that Derrick told her that he wasn't going to vote for her to stay. She was up to the challenge, and went to Frankie. She turned on the waterworks on and put on a good show. Frankie bought it, and she had him in tears. She was glad to do this, because if she can't win, she wants Derrick to win.

This man is a genius, and he has just the right gullible people to play with in the house.

Jury House
Zach celebrates his birthday, and he got a brand new pink hat!

Nicole rejoins the jury house to a slightly happy Hayden.

Hayden and Zach are on to Derrick's game. They all realize that he is the reason that ALL of them are there. Uh oh!

The house would love to see Christine come next because they don't want her to win. No one really even looked at her...awkward!!! I'm surprised they didn't boo her.

After seeing Cody in his dinosaur costume and they asked her if she likes dinosaurs. She said no. Donny asked if she has an attorney. Ouch!

Clock Countdown--Rewind
Cody and Victoria have a chance to plead for their lives, as the clock is down to 3 minutes.

Victoria tells Derrick that he turned on her and she's never going to forgive him for that. Whoa! Pulling out the big guns!

Derrick gets up to go to the Diary Room to vote, and the alarm goes off! They are all freaking out!

Julie informs them of what the button means.

*And at the worst possible time...there's a new tornado warning for the area (but not really my area), and it looks like I'm going to miss the entire 2nd half, and most important half of the show! Grrr! So, the rest of this recap will be based on the live tweets I'm seeing, as to how things play out.

Looks like they will be playing the same competitions all over again. I wondered if they would play brand new HOH and Veto comps. This will be interesting Caleb was so close last time, will he be able to pull it off this time? The tweets are saying that Frankie isn't very happy. And who can blame him? He won this once and was safe, now it's anybody's game (except for Victoria).

So, Frankie leads, and then as a surprise to no one, he wins again. The question is: will he make the same nominations or make a change this time around.

Well, thank goodness for Twitter to keep me posted, but I still want to watch it! Guess I'll have to watch it OnDemand tomorrow :(

And just for an extra kick in the pants...the tornado warning ends at 9:00 and it's back to regularly scheduled programming. BUT THE SHOW IS OVER NOW!!! Rant over.

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