Sunday, September 28, 2014

BBAU 11: Week 3 Recap

Week 3...

David Returns
David returns from the sanctuary as a new man! He looks absolutely, completely like a different person! They were so shocked, and I think he looks amazing! Way to go Tim for convincing him to do it. Best thing ever! I love that they played an "In Memoriam" for his beard to "Oh Danny Boy"..hilarious!

Tim gets to choose the first solo Head of House. Tim chooses Lawson. I love that Tim did Lawson's magic hands move to make his announcement.

Tim's Picks to Win
Tim picked a guy and girl to watch for that could possibly win, and he picked Skye and Lawson. He said Priya is one to watch because she's really smart and walks around like she owns the place. He thinks Gemma's strategy is a dumb one and she needs to read the strategy handbook. I totally agree!

David smuggled chocolate out of the Sanctuary to share with Sandra. They shared it under the covers. It's clear that he is trying to be a different person, and it's a change for the better. The other housemates can't get over how good he looks. He said it's still weird looking at himself in the mirror. He said he feels like he has a new lease on life.

Perfect Pairs Challenge: Semifinals
Living Together:  Jake & Gemma vs. Jason & Dion

The pairs get into a teeny, tin little house barely big enough for the both of them. They crawl in under the house, as it's open on the bottom. The challenge is to see who can stay in the houses the longest. They have 2 bottles of water to share, but they are not allowed to have any food passed to them. They can't see anything that's going on on the outside. They can move around, but if their house is lifted too far off the ground they will be disqualified.

At one point, the houses went head to head and were pushing against each other. Jake & Gemma got stuck by the pool and couldn't move. Jason & Dion pushed ahead, and cornered them against the hot tub. They kept pushing them in "House Wars". Travis was trying to walk them through how to unstick themselves, but Jason & Dion were almost pushing them in the pool! LOL!

Big Brother told both groups that they could get out of their houses, and told them that the winner would be decided by a tie-breaker. They have to guess how long they spent in the little house, in minutes and seconds.

Jake & Gemma guessed: 5 hours 5 minutes 5 seconds
Jason & Dion guessed: 5 hours 25 minutes 10 seconds

The real time is: 6 hours 19 minutes 41 seconds which means that Jason & Dion win! Woohoo!

Perfect Pair Grand Final

Dance for Dollars: Aisha & Lawson vs. Jason & Dion
They will be working on dance routines and they will perform live for the public's votes.

They need to incorporate ballroom and hip-hop moves in the routine. We get to watch them perfect their skills and perfect their routine in their own dance studio. They are hilarious! I so love Jason & Dion as a pair!

The pairs take to the dance floor in 3 rounds. They were all really awesome! Aisha & Lawson had some really difficult moves, and he really twirled her around! The last round ended with Aisha & Lawson throwing cards and Jason & Dion throwing glitter. Ha! I think technically and artistically Aisha & Lawson did better. Jason & Dion were just funny and entertaining.

Perfect Pair Prize
The prize money will not be split equally! One person will receive $20,000, the other will get $5,000 and the other $5,000 will go to another housemate!

The winners: Aisha & Lawson! The vote was very close, they won with 51.8%! Wow!

Lawson, as the nice guy he is, says that Aisha can have the $20,000 and he will take the $5,000. He said he lives at home with his Dad and does OK, and he thinks that Aisha could really use the money. They chose Jake to get the $5,000. They said they both thought of the same person, because they've heard him talk about how he's struggled with money and this could really help him. He broke down in tears when they told him that they chose him to get the money. Awe!!!

Eviction Save
Sonja says that each week they will be revealing the nominee with the most votes to save, so the house will know who is the most popular.

Out of the nominees this week, Skye & Lisa received the most votes to save, and they are safe.

The votes stand at 39%, 36% and 26% to save for Cat & Travis, David & Sandra and Jake & Gemma.

The pair with the least amount of votes to save is: Jake & Gemma

The house has to decide to evict either Jake or Gemma.

Face to face, each person has to choose a numbered ball out of a bucket, and in that order will take their place behind either Jake or Gemma.

Katie -- Jake
Dion -- Jake
Jason -- Jake
Cat -- Jake
Sam -- Jake
Priya -- Gemma
Sandra -- Jake
Aisha -- Jake
Lisa -- Jake

With that, Jake got the 8 votes he needed to stay, and Gemma is evicted! Sorry're just no fun. She knew it was going to be her if the house had to pick between her and Jake. She was hyperventilating the whole time.

The group had so many nice things to say about Jake. They weren't mean to Gemma, they all said they were sorry but they all said they get along with Jake better, he has such a positive outlook on the game and wanting to be there. Everything they said was true, and they absolutely made the right decision. Jake deserved to stay.

For some reason the fans in the theater really were rooting for her, as they chanted her name and cheered for her.

It is revealed that Travis & Cat had the 39% of the vote to save and David & Sandra had the 36%.

The strange thing is that Gemma's strategy was not that different from Tim's last year. She wanted to be the center of attention and she wanted to stir things up. She didn't care what people thought of her (so she said, but she always got upset when people talked about her). She purposely said controversial things and wanted to ruffle feathers. The difference between her and Tim is that he was still very, very, very likable at the same time. She just came off as mean and not caring. Tim still had a nice and friendly side and was fun to be around. She just whined and complained all the time. That's why he was the winner and she walked out of the house first. Watching back her videos and watching how much she cried over the silliest things, I just think that she was not cut out for this game.

Gemma's Video
She told the group that she was "poking the bear"on purpose. She said they need to be thinking and doing more in the game. They responded by saying that she tried too hard to make those things happen, and that arguments happen without that.

She also said that she doesn't hate Travis, but she doesn't like him.

She had Jake in tears telling him how much he meant to her and how much she thanked him for picking her to be his partner and for being there for her and understanding her.

Rule Breaking
Katie and Lisa hide some food in their luggage. Lawson and Travis suspect them and find what they hid...and then took the soda and drank them.

Katie finds that the drinks are missing and accuses Travis. She gets extremely upset with him going through his things, but he said she wasn't supposed to hide things any way, but he didn't admit to doing it. She couldn't believe that he wouldn't talk to her about it instead of going through her personal belongings.

Something so small like this, and it totally gets blown out of proportion.

Cat confronted Lisa about it and Lisa said "well, everyone steals things and puts them aside for themselves." Cat said she doesn't, and Lisa said, that she should. After their argument, Cat was in tears. Lisa was mad that everyone was talking about her behind her back, but Cat said that she didn't say anything intentionally malicious.

Get over it people!

David -- Dion 3 pts and Priya 2 pts
Sandra -- Travis 3 pts and Skye 2 pts
Sam -- Travis 4 pts and Dion 1 pt
Ryan -- Cat 3 pts and Jake 2 pts
Travis -- Dion 4 pts and Sam 1 pt
Cat -- Katie 3 pts and David 2 pts
Jake -- Priya 3 pts and Katie 2 pts
Skye -- Priya 3 pts and Dion 2 pts
Lisa -- Cat 3 pts and Travis 2 pts
Katie -- Lawson 3 pts and Cat 2 pts
Priya -- Cat 3 pts and David 2 pts
Dion  -- Cat 3 pts and Katie 2 pts
Jason -- Sam 3 pts and Lisa 2 pts
Aisha -- Katie 3 pts and Sam 2 pts

Lawson, as HOH, he has a nominations Power Play called the Deadly Dozen. He has 12 points to nominate with. He can buy information using those points in order to get information about where people are points-wise. Each piece of info is worth 1 pt.

He wants to see himself first, and he sees that he is not in the red-nominated zone.
For 1 pt., he wants to see where Sam is, and he sees that Sam is just 1 spot under red. He is happy to see this because he didn't want to try to have to get him out of the red zone.
For 1 pt, he wants to see Katie's name and he sees that she is in the middle of the red zone. She is someone he would have nominated.
For 1 pt, he wants to see Travis and he sees that he is nominated under Katie's name.
For 1 pt. he wants to see Cat. Cat is at the top of the nominations.

Lawson decides to nominate Skye for 2 pts. He wants to save Cat from having the most nomination points, so he gives his 5 remaining points to Katie. That worked, and Katie is now at the top of the nominations.

Nomination Results
Katie -- 15 pts
Cat -- 14 pts
Dion -- 10 pts
Travis -- 9 pts
Priya -- 8 pts

24 Hour Silent Disco
At least 2 housemates have to be dancing in the fishbowl at all times during the 24 hours. It is silent because they will have headphones on.

They make up a schedule for who will dance together and for how long.

They are successful!

Offline Power Play
Lawson has another Power Play. He will pick 2 people to receive fake questions from fans. He also gets to pick one person to join him. He tells them that he gets to pick someone to spend the afternoon with in the Sanctuary. He fills Sam in on the gag, and tells him that they will be asking the questions and not the fans.

They choose David and Jason as the 2 to go to the Diary Room and who think they will be chatting online with fans. They are told that they were picked by the public.

Question #1 from Chloe, from Duncaster: This is for both of you, but first David: Me and all the girls from Uni think you are a cutie and we would love to see you with a goatee. Who do you think are the 4 biggest threats in the house?
David says: Jason, Ryan, Skye, Lawson
Jason says: David, Skye, Lawson

Lawson and Sam are having a blast watching them answer the question!

Question #2 from Shelly, from Chippendale: Hi David! Most girls in Chippendale think you're a massive babe. What is one thing that was discussed with Tim in the Sanctuary that you haven't told the rest of the house.
David says Tim talked about who is crushing's Jade from Tim's season!

Again, the guys are loving having fun with David and Jason! Hilarious!

David's feeling really confident after the compliments. Sam said he'll feel kind of bad if he finds out that it was he and Lawson and not real girls on the outside. However, I have a feeling that there are quite a few girls who are thinking that any way.

Luxury Shopping Power Play
The budget is $50 per person. Lawson gets to choose how all the money is spent. Wow. This could get some people riled up. Food is important to everyone and when people don't get what they want, they can get a bit testy.

He went through everything really quickly, and it didn't look like he really cared. He went over the budget, so some things were cut from the list. He had $750 for 15 housemates, but he went $516 over budget! What was he thinking? He is in so much trouble.

There was no meat, but a lot of fruits and veggies. Jason said that with the spices they have they can make some nice vegetarian meals. He's always the optimist. Katie on the other hand is upset and she's ready to be the HOH again.

The public voted, and the new HOH is Sam!

He chooses to bring Ryan with him to spend the night in the Sanctuary. He wanted to be able to bond with him more and have a one-on-one chat.

Spelling Bee: Boys vs Girls
Jason & Dion vs. Sandra & Aisha

Round 1:
Dion correctly spells "plethora"
Sandra correctly spells "gratitude"

Round 2:
Dion incorrectly spells "onomatopoeia"
Sandra correctly spells "euphemism"

Strategy Session
Sam is allowed to invite 2 people to the treehouse to talk tactics.

He chose Lawson and Sandra. Immediately they talked about how rude Travis was at their dinner. They talked about who they think is forming an alliance. They said the 3 of them plus Cat were an alliance. Sam thinks that Katie and Lisa have an alliance. Jason drops information to other people in the house.

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