Friday, September 26, 2014

Amazing Race, Ep. 25.1

And...they're off!!! Let the race begin!

If you didn't catch my preview post with team bios, check it out here.

In a change this season, the teams have a public start, right in the middle of Time Square. Another new twist: the first team at the first pitstop earns a save. They can use it up to the 9th leg, and if they are eliminated, with the save, they get to keep racing. Also a fun note: the race started on May 31, which is Phil Keoghan's birthday!

Leg 1: 
They are off to Flushing Meadow Park. The teams get into cabs, and within the first few minutes, they are already stuck in traffic.

The teams are heading to St. Thomas. This is so crazy, because my Mom and I were just there a few weeks ago on our cruise! There are 2 flights, one arriving before the other.

Once arriving, they have to sign up for spots on a sea plane.
Flight 1: Bethany & Adam and Tim & Te Jay
Flight 2: Misti & Jim and Kym & Alli
Flight 3: Dennis & Isabelle
Flight 4: Keith & Whitney and Shelley & Nici
Flight 5: Amy & Maya and Lisa & Michelle
Flight 6: Michael & Scott and Brooke & Robbie

A scramble at the board for the last flights, and the sisters push the firefighters out of the way and steal the pen to get their names on the 5th flight. Lisa & Michelle are now seen as the bullies of the group.

Route Info: Look Before You Leap
Teams have to jump off a cliff to find their clue in the water. Already Tim & Te Jay are getting annoying. I think they're going to be whiners this whole race. Meanwhile, Bethany, with one arm, is climbing to the top without much trouble at all.

They take their clue to Blackbeard's ship for their next clue, which is for them to take a little wobbly boat to get to the Road Block.

Brooke & Robbie get into some trouble in their boat and they tip over. Michael & Scott whiz passed them in their boat.

Road Block: Worth It's Weight In Gold
Use a compass to locate a treasure chest buried in the sand, and it will contain their next clue. Each team will have different coordinates.

Alli goes to what she thinks is an anchor, even though it was a bell. She didn't see an actual anchor anywhere.

And again, Tim is whining. His sad digging skills are pathetic. He said his compass is broke, and then yells "Medic!" What?! Oh my goodness!

Jim is the first to get his treasure chest.

The groups that were on the 2nd flight to the Virgin Islands are now catching up. Shelley has to tell Robbie how to use the compass. And then there's Lisa who thinks the sun sets in the East and rises in the West.

Somehow Tim manages to find his chest...I thought maybe he would just give up. Wishful thinking.

Robbie finds his before Shelley...I guess that's why you don't offer assistance.

Dennis finally realizes he was going the right way, and immediately finds his chest.

Shelley screams like a banshee when she found her chest.

I'm getting a little worried for Keith & Whitney. Come on Keith! It's starting to get're not going to find it that way! Keith is like totally ready to give up and they show the location  is just feet away!!! Seriously, you're going to give up! So, now they have to convince the others to also take the penalty and then try to race it out. Wow. Lisa & Michelle were all in because they had no clue what they were doing. Michael & Scott also agree to take the 4 hour penalty.

Keith & Whitney are fist into the cabs. Michael & Scott were beaten by the girls once and they weren't going to let that happen again, so they pushed the girls out of a cab.

Pitstop #1:
1. Misti & Jim -- they earn the Save
2. Tim & Te Jay
3. Kim & Alli
4. Brooke & Robbie
5. Adam & Bethany
6. Amy & Maya
7. Dennis & Isabelle
8. Shelley & Nici
9. Michael & Scott
10. Keith & Whitney
11. Lisa & Michelle -- eliminated

That was a close one! Lisa & Michelle were just feet behind the last 2 teams.

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