Monday, August 4, 2014

Rising Star, Ep. 1.7

The final 13 compete, and only 8 will advance. The top 7 will automatically advance. The west coast will get to save 1 person out of the bottom to make the top 8 for next week.

Macy Kate
I wish she would have started out a little more softly. She started out so hard and with a lot of grit. Her first verse was softer and I think that's how she should have started and then ended with the big, powerful grit. I think the second half was better than the first half. Something just seemed a little bit off. It was OK, but not great. I voted Yes, just because I think she has potential, and it was a decent performance.
-all 3 judges voted Yes
-score: 60%

I love this song, and I think it's perfect for her. So much better than her song last week. For song choice alone, and how well it suited her voice, I voted Yes right away. She commanded the stage and she maintained control throughout. She had a couple notes that were a little off, but I enjoyed her performance.
-all 3 judges voted Yes
-score: 76%

He did a really nice job on this ballad. He sang with a lot of emotion, and his notes were all on-pitch. Very nice performance.
-all 3 judges voted Yes
-score: 85%

This is an interesting song choice for her. I kind of like the things she did to change the song. Her voice is so undeniably good. I love the character in her voice. She doesn't sound like anyone else, which makes her really special.
-all 3 judges voted Yes
-score: 71%

Beautiful song choice, and she sang it so beautifully. I'm not always a fan of this song, but I love the way she sang it. I voted Yes right away, because I could tell it was going to be a really good performance. I loved her long notes. She showed a lot of control.
-Ludacris voted No, but Brad and Kesha voted Yes
-score: 68%

I don't know this song. I'm not sure it's a good idea to sing a song that not everyone is going to know. So far, I'm not overly impressed. The performance is OK, but it's really dragging and not really going anywhere. I think she's going to run out of time for people to really get excited and want to vote Yes. Her voice cracked at the end, so she didn't really end on a positive note.
-all 3 judges voted Yes
-score: 60%

This is a great song, but she might have too "nice" of a voice for this song. The original is sung with so much pain. She is singing it more from a happy place, so it has a different feel. I still kind of like it though. Some of her low notes were a little off, but she ended it really well. She added a little bit of grit to it, and it matched more of the feel of the original. Unfortunately, not many other people enjoyed it.
-Kesha was the only judge to vote Yes
-score: 40%

Time for my favorite! I absolutely love him! This is a great song for him. His voice is absolutely incredible. It looks like America agrees...another huge score for him tonight! I was really bummed because apparently my swipe to check in didn't take and I missed the check in so I couldn't vote. I'm glad everyone else voted Yes!
-all 3 judges voted Yes
-score: 88%

I don't care for her song choice. Another song would have been so much better for her. It was too low for her. I wasn't impressed. I don't think this is going to inspire people to vote Yes.
-Ludacris voted No, Kesha and Brad both voted Yes
-score: 32%

This was a really good song choice for her. She got a little excited and her high notes wavered a little bit. I like the way she added a reggae feel to the song.  I thought she would be a shoo-in, but now I'm not so sure. The end of the song just wasn't strong enough.
-all 3 judges voted Yes
-score: 59%

Audrey Kate
I absolutely love this song, and it is the PERFECT song choice for her voice. She absolutely nailed it! One of my favorites of the night! She has such a unique sound. I would absolutely buy her's mesmerizing. She has her own unique sound, and it is so cool! Keep that blue bar raising up!
-all 3 judges voted Yes
-score: 65%

I really hate this song. Another song would have been so much better. He sang it fine, but it was not my favorite performance at all. I think so many people voted for him because of him just getting married.
-all 3 judges voted Yes
-score: 86%

I'm not loving this song choice. I like Audrey Kate so much better, so I'm hoping she doesn't get more than 65%. She hit some very awkward notes, and it was kind of painful. I didn't like some of her fluctuations between the high and low notes. The song wasn't familiar, so that didn't help her either.
-all 3 judges said No
-score: 30%

The Results
  • At 40%, Alice is the first one out.
  • Megan's 32% was not high enough to make it out of the danger zone of 60%, so she is out.
  • Lisa's 59% was so close to the 61% she needed to make it through, but it wasn't close enough to overtake Macy Kate.
  • Audrey Kate's last minute surge got her to 65%, that passed up the other Kate...Macy Kate. When voting closed, it looked like she was stuck at 59%, and then suddenly, and with Ludacris's Yes vote, she got up to 65%. I'm sad to see Macy go.
  • Austin's very high score of 86% pushed Dana out.
The Standings (as of the East Coast Viewing):
1. Jesse - 88%
2. Austin - 86%
3. Joshua - 85%
4. Shameia - 76%
5. April - 71%
6. Maneepat - 68%
7. Audrey Kate - 65%
8. Dana - 60%
9. Macy Kate - 60%
10. Lisa - 59%
11. Alice - 40%
12. Megan - 32%
13. Sonnet - 30%

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