Monday, August 4, 2014

Big Brother, Ep. 16.18

HOH Comp Results
Final tie-breaker: How many seconds was the Giddy-up Veto competition from the beginning until Hayden hitting his button.

Nicole and Donny are the closest and they win HOH!

Donny is "tickled pink" to have won, and he's happy that Nicole is the other HOH because he has wanted to align with her from the beginning.

Zach fakes that he's upset for losing. Secretly, he's ecstatic that he didn't win 2 HOHs in a row.

Frankie is worried because for the first time, neither a Bomb Squad member nor a Detonator has won HOH.

Big surprise...Jocasta is crying again. She needs to win because she needs to see her kids and her family. She says her faith keeps her strong in the house. I'm sorry...if this is her "strong", I'd really hate to see her weak. Derrick comforts her and assures her that she will be safe this week.

Donny & Nicole Discuss Nomination Options

Donny said that they need to include Hayden in their conversation. Nicole said "for sure". Donny said that Hayden is surprisingly smart, and he has access to information that he doesn't have access to.

Donny said that there are 3 people who have not been nominated yet, and should be put on the block to see how it feels. Those people would be Cody, Frankie and Derrick.

Zach stuipidly tells Nicole that if she needs someone to put up, she can put him up. Zach said that she should tell him who her target is because he shared things with her last week. He's hoping his reverse psychology will work to get her not to put him up and for her to tell him what her plans are.

Caleb tells Donny that if he doesn't nominate him, he won't nominate him, and that's the only deal he could make. He said that if he had to go up, he wouldn't want to go up against someone like Victoria. He would rather go up with someone who is a gamer, that he could win with. Donny said "he never should have told me that."

Nicole, Hayden and Donny talk. Donny was thinking of doing Victoria and Caleb. Nicole said if he didn't do Victoria, she would. She said it would kill her to put up Jocasta, but Donny said that it would kill him "deader" to do it.

Nicole said she might try to backdoor Frankie. She might put him up against Zach, and she thinks Zach would stay. She's nervous that Frankie would stay and then her game would be done. I don't like this talk one bit.

Zach tells Nicole that she would be dumb not to pick 2 weak people. She said he's trying to help her stay HOH, but he doesn't know that if she stays HOH, she's going to be targeting his BFF Frankie.

Team America
Frankie and Derrick are wondering what their fellow Team America member will do this week. Donny has proven that his game is more important than their Team America alliance.

Nicole tells Derrick that she might want to backdoor Frankie. Frankie is everyone's best friend and everytime they turn around, he is there. He's very sneaky, and that is bad for her game. Derrick goes along with this, but he is absolutely against it.

Donny told Derrick that he wouldn't put him up. He does lie and says that he and Nicole haven't even talked names yet. But, he said, whatever Nicole does is up to her, but in his book, he and Frankie are safe.

Donny asks them who the targets should be. Derrick says that Victoria and Jocasta would be safe moves to make.

Nicole nominated: Jocasta and Zach; Jocasta as a game move and Zach because she looked in the dictionary for Super Villain and only saw Evil Dick because he's too cute to be there (I'm confused), and he should have seen this coming.

Donny nominated: Caleb and Victoria; Caleb because he was the first person to nominate him "tit for tat" and if he survives, they are square and Victoria's blood has been on others' hands, so it might as well be on his as well

Battle of the Block
This is basically Zach vs. Caleb. Jocasta is useless, and Victoria is useless. This will come down to who is the weaker link, Jocasta or Victoria.

Jocasta and Victoria are both determined to win this and have encouraged their partners that they will be excellent communicators and they are in it to win it. Yeah, we'll see.

The comp is to create a path of dominoes and they must fall on the bullseye at end. There are 3 punishment dominoes and the 3 they select, they will have to do if they win.

Caleb goes for "shave your head" because he thinks that will help them win. Jocasta and Zach do not want to shave their heads, so they go for "no HOH".

Everyone was impressed with Victoria's performance. She was moving dominoes very fast, and she wasn't panicking like she usually does in other competitions. Meanwhile, Jocasta keeps setting up the dominoes too far apart, and Zach has to tell her to move them closer.

So...I didn't realize that the show was going to run about 5 minutes late tonight, so I didn't get to see how the comp ended. According to what I've seen on Twitter, it looks like Caleb and Victoria win. So, they are safe, and Donny is dethroned as HOH, leaving Nicole as the acting HOH.

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