Sunday, August 3, 2014

Rising Star, Ep. 1.6

The Duels continue...

Morgan vs. Maneepat

I didn't like the part of the song that she started sounded like she was starting in the middle of the song. I think she sounded really flat. I think another song would have been better. I didn't really care for this performance at all. It didn't really get better even at the end when she hit some big notes. It was just not a good or enjoyable performance.
-She got a no from Ludacris, but Brad and Kesha voted yes for some reason
-Score was 45%

Right away you can tell she's better than Morgan. I wouldn't say it was perfect, but it was a better performance. She had a really nice, high, long note that she held for forever. It was a really nice performance. Another song might have been even better.
-She got yeses from Ludacris and Kesha, but Brad said no
-Score was 66%

Winner: Maneepat

Shameia vs. Unselfish

She started out very strong. I didn't care for the song choice, but she sang it well. Her voice was very clear and on point. There was a little bit too much vibrato for my taste, but she has the voice for it.
-She got yeses from all 3 judges
-Score was 70%

The first guy did a pretty awful job of channeling the high falsetto of Adam Levine. The harmony that came in did not sound great. The second soloist was a little better. This is obvious that they are not going to pass 70% No way. It is not good at all. Wrong song.
-Nos from Ludacris and Brad, and a yes from Kesha
-Score was 33%

Winner: Shameia

Dana vs. Audrey Kate

Very interesting song choice, and an interesting one to rearrange and play the guitar with. It kind of worked. I like her voice. She sounds new and fresh. She had great control, and it was beautifully done. It was a little bit on the boring side, and it didn't really go anywhere until the last few notes. The last note was really good.
-She got yeses from Ludacris and Kesha, Brad said no
-Score was 67%

Audrey Kate
I've liked her since her first audition. I love that she started a capella. She was right on pitch, and it was awesome. I love her tone and her quirky voice. Everything was right and perfect with this performance. I hope she can get more than 67%. I'm watching this a week late, so unfortunately, I can't help her with my vote.
-She got yeses from all the judges
-Score was 88%

Winner: Audrey Kate

Karen vs. Joshua

This started out better than her first performance. However, she hit some really bad and scratchy notes in the middle. It's going downhill very fast. Ouch...this is not good at all. I do not know why the judges are thinking this is good.
-She got yeses from all of the judges (why, why, why?!?)
-Score was 67% (how in the world is this so high?!)

He started out with guns blazing. He got my attention right away. He did right to pick a very popular song. It was risky though, because not too many people can do this song and sound anywhere close to as good as the original. I think he pulled it off. I really enjoyed his performance. I want him to win so badly! I sure hope he can pull it off...I wish I could help him with my vote! He is killing it, this is so good!
-He got yeses from Brad and Ludacris and a no from Kesha (only because she didn't want Karen to go home)
-Score was 75%

Winner: Joshua!

One final note...the act with the highest west coast vote will be saved and will compete in the next round, where we're down to the top 13.

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