Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Big Brother, Ep. 16.28

Donny = Rain Main
Caleb is convinced that Donny is secretly a genius. He said if you watch him, his eyes are always moving back and forth. He said when you super smart, you're thinking even when you're not thinking. Cody isn't too quick to believe this, but Caleb said he thinks he has a very high IQ. If he was in the military, he was probably in intelligence or something. It's so funny to watch them strategize about who and what they think Donny is. They will all be so shocked when they find out he really is just a groundskeeper.

Team America
The new mission is to create and attempt to impress America. So basically, they can do whatever they want to. If a majority of America votes that they were impressed, and if the mission is completed, they will pass their mission. They have until the Veto Meeting. Donny said if it was up to him, his mission would be to keep Team America together.'re going to have to do more than that. Obviously Donny is pushing this idea because he's on the block and this would be a way to make him safe.

Frankie doesn't think that America would vote for them to save Donny. Neither Derrick nor Frankie wanted to go along with throwing the Veto to help save Donny. They don't think America would vote that as an acceptable mission.

Frankie said it would throw up huge flags for him and Derrick to try to flip the house. The house wants Donny gone, so it would just be too obvious.

Frankie's idea is to put on a play. I don't think that's the right idea either. Donny realizes that they are just not willing to go out on a limb for him.

Derrick has a heart-to-heart with Donny. Donny still doesn't understand why everyone wants him gone. He said he sleeps and sits by himself outside and hasn't done anything to anyone. Derrick said they are scared of him because he's such a great person. If he makes it to the end, every one of them would give him the money because he deserves it the most. Both of them ended up in tears. Derrick told him that he wasn't sold on him going home and he shouldn't give up the fight. Donny was very appreciative and told Derrick he's a good guy. I agree. I think Derrick is a great guy. I also think Derrick is an extremely smart guy. He has such a great relationship with every person in the house, and it's so good that no one sees him as the mastermind that he is or for the massive gameplayer that he is. Truly incredible. He's playing such a smart game, but also one of the best social games I've ever seen.

The Play: BB House Swap
Frankie gets the house to agree to put on a show. They decide to dress up like and

Frankie does Joey
Donny does Devin
Caleb does Hayden
Derrick does Jocasta
Victoria does Amber

I just have to say I screamed with laughter at each one of these! The most surprising was Donny as Derrick! Who knew Donny could act! Now the house is for sure gonna think he's an actor and not really a groundskeeper.


Overnight, Victoria's wisdom teeth started popping through. She was in a lot of pain and her jaw was really swelling up. She could barely open her mouth. Caleb's hilarious, he said "you look great" and as soon as she left the room he said "her face is GIGANTIC!" She said she felt like she gained 15 pounds in her cheeks.

Later, Victoria was in the bathroom and there was a loud thump. Nicole asked if she was OK, and she didn't really respond. When Nicole opened the door, Victoria was lying on the ground. She called for Derrick right away and they shouted for a medic. Derrick tried to pull her out of the bathroom and she slurred her words and said not to pick her up because she didn't feel good. That had to be so scary for all of them! She did not look good!

The medics put her on an oxygen tank and Caleb and Derrick helped carry her to the Diary Room. Donny said a little prayer for her. Nicole freaked out because she's a nurse, but it's different to take care of someone you know.

Victoria emerged from the Diary Room feeling a little better. She said with some medicine and food that she will be ready to compete. Not to be mean, but she's never good at competitions, so I don't think her not being at 100% is going to translate to a win.

Veto Player Draw
Cody draws Christine
Nicole draws Derrick
Donny draws Frankie

Frankie is super excited, and Donny is not. Frankie is the last person Donny wanted to pick because he's won so many competitions.

Veto Competition
Christine is a huge Big Brother fan, and she knows there's one competition that hasn't happened yet. That's the counting competition where they "stay" or "fold". She thinks they need to throw the comp to the best counter. They think that person is Frankie, so he will be the one to "stay" and they hope that he will be the closest. Frankie is so excited because he thinks he will be so good at this and they will have it in the bag.

They get a few minutes to look at all the items to guess how many of each item there might be.

The person who chooses to "stay" with their number and is closest will earn a badge. First person with 3 badges wins. If you "stay" and you're the farthest from the real number, you are out.

Round 1: Donny vs. Frankie -- Donny earns his 1st badge and Frankie is out! There goes that!
Round 2: Cody is the only one to stay -- Cody earns his 1st badge
Round 3: Cody is the only one to stay -- Cody earns his 2nd badge
Round 4: Cody is the only one to stay -- Cody earns his 3rd badge

Cody gets to screen the new TV show Scorpion and gets to choose 2 people to join him. He chooses Donny and Nicole since he nominated them and made them Have Nots.

That comp was just handed to Cody! Nicole and Donny didn't really even try! It was smart thinking for Derrick and Christine to immediately switch the plan to throw it to Cody. And it was smart of Cody to think that they would do that.

Side note: I hate that everyone except for Christine said "expresso cups". Christine would have looked really stupid if she would have gotten it wrong...seeing as she's a barista and all. I wonder if that bothered her as much as it bothered me.

Veto Discussion
Cody and Derrick discuss making a big move. Cody said he might want to use the Veto to backdoor Frankie. Another option would be Christine.

Veto Ceremony
Cody chooses not to use the Veto. He said he had reasons for nominating each of them and he's going to stick with that.

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