Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Big Brother, Ep. 16.25

Donny Knows
Donny knows exactly what's going on. He knows Christine was throwing the competition. He knows that everyone else knew about it. Derrick tried to cover things by saying he had a feeling they would win. Donny didn't really say anything. Derrick then caught Donny making a face to the camera after he left the room, so Derrick knows that Donny knows.

Donny and Zach are suddenly BFFs. Donny is hoping Zach wins the Veto, so he won't use it. Donny is befriending him because he knows the alliance "tells him" that Zach is in the alliance, but Donny knows that they don't really consider him a full member of that alliance.

Woohoo! Zingbot is my favorite! I just wish he wouldn't have brought Kathy Griffin with him. I can't stand her! She's so annoying, and not funny at all. Zingbot starts off with:

Donny: "I love your beard, but I wish it didn't cover your handsome face. Props!"

Donny said he must be overheated because he's not acting right. Instead of insults, he's giving compliments and instead of "Zing!" He's saying "Props!"

Kathy decides to show Zingbot how it's done with some zings of her own:

Caleb: "You and Amber have something in common. You think she's drop dead gorgeous...and she wants you to drop dead."

Christine: "There is a belief that glasses make people look smarter, thanks for disproving that."

Victoria: "I would zing you, but I'm only supposed to zing people who are playing the game." As usual, Victoria is clueless and doesn't think her zing makes any sense...obviously she's still playing because she's still there and she made it to top 8.

Zach: "What do you call someone who's not afraid to cry, wears pink, and cuddles with men? You call them Zach." Of course Frankie and everyone thought she was going to say Frankie. Shocker! And, I'm not sure, but at first Zach was really upset...I thought he was going to cry! But...was it all for show? Not really sure. The rest of the house found it hilarious though! The best part was when she walked up to him slowly, and he was just staring and not looking at her, and she said "Zing, mother****er, zing!" Then he lost it, and laughed and then tossed his chair over.

This was great and everything...but why only 4 real zings? Come on! Where's the rest of them?!

Veto Player Draw

Frankie draws Victoria
Cody draws Donny
Caleb draws Christine

Veto Competition
They have to reboot Zingbot. "You're all winners in my eyes"...haha! The goal is to connect wires in a circuit box to get all the lights in your lane to light up.

Donny's goal is to "surprise. surprise" is to go slow and steady. Haha Donny! It seems to be working for him, so why change your strategy now.

Kathy said that Victoria was a dim bulb! Ha! Obviously, she's not getting it.

Donny said he was "dumbfuzzled" on his 3rd circuit board. "I'm no electrician. I might get electrocuted or something." Oh Donny...

And it's Frankie with the win!

Zingbot emerges from the chamber, and is back to himself again! Yay, some more zings!

Frankie: "That's a nice tan, but I'm surprised you get any sun at all considering how much time you spend in your sister's shadow." Zing! That was a really good one!

Derrick: "This is a house of good looking dudes. There's not one unattractive man in here. Oh wait, I didn't see you there Derrick."

Donny: "Your look is very Duck Dynasty, too bad your social game is more like Suck Dynasty."

Cody: "You're such a nice guy, you haven't made any enemies this summer, except for maybe Christine's husband!"


Team America
I've been looking forward to this challenge! It reminds me of the fun challenges that they do on BB Australia and BBUK.

They have to hide one personal item from each houseguest. Then they have to create a neighborhood watch to go on patrol for 24 hours to prevent things from being stolen.

They decide to put all of the stolen items in a trash bag and put it underneath the trash bag in the garbage. Let's see if it works! Items stolen:

Victoria's robe, she wears on a daily basis (Derrick)
Caleb's cowboy boots (Frankie)
Cody's blue flowered hat (Donny)
Zach's Gator shirt
Frankie's glitter

Cody goes on a mad hunt for his hat. He can't find it anywhere. Uh Caleb's cowboy boots, and then all Hell breaks loose when Zach's Gator shirt goes missing.

Caleb and Zach were the first to volunteer for a shift of the BB Neighborhood Watch. They were so ready to find the culprits and bring them to justice. Zach goes into interrogation mode. They are all running around the house yelling "SABOTEUR!" Some think that it's Zach because maybe he was brought in as Amanda Zuckerman's cousin, to steal their stuff. Lol! Pure pandomonium.

Frankie decides to use this as their opportunity to put up Zach.

Caleb says, let's go look in the trash can under the garbage bag. Wow, that was a lucky guess. And with that, everyone's stuff was returned to their rightful owner. As easy as that challenge was, it doesn't look like they kept it going for 24 hours.

Poor Zach is taking all the blame, and everyone is believing that he was behind it.

Veto Meeting
Frankie chooses to save Caleb with the Veto.
He then replaces Caleb with...his former BFF Zach :(

Poor Zach! He even takes a page out of Zach's speech book and writes his own little rap as he tells him to take a seat, because it's time for him and Julie Chen to finally meet.

I hate that 2 people I like are up! I don't want either to go!

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