Thursday, August 7, 2014

Big Brother, Ep. 16.20

Tonight, we're in for some craziness! It's Double Eviction Night! Plus the 2 evictees will be the first members of the Jury!

The Demise of Zach?
Apparently there's another alliance we didn't know about. Los Tres Amigos = Zach, Cody and Derrick. Cody and Derrick were talking and Frankie came up on them...they stopped talking. Frankie immediately questions who's really aligned with who and how devoted to Team America Derrick is.

Derrick tries to convince Frankie that Zach has to go. He said he's aligned with everyone, promising end-of-the-game deals. Frankie's heart is breaking because he knows he can't save Zach.

Derrick and Cody break the news to Caleb that Zach is going to have to go. Caleb thinks it's dumb to vote him out because he's a number and he's a loyal number. But, Caleb says he's with them, so he will vote however they want to vote.

Now, Derrick is questioning their move because of what Caleb said about numbers. He said they can keep the numbers and take care of Zach at another time. I sure hope this is the plan that they stick with.

Their move now is to out Hayden and Nicole. Cody tells Christine that they wanted to backdoor Frankie and were also targetting her. She is totally shocked! She shouldn't be because she was lying to them. They fill Frankie in on what happened and he is shocked too! Cody and Derrick work to convince Frankie and Christine that by voting out Zach, they are playing right into Nicole and Hayden's hands and doing what they want. They want to prove that the Detonators are in control.

Not only is tonight a Double Eviction, tonight there will only be 1 HOH. This is for tonight only.

Pre-Eviction Speeches

Jacosta uses the time again for a billion shout outs. She said she doesn't think she can sway their votes.
Zach said he didn't plan anything, but he recited a cute little poem. It was awesome. He also used the time to promote his Facebook and Instagram accounts. Haha!!!!

Donny -- Zach
Caleb -- Jacosta
Christine -- Jacosta
Derrick -- Jacosta
Cody -- Jacosta
Hayden -- Zach
Frankie -- Jacosta
Victoria -- Jacosta

6-2 Jacosta is gone!!!!!! Woohoo!!!!! No more ridiculous shout outs and no more creepy meltdowns that include speaking in tongues! Good riddance! I only pity the next person to be evicted and have to be secluded with her in the Jury House.

Jacosta said the reason she lost is because she promised her family that she wouldn't lie. That might have been a factor, but that was not the ONLY factor.

Live HOH Competition
Series of math questions based on events in the house. They answer with "More", "Less" or "Exactly". If they are wrong, they are out.

Q #1: Only Caleb, Christine and Zach got it right!
Q #2: Zach is out, and we're down to Caleb and Christine
Q #3: Both are right
Q #4: Caleb is right, Christine is wrong

Caleb wins HOH!!! I think I like this! Maybe...depends how smart he decides to be, and who he listens to.

Live Nomination Ceremony
Caleb says that the line has been drawn and people have been thrown under the bus. Per him and his comrades, Hayden and Donny are asked to take the hotseat.

Live Veto Competition
Veto Players: Caleb, Hayden, Donny, Victoria, Zach and Christine

They have to sift through a pit of balls to find rubber ducks. This is the dreaded "clown shoe" Veto, where oh so memorably, poor Jeff didn't realize that he tossed out his clown shoe and didn't see it.

Big surprise, Victoria is the last person to find her first rubber duck. Donny is flying, and it's Donny for the win! He collapsed on the ground after that hard fought win.

Oh, gee...I wonder what he's going to do? Um...I'm guessing he's saving himself. Who will Caleb put up? My guess is Victoria. She will be the pawn and Hayden will be the target.

Live Veto Meeting
As expected, Donny was smart and used the Veto to save himself. Barely....because he still couldn't catch his breath. Poor guy!

Caleb chooses Nicole as the replacement nominee. Oh boy...the happy couple is about to be split up! They look so terrified right now!

Hayden calls out Frankie and Christine for planting seeds in everyone's head. He said whichever one of them stays will fight against them.

Nicole reiterated what Hayden said about Frankie and Christine wanting to get Zach out, and that's about all she had to say...she was pretty much in a daze.

The Votes
Cody -- Nicole
Christine -- Hayden
Derrick -- Hayden
Donny -- Nicole
Frankie -- Hayden
Zach -- Hayden
Victoria -- Hayden (What was up with Victoria? She looked like she was on drugs and was about ready to pass out!)

With a 5-2 vote, sadly, Hayden is evicted! I'm sure going to miss him! He was so much fun to watch in the DR! Hayden was totally blindsided, he thought he was good. That should have been his first clue.

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