Wednesday, February 18, 2015

American Idol, Ep. 14.13

Top 48: Showcase #1

They will be performing in front of the judges and a live audience. Then they will make that long walk down the runway to find out if they make it to the Top 24, where America will start voting. Is this the first time they've had them sing in front of a live audience at this stage? Usually it's only when they get to the Top 24 isn't it?

Make it through to Top 24!

Michael Simeon
Great performance, he just keeps getting stronger. Loved him undoing the tie...nice touch! He had some nice dance moves as well, and showed off some great range with musical styles. So incredibly glad he made it through!

Loren Lott
Very karaoke version of "My Heart Will Go On". It was screechy and kind of painful to listen to, to be honest. I agreed with Harry, there was no connection. I'm not surprised that she still made it through.

Adam Ezegelian
Another good performance from Adam. I'm always surprised that he can easily pull off the hard rock stuff. That last high note was crazy! It's kind of hard to take him seriously the way he looks and the goofy way he acts on stage though.

Lovey James
Another very strong performance. I really like her. She's such a performer and she's got the voice to compliment that.

Adanna Duru
She's trying to turn into Fantasia. That's not going to make me like her. She had a pretty good performance, but it was too over the top for me.

Maddie Walker
She's got a great voice, but I just don't know if she has what it takes to stand out and do well in this competition. She beat out Rachel Hallack in a sing-off.

Clark Beckham
The crowd loved him, that's for sure. I love watching him go to town on that piano. He did some really sick and amazing things with his voice on that song. It was incredible. I hate that song, but he sang the crap out of it! He is really proving himself to be a great contender. And he's just so cute! I love that smile!

Daniel Seavey
Oh this kid...I can't say it enough...he's just so freakin' cute! I love seeing him grow so much in such a short amount of time! Doing Paula Abdul's "Straight Up" was an interesting and cool choice. He is not afraid to take risks at all, that's great! I'm so happy for him! I don't know if I've ever been happier for someone to advance. I just can't help but root for this kid! Part of me thought this might be the round where they said he was just too young and not ready, but nope!

Tyanna Jones
She's good, but I don't get excited to hear her sing. At least she's less annoying than Adanna and Loren.

Rayvon Owen
Another nice performance, but he's just so forgettable.

Shannon Berthiaume
For her first performance in front of a live audience, I'd say she did pretty good, and you'd never know it was her first. She really nailed the vocal and the feel of that song.

This was a much better performance for me. I was really jumping off the Jax bandwagon with her last ridiculous performances. However, this performance was cute and really strong. She didn't do so many annoying things with her voice this time. It was much better.

Notable Cuts

Cody Fry
I liked him doing something different by doing Coldplay. I don't know if it was his best performance, but I still like him. It was hard to tell by just hearing that little bit.

J. None (the guy with the Mr. Crispy teddy bear)

Reno Anoa'i

Rachel Hallack
She sounds just about like any other blonde country girl singing "Gun Powder and Lead". Good, but nothing special. She lost a sing-off to Maddie Walker.

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