Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Survivor, Ep. 33.4

Gen-X Camp 
Chris refuses to talk to anyone. He was NOT happy. He said he was ready to dump the rice and make a tribe of one. Jessica told the entire group what Paul said about the whole guy alliance thing and that being the reason they decided to vote out Paul.

Sandy asked Lucy the next day if they had done the wrong thing. WHOA! Lucy can talk! It's episode 4 and she finally got her first confessional! Lucy feels like she needs to do something, so she goes to Chris and Bret and apologizes. She tells them that Jessica is pulling all the strings and is trying to run things. She asked them if they wanted to do something, she would work with them. She also said that Ken and Dave would follow her, so they could easily go after Jessica and get her out.

Millennial Camp
Pig tracks have been found, so they decide to go look for it. They come across a goat instead. This is hilarious! They are all just stealthily hunting and climbing after the goat. Meanwhile, Adam, left alone, decides to look for the idol. And what do you know?! He found a clue that tells him where to look. He was so emotional reading it...too cute. Unfortunately, the "prize" is back at camp.

Reward Challenge
Reward: meat and veggies
Challenge: race to a ring and take it to a pole - the other tribe tries to stop you; first to 3 wins
Millennials sit out Michelle

Chris and David vs. Jay and Adam -- David scores as Chris completely manhandled both Jay and Adam himself

CeCe and Sunday vs. Michaela and Figgy -- Michaela and Figgy drag CeCe and Sunday

Tied 1-1

Bret and Ken vs. Taylor and Will -- Taylor takes out Ken! Will gets the ring but Ken strips it from him! Bret ties up Taylor and they break free to go after Ken but it's not enough, Ken scores!

Jessica and Lucy vs. Michaela and Hannah -- Hannah is way too timid - Lucy grabbed Michaela AND Hannah by herself...Michaela broke free by taking her top off! Lucy is a fighter, but Michaela is too strong and she pulls everyone to the pole and the Millennials are screaming for her!

Tied 2-2

David and Chris vs. Jay and Zeke -- Zeke tries to just annoy Chris and pester him and it worked! Jay is all alone with the ring but Chris does get it back. Zeke is being scrappy! Jay is pulling David but the ring slips and Chris gets it and Chris gets his hand on the pole first.

Gen-X wins reward. Wow, that was some tough battling!

Millennial Camp
I love Michaela's quote: "They about to see some tatas today!" lol

Adam works on trying to figure out his clue. It said to look for the tribe motif and something about it "sheltering", so he thinks it is hidden in a shell. He finally stumbles on something on the beach. He can't break it open, but he finally gets it. He was worried that he needed to get back to camp. Next thing you know, Hannah yells to him asking how his idol hunting was going and she said "good luck, buddy!" He's worried that she might have seen him with the idol. He asked the camera crew if she saw him with it. Obviously, they can't tell him. He broke down so emotional again because it was so hard for him to come because his mom was diagnosed with a very serious disease. He said it's been very hard on him, and it's hard knowing that his dreams are coming true because he's such a superfan, while his mom is sick at home. Poor guy. He seems like a genuinely nice guy...I hope he does well in this game!

Gen-X Camp
David and Lucy talk, and she won't give him a name about who has been discussed if they lose, but she did tell him and Ken later that they don't have anything to worry about. She tells them that everyone is on board to take down Jessica. She threatened them not to go tell her about it. Ken didn't like her "rules" and stipulations about this vote.

Immunity Challenge
Challenge: race through obstacles to a chair that will be lifted up to retrieve bags from 3 levels and in numerical order; pieces in the bags will be a puzzle

Millennials sit out Adam

Bret is flying through the obstacles, wow! Chris gets in the chair. Figgy gets in the chair for Millennials. Why didn't the Gen-Xers pick a girl who would be light to go up in the chair? So far, Gen-X is in the lead and Millennials are falling behind.

Chris gets all 10 and they bring him down. Ken takes to the course. Michelle comes on for Millennials. Ken worked very quickly and he's done already!

David is coming on for Gen-X. Michelle is done and now Michaela is flying through the course. A lot of time has been made up. David gets the last piece, Michaela is on 29 with one left.

It's basically neck-and-neck. It comes down to the puzzle. David, Ken, and Chris work for Gen-X. Figgy, Michaela, and Michelle working for Millennials. They are all counting out letters on their hands trying to figure out the phrase. 20 minutes have passed...

David thinks he's figured it out. Millennials don't seem worried at all. And it's now been 45 minutes!

Gen-X continues to put out letters and try things, but Millennials don't move much.

Millennials think they have something, and so do the Gen-Xers. Millennials think they have it, and they do! Woohoo! Wow! Like Jeff said, they came out of nowhere with that one!

Now, hopefully, either Jessica or Lucy will be going home for Gen-X! As long as Ken and David are safe, I will be one happy camper.

Gen-X Camp - Pre-Tribal
Chris and Bret hope the plan is still to blindside Jessica, and they need Lucy to make it happen. She tells Chris that she has Ken and David on board. She feels like she is the one in charge and she likes that.

David asks Ken what he thinks. Ken didn't like being scolded by Lucy. He said if they all link up together, that only puts him and David and CeCe at the bottom again. He thinks that they should try to go after Lucy. David thinks it sounds like a good idea. He tells CeCe briefly about the plan because he sees Lucy coming in their direction. Ken tells Jessica the plan to get her out and that Lucy was telling everyone that she was the mastermind. Jessica couldn't believe that because she thought everyone came up with it together. Jessica went right to Lucy and told her what Ken did! No!!!!!

Lucy asked Ken who he was voting for and he said he wasn't sure. He told her he didn't like the way she told him what he could and could not do. Oh, this is just a mess! David thinks the smartest thing to do is vote out Jessica with the rest. He wonders if he should maybe play his idol for Jessica to get Lucy out. He's worried because he lied to Lucy's face and he thinks she knows it. Yikes! You just can't trust anybody!

Tribal Council
David said the last Tribal didn't bring them together as a tribe as they had hoped. Chris said the state of the tribe is complete chaos.

The betrayal of Jessica and Lucy came up and out in the open in front of everyone. Lucy justified herself by saying people appreciate when she's blunt. She thought he should be grateful that what they were doing was keeping him in the game. Jessica asked Ken if she was supposed to believe him straight up for what he told her and he said she should. He thought they were close. It's clear maybe there were because now Jessica looks worried because it looks like she might believe him now.

For about the first time, I have no idea which way this is going to go!

The Votes
Holy crap....I just said to myself...OK David, you're smart enough to know that you shouldn't use this on someone other than yourself, right? And what does he do? He stands up and plays it for Jessica!!!!! He stands up and says that he's enjoyed playing with everyone, but he's about to do something that is not going to make too many people happy.

Jessica - does not count
Jessica - does not count
Jessica - does not count
Jessica - does not count
Jessica - does not count

Haha! Jessica is one relieved cookie right now! She cannot believe it!  Her eyes are huge right now. I still can't believe David used that on her! Boy, that really turned around and bit Lucy on the ass very quickly, didn't it! I sure hope that this gives David and Ken something to work with. Jessica is clearly on the outs, so with CeCe, they would have 4, which would give them the majority. I'm wondering why Ken decided to vote for Jessica, though.

But...uh week is the swap! Drop your buffs!

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