Monday, October 24, 2016

Dancing with the Stars, Ep. 23.7

Eras Night
All I can say is "Holy wigs, Batman!" The guy pros have gone all out in the wig department this week!

This week, 2 dances: a solo dance and then team dances

Round 1

Laurie & Val - Quickstep
Era: 1960s
Val loves playing the loveable nerd. It's nice to see her get to do a fun, upbeat number. I will say that this dance looked more like a jive or a lindy hop and less like a quickstep. But it was super cute and super fun.
Score: 34

Ryan & Cheryl - Rumba
Era: 1990s
He did really well with his contemporary routine a few weeks ago. I think he will be able to pull off this rumba. He needs to slow down his movements a little. I feel like he's just kind of throwing his arms around a little. He definitely pulled off the sexy. I hate that they didn't use the Aerosmith version of "I Don't Want to Miss a Thing" because this version really stunk and was kind of distracting. It was too fast, which made them dance too fast. It was kind of like it was a tape in fast forward. I still liked it, though, but I'm afraid it's not going to help him move up the leaderboard any.
Score: 28

Marilu & Derek - Charleston
Era: 1920s
Fun music and fun choreography. Marilu's face was a little annoying throughout. I could tell she missed a few steps here and there and they weren't in sync the whole time, but overall, she did pretty well again. I think Derek finally went too fast for her. And then there was the obvious missed timing at the end of the dance when the music ended.
Score: 29

Calvin & Lindsay - Jive
Era: 1950s
More fun from Calvin this week! Another style that suits his bubbly charismatic persona perfectly. He just keeps getting better every week. I just love that smile! He brings so much energy to the dancefloor, it's just contagious! Nice job, Calvin! We better see some higher scores than we've been seeing so far tonight.
Score: 36

Maureen & Artem - Tango
Era: 1980s
I love her hair and outfit this week! But the 80s hair band award goes to Artem for sure. But his bandana looks severely misplaced. You can't go wrong with Bon Jovi's "You Give Love a Bad Name". It's actually perfect for a tango. She smiled a little too much for this angsty rock song, but it was still a good effort. The steps seemed to be there, but there was a little bit of mistiming at the end of the dance as Artem slipped on her skirt.
Score: 28

Terra & Sasha - Foxtrot
Era: 1930s
Oh, how I hate this song. This dance was just "meh". Nothing great and outstanding, but she did it well. The song ruined it for me. I did like the little nose boop that he did on her at the end to the music, though. That was cute.
Score: 34

Jana & Gleb - Samba
Era: 1970s
Oh my, Gleb! That hair is something else! It's like a hair train wreck and I can't look away. He's whipping his head so fast, I'm surprised the wig didn't just fly off. What a fun dance! I'm afraid that they weren't together enough and that they might rip into her like they did for her jive early on in the competition. I loved it, just like I loved that one, but the judges disagreed on that one.
Score: 34

James & Sharna - Jitterbug
Era: 1940s
James practicing lifts for the first time = totes adorbs. I literally can't wait to see this. The dance hasn't even officially started, but he has me grinning from ear to ear. Look at him leading those 4 pro guys...he's officially one of them. This dance totally suits his goofiness. He's goofy, yet totally masculine. He pulled off all the big lifts with ease. I smiled through the whole thing. I'm so in love with him. One of the cutest dances ever. Carrie Ann said it perfectly when she said he disappears into each role for each dance.
Score: 36

Round 2

Team Past: James & Sharna (captain, Calvin & Lindsay, Maureen & Artem, Ryan & Cheryl
I love this team - 3 hilarious male athletes...and Maureen. James's crocodile hunter impression is spot-on.

They look really good in their group choreography. It looks like they stepped right out of the French Court, doing a Viennese Waltz. I loved seeing all of their  intricate passes and twirls. Apparently, I missed their individual portions? I saw them do a little something, but it was so quick.
Score: 38

Team Future: Laurie & Val (captain), Jana & Gleb, Terra & Sasha, Marilu & Derek
Spoiler Alert: this is Derek's team, and he never loses team dances, so...

Interesting concept, but that's not surprising for Derek's team. The music could have been a little more futuristic and interesting at the beginning. Derek shoved Marilu at the end of their solo, and I don't think her fall was planned like looked rather painful. Jana & Gleb's solo was impressive. Synchronicity could have been a little bit better. Overall, I was a little underwhelmed, especially for the theme.
Score: 35 - that means Derek's team loses, whoa!

Week 7 Leaderboard

Calvin & Lindsay: 36 + 38 = 74
James & Sharna: 36 + 38 = 74
Laurie & Val: 34 + 35 = 69
Terra & Sasha: 34 + 35 = 69
Jana & Gleb: 34 + 35 = 69
Ryan & Cheryl: 28 + 38 = 66
Maureen & Artem: 28 + 38 = 66
Marilu & Derek: 29 + 35 = 64


In Jeopardy: Maureen & Artem, Jana & Gleb
Going Home: Maureen & Artem

Whew! That was close! Jana did not deserve to go home before Maureen. Maureen has done extremely well, but it is her time to go.

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