Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Survivor, Ep. 33.3

Millennial Camp
Zeke and Adam were completely blown away by the blindside. Hannah tried to be an adult and talk to them about why she switched. She said she had no intention of switching prior to Tribal. She said when Michelle told her to trust her and that they had the numbers, she didn't see why she should vote with the minority. Zeke just wanted to be left alone.

Gen X Camp
David knows he's at the bottom and has a battle in front of him. But, he does have the idol, so he's got some life if he can use it wisely.

Look at Paul going diving for those fish! He really has made a miraculous recovery! He came back empty handed though because of the current. He thought he was good because he can do this in the Florida Keys where he's from. Ken points out that Ken again said he could do something and didn't follow through...similar to a lot of people on the tribe. He doesn't understand why people are behind these guys and he's on the bottom.

UPDATE (Spoiler - skip reading this if you don't know who gets voted out!): Paul's exit interview, he was asked why Ken wasn't a part of the core 6 alliance. His answer was very interesting and telling: "He didn’t connect with anybody in the group. He didn’t talk to Bret, he didn’t talk to Chris, he didn’t talk to me. He really stuck with talking to the girls. We tried, it’s not like anybody disliked the guy. He’s a great guy. He comes from a completely different world that I do, but he’s an awesome guy. He just did not want to talk about the game with us. We tried desperately to keep him in our alliance. He would’ve been perfect with us."

Each tribe will draw colored rocks. Certain colored rocks drawn will be sent to the other tribe to do some recognizance.  For the Millennials it is: Will, Taylor, Figgy, Jay - wow, interesting. For Gen X it is: David, Chris, CeCe, Paul.

The 8 members meet together, so they aren't actually going back to each others' camps. They also get a nice feast.

David asked who the Millennials got rid of and if it was a blindside. They said it was. Gen X asked if anyone has hooked up yet, and Jay quickly said no. That was the last thing he wanted getting out was that they were dumb enough to let a power couple stay in the game.

Paul talked about being in a rock and roll band.

David wants to make friends with the Millennials since he is on the bottom of the tribe and when they merge he will need help getting rid of Paul. Figgy wants to know who is on the bottom of the tribe. They said Paul is kind of running things. CeCe said it was stupid for Paul to leave them alone so they could divulge that info.

David tells Taylor that he would side with him over his own tribe in the event of a merge.

The girls wanted to know about Ken, whom they call him "Ken Doll".

Gen X Camp
CeCe told Ken about the Millennial tribe's nickname for him. He said he grew up with that nickname all of his life. Clearly, they only see him as having good looks, but he is providing for the tribe and he's leading them in challenges. He is invaluable and they would be stupid to get rid of this point. Later, he's going to be a huge threat to win. He talked to Jessica and wonders why he's on the outs and he's not involved in any strategy talks. He said Paul is the only one rubbing people the wrong way, so why are they keeping him?

Millennial Camp
Taylor is all "puppy dogs and rainbows". He thinks he's sitting pretty and he's got his girl by his side.

Adam said that Figgy sucks at Survivor and he can't believe the vote to keep her last time. He talks to Michaela and Hannah. He said that Michelle and Jay were integral in getting the vote switched. If they vote out Figgy or Taylor, they split up the power 4 and swing the majority.

Immunity/Reward Challenge
They have to carry big bags of sand and coconuts (40 lbs) over and under obstacles and then across really wonky balance beams, then toss the bags at blocks to knock them over. The pieces are puzzle pieces that they will put together.

Reward: hammock, pillows, blankets, lounge chairs, candles

Gen X is behind early. Millennials are first to the balance beam. They are tied at 1 bag across each. Will falls and has to start over, so Gen X has the lead.

CeCe is taking a really long time on the beam. Jeff said someone should have carried her bag because someone can run twice, even though she would still have to cross the beam. She took forever!

Taylor carried at least 3 of the bags. They now have to get all members across. Will is struggling for some reason, but he makes it and now they only have Adam. Lucy keeps falling and they keep trying to root her on and she keeps shushing them.

Millennials are across and are tossing bags. Jay is tossing and wasn't making any of the blocks moving at first. Now, they are starting to fall. Ken starts throwing for Gen X and he's making quick work. Jay has only the bottom row left, but Ken is catching them up fast.

Jay gets all the pieces off, so now it's puzzle time. Zeke and Michelle work on the puzzle.

Ken gets all the pieces off and Sunday and David start on the puzzle.

Millennials are looking good, and they are down to 2 pieces. Gen X has all but about 4 or 5. But it is Millennials for the win!

I think that loss may go back to CeCe taking forever on the balance beam. Chris points out that 3 people for the Millennials made it across in the time that it took her to make it.

Jay asks Jeff if they can switch their comfort reward for fishing gear. Jeff said if Gen X agrees and if they can make it a fair trade. Gen X decides that they need to keep the comfort. They don't want them getting stronger by getting more food.

Gen X Camp - Pre-Tribal
Paul said CeCe cost them the challenge and she has to go. She was already on the bottom, so this just kind of seals the deal. Sunday and Bret agree that she needs to go to keep the team strong.

CeCe asked Sunday and Jessica what was going on because she had no clue. She feels unsafe because no one talks to her.

David wonders if they can make a move for Paul. He retrieved his idol from its hiding place, just in case.

Sunday and Jessica talk to Paul. They agree they have a strong 6 and should go right down the line. Jessica made an off-handed comment about them having an all-guys' alliance. He said he would give his word that they didn't, but if they did he would tell her and he would tell the girls they are on their own. This really struck Jessica and she realized he's not completely with them and would turn on them, so they might need to go after him.

Tribal Council
Lots of talk about the Gen X way of doing things vs. the Millennials way of doing life and in the game. Nothing really exciting or noteworthy of any game moves or information.

The Votes

Paul! #Blindside! Way to go David and company! Nicely done! It will definitely be interesting to see how the dynamics of the tribe change now.

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