Thursday, June 30, 2016

Big Brother, Ep. 18.5

Veto Fallout
Jozea is back to thinking that Paulie is the Roadkill winner. He's so sure of it...because he's never wrong. He says this is the only thing that makes sense. Yeah, whatever.

Paul tells Jozea that he must go talk to Nicole and have a heart-to-heart just in case there is a tie and she would be the deciding vote. Since there are 3 nominees, it could happen. Jozea doesn't see this happening - he thinks it will be a landslide of votes for Paulie. So, Jozea tells Nicole that he doesn't have any problems with her and he thinks they could be great friends. He thinks they should work together. She can't believe he thinks that trying to connect with her emotionally is going to work. She said if there is a tie, she is definitely sending him home.

Nicole feels betrayed after finding out that Bridget was sent as a spy to the HOH room to gather info during the house meeting downstairs.


The Fatal 5 is born - an all-girl alliance: Da'Vonne, Tiffany, Zakiyah, Nicole, and Michelle. That's actually a really good name. They wanted a side alliance without the boys.

Bronte is weirded out that no one is approaching her to try to keep Paulie. She said they aren't even making an effort to save him. They wonder if the other side of the house is stronger than they think and aren't worried about Paulie going.

Bridget told the guys to be wary of Nicole because she's sneaky. Zakiyah came and told Nicole everything she said. Michelle said she would be fine with sending her home even though she's on her team. They don't think she is as innocent as she seems, and they contemplate switching their target. I don't see that sticking.

James Prank #3
James switches around some creams in the bathroom. He put mayo in Natalie's anti-aging cream. She didn't notice as she put it all over her face. Bronte was the one who discovered it when she borrowed it. Ha!

Fight/Girl Talk
Natalie and James start throwing chips on the floor from the 2nd floor. Victor gets upset because food crumbs are how you get ants. Victor starts calling everyone out for the tiniest little things. He must be a complete neat freak. Natalie has had enough. All the girls sympathize with her. James happened to be in the room and he was enjoying the "GT" (Girl Talk). Paul walked in and James told him to leave because it was "Girl Talk". He got all upset at Bronte over the GT thing. I'm still not sure what this argument is about, but Bronte didn't want to go back in the bedroom and get James out of there because he's not a girl. She didn't want to do that and start a fight or something. All very silly, but yet again proving just how amateur these newbies are. Bronte said James probably just wanted them to fight with each other - and for once, she actually said something intelligent.

The Votes
Victor -- Paulie
Zakiyah -- Jozea
Paul -- Paulie
Frank -- Jozea
Da'Vonne -- Jozea
Michelle -- Jozea
Bronte -- Paulie
Natalie -- Paulie
James -- Jozea
Tiffany -- Jozea
Corey -- Jozea

Can't wait to see Jozea's face!!!!! Here it comes! Bye-bye Messiah! That's probably the quietest eviction I've ever seen. I think he was too stunned for words. Hilarious! Paul and Victor are in an awe-inducing state of shock. How could this have happened? He had the numbers?! Yeah right! So clueless! I can't wait to see what he has to say once he's had some time to process what just happened. I mean, 4 people he thought he loved him just voted him out! And he knows how to read people and observe...and he's NEVER wrong. Guess there's a first time for everything!.

Jozea said he's an honest person and those who betrayed him will get their time in the house. He said he was most upset by Natalie switching at the last minute. Ha! He is still clueless! He is blaming the wrong person AGAIN! Hilarious! He said if he got a chance to play again, he would go in tight-lipped and make one person his best friend.

So, unfortunately, we may not have seen the last of Jozea! The next twist comes straight from Survivor. It's called the "Battle Back" here. The first 5 evictees have the chance to get back in the game. The first 2 evictees, Glenn and Jozea, will battle and the winner stays, the loser goes home. Next week, the winner will face the next evictee, and so on.

For all that is holy - GO GLENN! Poor Glenn got a really raw deal by getting evicted for losing a comp on the 2nd day in the house. He didn't even get voted out. He deserves another shot at this game, so I hope he wipes the floor with Jozea!

HOH Competition
Nicole's team is allowed to compete in the comp, even though she can't, because the HOH winner will keep his or her entire team safe.

The challenge is to walk on round log balance beam carrying berries. First team to get 40 berries across safely. The winning team will decide who will be the next HOH.

Natalie falls, so she is out. Corey gets berry #1 for the Freakazoids. Victor gets a berry for Team Unicorn, followed by Paul for Category 4. This looks like it's going to take awhile...doesn't look like we are going to get to see the winner. Boo!

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