Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Big Brother, Ep. 18.1

The best part of summer is here! Another round of Big Brother! It's going to be hard to top the season of Big Brother Canada that just ended, so I'm hoping for some good characters, good competition, some fun and not so much drama and constant gaming. It sounds like we're in for a different season with some new twists and new games, so I'm excited! PLUS, we're in for the longest season ever - 99 days!

If you haven't done so already, be sure to check out the cast bios here, to get acquainted with the new houseguests.

4 competitions, 3 twists, 2-night premiere, and 1 person going home by tomorrow! Whoa!

First 4 to Enter: Natalie, Victor, Michelle, Paul
Michelle is drawn to Paul because they're both a little weird. But...she doesn't like the cat on his face because beards are gross. I agree with you 100% Michelle! I think he would actually be super cute if he shaved! Meanwhile, Victor is in love with all of the girls and he can't wait to woo them all with his sexy Latin ways.

Second 4 to Enter: Glenn, Paulie, Zakiyah, Bronte
Paul thinks Bronte has been sucking on helium balloons all her life. Yes! All I can say is - she is annoying the crap out of me already. Bronte started to get a bit of anxiety, so she goes to the Diary Room to get zen. Holy crap, make her go away now. Paulie thinks Paul is too loud and he will be gone early. No one can believe that Glenn is 50.

Third 4 to Enter: Jozea, Bridgette, Corey, Tiffany
Tiffany is Vanessa - 100%. The only difference is her brown hair vs. Vanessa's blonde hair. Corey thinks he could for sure have a bromance with Victor. He seemed a little too into him...I'm REALLY hoping he's not gay. Paul says he's going to hurt himself a lot so he can be taken care of Bridgette. Michelle picked up on Tiffany's similarities to Vanessa right away. Cover blown. Sorry Tiffany, you were going to be found out. The question now is, will Michelle share her suspicions with anyone or with Tiffany?

Twist #1: 4 Stowaways Inside the House!

Julie tells the group that these 4 stowaways have been in the house with them since they entered the house and they are also competing for the $500,000.

Stowaway #1: Nicole from Season 16 - love her! Watch out...she was on Cody's season

Stowaway #2: James from Season 17 - can't wait for more pranks! He was on last season so that means he played with Vanessa. I forgot he won the Season Favorite last year.

Stowaway #3: Da'Vonne from Season 17 - boo! She played with James and Vanessa last season

Stowaway #4: Frank from Season 14 - who, wait, what?! I had absolutely no idea who he was without his long hair! What a difference! I loved him, so I'm super excited to see him again!

The Stowaways are severely outnumbered, and the newbies very early state that they don't want to give them a second chance. The plotting began immediately. The newbies vow to stick together and make it known if they talk to the veterans, it's just game.

The first alliance is Paul, Jozea, and Zakiyah.

Paul announces to the group that he thinks someone else is joining them because there are 16 plates...he admits he can't count.

Huge bombshell: Paulie tells pretty must the entire group that he is Cody's brother. What?! Why so early?! I'm not sure that was a good idea. I think he might have been able to get away with it, unless he knows Nicole since Cody played with her? They didn't act like they knew each other, but maybe it's strategy. Who knows.

Twist #2: Playing in Teams
They will be playing in Teams of 4! They will get to play a part in choosing their teams.


First, they will pick their teams. Veterans will all be on different teams, and will pick first. Each person will pick the opposite sex. The person picked will then pick the next person, also of the opposite sex. The last ones to pick each round will get to pick first in the next round.

Frank > Michelle > Paulie > Bridgette
Da'Vonne > Paul > Zakiyah > Jozea
James > Natalie > Victor > Bronte
Nicole > Corey > Tiffany > Glenn

How in the world did Paul, Zakiyah, and Jozea all end up on the same team? Wow, they got lucky. And I can safely say that that is my least favorite team. My favorite team is probably Frank's, and then it's a close 2nd with James and Nicole's teams. I like 3 of the 4 for each of them. I can't stand Bronte on James's team, and I'm not sure about Glenn on Nicole's team.

Each team will ride a rocket. First team to fall off will be have-nots, Second team gets a mystery, Third team wins cash, Winning team gets immunity for the first 2 evictions. Whoa!

Poor Glenn can't even get on the rocket. Let's hope he has an easier time staying on.

Gentle swaying, and then the rain comes. Lots of awkward heads in butts.

Tiffany is the first to fall off, followed by Glenn - both from Team Nicole. :( And then Nicole falls off leaving Corey to fend for himself and hold on for their team.

Michelle and Bridgette fall off and then Frank falls off for Team Frank, leaving Paulie by himself.

Da'Vonne and Zakiyah fall off for Team Da'Vonne. Next, Paul goes, and Jozea tries to hold on, but he falls and that means that Da'Vonne's team are the Have-Nots! Woohoo!

James is the first to all off for his team, but he has 3 players left. Victor seems to have the best strategy right now. Natalie falls. Bronte falls and Victor is the last one standing.

The final 3: Victor, Paulie, and Cody - the 3 hot guys :) ...who just happen to be all covered in bird poop and feathers now

Next to go is Paulie. That means that Frank's team lands in Mysteryland - ??? we still don't know what this means

Corey vs. Victor -- Corey tries to hold on, but he slips which means that Victor wins it for Team James! Nicole's team comes in 2nd which means they win the cash.

Da'Vonne wants to work with the vets, obviously. But, she wants to make her team think she has their back so they will have hers. Paul talks a good game, and so do the rest, but as soon she leaves the room, they turn on her.

Frank's team comes up with Category 4 for their name.

Nicole's team throws out a couple things, but Freakazoids seemed to stick. I think it was Corey's idea.

Da'Vonne's team continues to be the absolute worst. They come up with Big Sister as their team name. Oh heaven, help us. What a bunch of idiots!

And just when you think the team names can't get any stupider...

James's team tries to come up with a name other than "Team Green". Natalie suggests "Team Baywatch"...naaah. They can't come up with anything creative. Natalie said they are Team BrainFart right now. Victor throws out "Calvary". Calvary #Awesome. They have to explain it to Natalie, who had no idea what a calvary was. Victor says he wants a strong name that is fun to say and that he can picture them all walking in slow motion through smoke. So what do they settle on? Team Unicorn. You've got to be kidding me. And if that's not bad enough, when they announce their name in the Diary Room, they add a "do do do do!" trumpet sound at the end of it, like they are 5 years old or something.

Tiffany thinks that Michelle is Nicole's sister. Michelle said she's not anyone's sister but she thinks Tiffany is. Tiffany tries to act all dumb, like Vanessa who? Eventually, she gives in and tells Michelle that she is her sister because she knew it would come out. Michelle swore she wouldn't tell anyone else. Tiffany still thinks Michelle might not be telling the truth...even though she really is.

Competition: Hit the Road
James's team will sit out. 3 rounds. Winner of Round 1 will be safe. Winner of Round 2 will be also be safe.

Twist #3: Loser of Losing Team Goes Home/Losing Team Picks HOH
The final team will face off individually and the loser of the competition will be evicted! Then, the other 3 have decide the HOH.

The goal is to build a sand castle by digging up puzzle pieces and stacking them on a circle that is suspended by 3 ropes. Then they hand off and switch with one of the people holding the ropes. First team to get all 15 pieces wins.

Category 4 has 1 row. Freakazoid is in the lead, starting their 3rd row. I kept hoping that Big Sister would drop and they knocked it all down! But then so does Frank's team, no! Freakazoid is still doing well.

Da'Vonne is getting really annoyed with Paul and all his talking. Their stack falls again! Oh no, Category 4's is falling again, too. Da'Vonne is wishing she would have picked Paulie instead of Paul (she did call Paulie's name, but she thought he Paul was Paulie).

Freakazoid was so close, but theirs all fell after 30 minutes.

Big Sister is getting a rhythm. Category 4 is doing well, come on! Category 4 only has 1 left and it's swaying back and forth and Bridgette can't let go to push the buzzer or it will fall. But, she got it! Woohoo! Category 4 is safe.

Competition: Hit the Road
Sand castle puzzle pieces - work together to build the castle. Some pieces are decoys that won't fit.

So it's Big Sister vs. Freakazoid

Glenn tries to tell his team that the pieces they are putting together aren't fitting right, but they won't listen. Come on guys, you have to beat Big Sister!

Big Sister does a lot of arguing. Paul vs. Da'Vonne - both trying to be the leader. I love this...just keep self-imploding. But, as much as they are arguing, Freakazoid just doesn't know what they are doing. Come on!

Paul is hilarious, he knows some pieces are cream and some are speckled, but he has no idea what it means.

Freakazoid thought they had it, but they are wrong. No! They ended up tearing the whole thing apart. Tiffany sees the base is messed up - just like Glenn said. If they lose because of this, I'm going to be so mad!

Big Sister is done - but they are wrong! But darn it, Paul sees the cream and speckled sides and where they need to go. No! Dang it...they won...booo!!!!!! I am so not happy right now. I so wanted to get rid of any one of them.

That means that Nicole's team will be competing against each other in the next competition, where the loser will be evicted and the remaining 3 will decide amongst their team who will become the HOH.

Team Summary:
So much happened in these last 2 hours, so here's a recap of who's on what team, and what the team names are and what colors they are wearing in the competitions.

Vet: Frank - Season 14
Category 4 -- Frank > Michelle > Paulie > Bridgette

Vet: Da'Vonne - Season 17

Big Sister -- Da'Vonne > Paul > Zakiyah > Jozea

Vet: James - Season 17
Team Unicorn -- James > Natalie > Victor > Bronte

Vet: Nicole - Season 16
Freakazoid -- Nicole > Corey > Tiffany > Glenn

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