Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Big Brother, Ep. 18.4

Roadkill Aftermath
Those not in the 8-Pack alliance are wondering who put up Paul.

Jozea says that since they can't get a vet out, they need to do the next best thing and get out someone related to a vet - Paulie.

Jozea thinks Michelle did it because she put her head down when the nomination was revealed. Frank acts all dumb and said he didn't expect that to happen. Frank goes along with them thinking it was Michelle. Jozea says that Michelle was the only person who didn't get up and hug Paul. He likes pointing out all of these things to the other houseguests. He said he's like a hawk. Everyone is super annoyed.

Paul sees Bridget getting really close to Paulie and he's not OK with this because they are supposedly working together to get Paulie out. He's wondering if she was the one who put up Paul. Either way, he doesn't trust her and neither does Victor.


Bronte and Natalie talk about how hot Paulie is and how great he is to have in the house, but they realize that they have to be willing to vote him out if they are going to stay strong and be able to go after Victor, Paul, and Jozea in the future.

Frank assures Jozea that he is fighting for him.

So, we have our answer about how they will do Veto. 6 players as usual, will play. The HOH will draw 2 names instead of each nominee and the HOH. ALL players' names are in the box - if the HOH draws the name of a nominee, the nominee gets to pick a player of their choice. If the HOH draws his or her own name, he or she can choose.

Besides Nicole, Paulie, Jozea, and Paul, also playing: Da'Vonne and Corey. Nicole actually drew her own name, so she chose Corey to compete.

The Veto looks like something we've seen on Big Brother Canada (no surprise) - awesome! They are all dressed like dogs. They have to spin around 15 times and have 45 seconds to stack doggie treats and then go back before their time runs out.

Lots of hilarity ensues as they dizzily run and fall after spinning. Everyone has a different strategy for building their stacks - very interesting.

I hold no hope for Corey. He is proving to not be so smart or coordinated, even though he looks athletic. Nicole should have picked Frank.

And the worst possible thing happens...Paul wins. Boo! I really wanted Paulie to win because I don't trust him being on the block.

Interesting. Since Frank nominated Paul, Paul gets to name the replacement nominee. I guess that's the fair way to do it, I just hadn't thought about that. I wonder who he will put up now - Victor? I actually kind of expected that maybe only 2 people would ultimately end up on the block if someone used the Veto.

James Prank #2
Paul is sleeping on the couch. James puts whipped cream on his hand, and then Corey takes a tissue to tickle his nose from behind the couch. James drops a dollop on his beard and runs. James, Corey, and Frank are dying laughing. Oh James...

Tiffany chooses to tell Paulie her secret. She wants to have him as an ally if things don't work out with the 8-Pack. She thought that telling him this would give them something in common.

Jozea continues to just talk and talk and talk about how good he is. He says he's the CEO. He's an observer - that's just what he does because he's a Pisces. he tells Frank he is the Messiah, just like he was telling Da'Vonne. Frank just laughs inside at how delusional he is and how funny it's going to be when he walks out the door. I sure hope that's what happens. If the house knows what's good for all of them in this game, they will get him out now while they have the chance. He's the type of player who will somehow weasel his way through the game and when you realize he's a threat, it will be too late.

"As the leader of the house", Jozea wants a minute with the rest of the house to make sure they are all on the same page about getting Paulie out. Jozea tells Da'Vonne to get Zakiyah, who is with the 8-Pack upstairs. She "discretely" gets Zakiyah and informs the group of the "secret" meeting. James decides to crash the party. Go James!

Jozea stands up in front of the group and tells them that the only thing they can do this week is to vote out Paulie. He said they all have cool brains and they are all brothers and sisters. James laughs and says before you start telling the group your plan, you should make sure everyone in the room is actually on your side. Da'Vonne is just cracking up at Jozea in his dog costume and says he's the most clueless ring leader there ever has been. It is so hilarious that after 17 seasons, there could still be people playing the game so carelessly and cluelessly. This is great!

Meanwhile, Bronte and Natalie send Bridget upstairs to the HOH room to listen and gather intel for their own meeting later. In Jozea's meeting they ask where Bridget is. Bronte says she is upstairs listening for us. Ahhhh! These people have no filters and no clue how to read a room! This is hilarious! Zakiyah is like...well, that's good information to have.

Upstairs, Frank asks Bridget if she wasn't invited to the meeting. She says she was, but she basically didn't want to be a part of it. She awkwardly asks what's up in a very obvious "I'm-trying-to-gather-some-information-for-my-alliance" kind of way. Horrible acting...everyone sees exactly what you are doing, my dear. She's a horrible spy.

Paulie doesn't listen to Nicole's advice to just chill - he asks Jozea why he called a house meeting. Jozea wonders why he wasn't involved in the meeting. He talks about "scenarios" and people wanting to keep this person or that person. He talks so much nonsense - makes no sense! Jozea said there is nothing to hide and the meeting wasn't about Paulie. He should have open reign to have whatever meetings he wants to and say whatever he wants to say...blah blah blah. What a stooge!

Veto Ceremony
Unfortunately, Paul removes himself off the block. It is revealed that the replacement nominee is: Bridgette

Ooh, interesting choice!

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