Monday, May 2, 2016

The Voice, Ep. 10.18 & 10.19

Top 10

Team Adam

Shalyah Fearing - "My Kind of Love" by Emeli Sande
This is such a great song. I know she'll sing it loud, but will it be powerful and in tune? So far so good. I don't know what it is, but there is always something missing from her performances. I think this was one of her better ones, but I just don't feel any kind of "wow" factor from her. The ending really grew, and she was pretty powerful - a little bit shouty, but not too bad.
My Grade: B

Laith Al-Saadi - "The Thrill is Gone" by B.B. King
You know I'm not one for the old songs, or the blues, so I wasn't really digging this one. I think every song he sings sounds about the same. I think he had more guitar solos than actually singing. It was definitely a bit excessive. Yes, he can play very well...but this is called "The Voice", not "The Instrument".
My Grade: B+

Team Blake

Paxton Ingram - "It's All Coming Back To Me" by Celine Dion
Wow, Celine...that's a risk for sure! I'm not used to hearing a man sing a Celine song (although Jordan on American Idol was quite the Celine fan this past season). I think he did a pretty good job with it. It wasn't near as good as last week. He went back to having a couple pitch issues, but it was still enjoyable.
My Grade: B

Mary Sarah - "Stand By Your Man" by Tammy Wynette
Ugh...can't stand the oldies. The beginning was way too low for her. It was fine, but man, I can't stand that song, so I was just hoping it would be done quickly.
My Grade: B+

Adam Wakefield - "I Got a Woman" by Ray Charles
Just when I was starting to like him...another horrible old song choice. I still like his voice, but he has some questionable song choices for my taste. Vocally, he is always spot-on and pitch perfect. He threw in some high notes that I didn't know he had in him. That was kind of a surprise.
My Grade: A

Team Christina

Nick Hagelin - "I Can't Help It" by Michael Jackson
No. No. No. I like him doing some R&B, but I don't like this song at all. I don't think I've ever heard this Michael Jackson song. There's probably a reason for that - it's not good. Vocally, he stayed in pitch most of the time. However, I just didn't enjoy the song at all. Just because a song has a falsetto part to it doesn't mean it's going to be the right song. He sounded like he was getting winded at the end.
My Grade: B+

Bryan Bautista - "Promise" by Romeo Santos ft. Usher
I love that he chose to show us some of his Puerto Rican roots. I love songs in Spanish. This is a beautiful song, and he performed it so well. His falsettos could have been a little stronger, but I liked it.
My Grade: A-

Alisan Porter - "Let Him Fly" by Patty Griffin
Her connection to this song was very evident. I know this as a Dixie Chicks song. There really isn't anything that she can't sing well. This was beautiful and emotional, like always.
My Grade: A+

Team Pharrell

Daniel Passino - "I Don't Want to Miss a Thing" by Aerosmith
This song has been done so many times. I don't know that it was quite the right song for him. I wish he would have done something with it instead of singing it so much like the original. He even threw in a couple of Steven Tyler vocal slides. It was a pretty good vocal despite a few pitch issues, but I was pretty bored. It just didn't feel like it went anywhere. I know he thought he was connecting and bringing the emotion, but I didn't really feel it that much. His last big notes were severely out of tune and his falsetto scream sounded like nails on a chalkboard. My grade for him went down after hearing the ending.
My Grade: B-

Hannah Huston - "Rolling in the Deep" by Adele
Everyone knows that it is a real challenge to take on Adele and do a good job. Hannah did about as good as anyone could do. This was a very nice performance. I really enjoyed it. I think in this group of mediocre singers, she's definitely one of the most talented ones. She has a sound that is not really like anyone else. I usually enjoy her song choices, as well. That helps a lot!
My Grade: A

The Results

Bottom 2: Nick and Daniel

Nick - "Thinking Out Loud" by Ed Sheeran
Super good song choice! No one can say "no" to an Ed Sheeran song. Clearly the girls in the crowd loved it, or they gave a mic to a dozen girls because the screams were off the charts! His voice sounded amazing on this song! So much better than his song choice last night. Daniel hasn't performed yet, but I would be shocked if he could top this.
My Grade: A-

Daniel - "Uptown Funk" by Bruno Mars
OK, so he picked a great song, too! I didn't plan on him picking such a hugely popular song. And a very upbeat song, at that. The only thing that scores better than a great Ed Sheeran song is something that is more popular and very upbeat. Add that to the fact that he's singing after Daniel. Geesh...this one's going to be close I think. If only he could have performed this well last night, things might have been different. This was actually a perfect song for his voice. He performed well to the crowd. He did get a little bit out of breath and his falsetto at the end was kind of screechy like it was last night, but maybe a little better.
My Grade: B+

Early voting results have it as a major blowout: 80% Nick, 20% Daniel. Man, people really don't like Daniel, do they? I really thought it would be closer than that.

Saved by America: Nick
Going Home: Daniel

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