Monday, July 27, 2015

The Bachelorette, Ep.11.10: Men Tell All

...and I'm back! Sorry about the absence over the last week, I was on vacation and not able to watch any of my shows. I'm trying my best to get caught up, so here's my rather speedy recap of the "Men Tell All" episode. I'm hoping to keep this brief so it doesn't take too long to do because we have the finale and the "After The Final Rose" coming up tonight. It's going to be a long night!

We start out with some video clips from the season. Who could forget Ryan M. and the not-so-good impression he left with everyone on the first night. And then there's the bromance with JJ and Clint. Of course, we recap the entrance of Nick and the fact that everyone hates him and the ego of Ian.

As soon as the video clips ended, Tanner attacked Ian for calling them all lame and the fact that he didn't associate with the rest of the guys and give them a chance. They said his exit was despicable and he needs to give Kaitlyn an apology. Corey said he didn't agree with the way that Ian approached her, but some of the stuff that he brought up were spot-on. The guys who got to know her more disagreed and said he didn't get to know her well enough. Ian decided to take off his jacket and he got in front of them all and got down on one knee and apologized for things that he said and he regretted the way he left and the way he made Kaitlyn feel. Everyone was really confused as to why he got down on one knee to apologize because that's just so weird? They asked if he was! Several of them came down to shake his hand and accept his apology. I think he seemed sincere, but the getting down on one knee was just weird and over-the-top.

Corey called out Clint for totally changed his tune after his date with Kaitlyn. He (and JJ) got very arrogant and wouldn't even talk to them. Clint made it clear that he is not gay and he was there for Kaitlyn the whole time. He came on the show to find love and he developed a strong friendship with JJ because he wanted to spend time with people he finds interesting. JJ said that everything that was being said about Clint could, and should, also be said about him. That's what I have been saying from the very beginning! I don't know why JJ got off so easy when they both were doing and saying the same things. JJ said that he and Clint were so mutually intellectually curious about each other and they went way beyond surface-level stuff...and for him there was a lot of "meat to that". OK, JJ, just stop talking because the more you talk, the worse things look for you whether you are truly meaning what you are saying or not. He just is not explaining this well at just sounds way too gross. The looks on the guys' faces were priceless. Kupah said they didn't need to know how deep their relationship was ever again. Somehow Kupah used that to segue into Nick coming on the show part way through when some of them were there from the beginning and have lost their jobs. That was a very strange rabbit trail to deviate to based on what they were talking to JJ about. JJ said he thnks it was right for her to let Nick on to give herself a chance to see what things with Nick would be like and he thinks she did the right thing. Clint said that the guys let their hatred for Nick got in the way of their relationship with Kaitlyn. Kupah said she should have left the show to pursue things with Nick if she felt so strongly about him because it wasn't fair to the other guys that she was obviously thinking about Nick and the previous relationship that she had with him. Joshua said her big mistake was telling the guys from the get-go that she saw her husband in that room...and then she lets an outsider come in.

JJ - Hotseat

As if we haven't heard enough from JJ, he gets the hotseat so we can hear even more!

He was ashamed of crying about Clint and that's why he slapped himself. He said that strangely enough what he and Clint talked about most in the house was Kaitlyn. Joe and a couple of the guys just can't stop laughing the entire time he's talking.

He said that his biggest mistake was bringing his humor to the house and in turn a lot of people got offended. He tried to tone it down later on when he saw how people were really seeing him.

Ben Z - Hotseat
He said the night he got sent home he was very blindsided. He didn't realize that they weren't on the same page with their connection. The process of the show has shown him that it is OK to let his guard down and be open with someone else.

Chris asked him if he's cried yet. He said the show brought up a lot of emotions and he's gotten close a couple of times, but he has not cried yet.

Jared - Hotseat
Not much to talk about here...he had a great connection with Kaitlyn and was in love with her. He still has feelings for her.

Chris also thanked him for getting rid of the spotty beard. He, and everyone agreed...he looks so much better!

Ben H - Hotseat
There's my cutie! I've missed him! Apparently everyone else did too because the reaction from the crowd was insane.

He said every time he was with Kaitlyn his feelings grew. He said he thinks they had something great, but she must have just had stronger feelings for the other guys.

He talked about the time Kaitlyn snuck in to see him and Shawn. He shared again how things changed after he came back from his shower. He said he thought their relationship actually grew after that and after he was able to talk to her about what happened.

Kaitlyn - Hotseat
They first talked about all of her controversial decisions and the reactions she's gotten from the public because of them. The amount of hatred being spread about her on social media is really hard mostly because of how it affects her family more so than it affects her. She's gotten death threats and that's not OK. Chris actually read 3 of the tweets about her, and let's just say the words "whore" and "slut" were used a lot, with a lot of expletives. It was really painful to have those things read out loud. The guys all gave a standing ovation when someone in the crowd yelled that the things weren't true and that they loved her anyway. Kaitlyn said that people complain about her being a horrible person, yet they are being a bully and are displaying even worse behavior.

Jared asked her if they would have gotten to talk at the cocktail party before she let him go if that would have made a difference. She said it probably wouldn't have because it would have taken longer to go through the questions she had. The problem started when she found out they were going down to 3 guys before meeting the families, because in her mind she assumed she was meeting his family. Had she known that was how the season was going to play out, she would have handled their roadtrip date differently. He agreed.

Ben H said the only question he has is why she didn't tell him about Nick, but she told Shawn. She said in the moment that she told Shawn because it felt right, she felt guilty, and she was afraid he was going to leave. She said each relationship was different and where she was with Shawn she felt like it was the right time to tell him. She said she would have told him if she got to that point with him and she wouldn't have hidden that from him.

The Nick thing came up, not surprisingly. Corey said bringing Nick in halfway was like a slap in the face to them. He asked if it would have been fair for any of the guys to have brought a girl to the show whom they had a relationship with prior. She said if they were in the same position as her that they would have done the same thing. Tanner said he was in favor of her bringing Nick in, but her delivery and how she handled the situation was poor, especially after they watched the show back. She said she really did care about their feelings and how this affected them. She told them she understood where they were coming from and told them to try dating this many people, not make any mistakes and have it all's hard!

Ryan M apologized to her for how he acted on the first night and he brought her a rose...since he threw it on the first night (remember?).

She asked Clint why he didn't treat her the way he treated JJ. She said she got a little jealous watching back how they were together. He said he tried to. She asked if their status of Facebook was "It's complicated" or "official". He said it's always complicated. At that point she could tell that he really was hating this conversation.

Next, it was Ian's turn to apologize to Kaitlyn. He said he gave her a note every week on the show and he had one last note for her and it was an apologize. He again got down on one knee...then got a cramp and had to stand up. He apologized for any backlash she received by what happened with things he said on the show to her.

Lastly, we see Kaitlyn's hilarious blooper reel. She's got one thing going for her, she can be really funny and her laugh is infectious. At the end of the blooper reel (that contained a lot of scenes of her running from birds), Joe donned a pigeon head and came at her...literally freaking her out.

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