Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Big Brother, Ep. 17.12

Who Lied?
Austin wants to know who lied to his face and didn't vote out Jeff like they said. There were 4: Liz, Steve, John, and Jackie. Austin is wrong on 2. He thinks it was Becky, John, Jackie and Audrey. The biggest surprise was Liz. She didn't make a connection with James and she did with Jeff so she wanted to keep him. She obviously doesn't want Austin to find out.

Steve Is His Own Worst Enemy
Poor Steve is so hard on himself. He had a little talk with himself in the bedroom and he was so upset that he didn't get the first question in the HOH competition right. He asked himself if he was going to throw the competition and he said yes, and did he throw that question, no. He planned to throw the comp much better than that and at least get the first question right. He said people already suspect he is throwing comps so this isn't good. I thnk he's putting WAY too much thought into it. I don't think that that many people are paying that close attention to him right now.

Sixth Sense Alliance

The new target for the week. They think that Jackie could be a threat and maybe they should go after her now that Jeff is gone. Deciding who else to put up, they think Audrey is a candidate. Shelli is worried if she is either up or discusses as the backdoor target and doesn't go home this week, people will start to connect the dots that Shelli and Vanessa were in power when she was saved and realize that they are working with her. Audrey is a target for the other side of the house, so she would be a good one to put up. Regulars on the block - Johnny Mac, Jason and Meg - are discussed as other options. Shelli doesn't want to put Johnny Mac again.

They also discuss who they think the 4th vote for James was. Shelli, Clay, and Austin all think it was Becky. Liz sits coyly in the corner hoping they don't catch on that it is her.

Austin talked to Jackie and hinted at using her as a pawn. He said he likes her and would like to work with her now that Jeff is gone. Shelli talks to Jackie and she is mad that Austin talked to Jackie and told her the plan without letting the rest of the alliance first. Shelli expressed her concerns about Austin with Vanessa. Shelli is worried that Austin doesn't know what to do with information and somehow things start to leak around and that's not good. He tends to go rogue and let out information without realizing what he's doing.

Audrey told Shelli that if she doesn't want to get blood on her hands this week, she should put up 2 people who she wouldn't mind going home, and people who have talked about getting her out. Shelli asked who has said anything. Audrey said Jason was the only one she knew of. Not sure if that's true or not, but Audrey said in the DR that Jason is a major threat to HER game, so he is who she wants to see out next.

Permanent Pawn Star
And Sixth Sense is at it again, and poor Johnny Mac is the go-to pawn for the week. I can't believe they won't just give him a week off! Shelli really didn't want to do it to him again, so she told Clay he would have to tell him. Clay tells him the plan, as Johnny has his go-to look of complete unbelievability in what is going on. He stares at Clay as Clay breaks the news. He immediately asks Clay if he should throw it. Clay said they want Jason out and he hates asking him to do stuff. Clay said if he feels comfortable throwing it he should, but if not, he doesn't have to. John is undecided if he is actually going to throw it or if he is going to start playing for himself instead of for everyone else's games.

Liz nominates: James and Jackie - she said she hasn't made a connection with either of them and she doesn't know where their heads are at in the game

Shelli nominates: Jason and Johnny Mac - she said her pool of people to put up is small; she said she's already put up John before so that's why she chose him again, and she chose Jason because she heard that he's talked about wanting her out; she told Jason she hopes it isn't true and he can clear things up with her and fight to get himself off the block

Johnny Mac said that he has been nominated 4 out of 4 times and he is really good at it! He said that if the goal was to get nominated he would be winning!

Jason is fuming and he said there is no proof that he wants Shelli gone. Shelli talked to Jason alone and Shelli told him that Audrey was the person who told her that he was targeting her. He told her it was a lie and now Shelli doesn't know if she can trust Audrey at all and wonders if she should continue trying to save her. Shelli told Jason that she hopes he dethrones her in the BOB because she doesn't want him to go home. Technically, Jason could also be lying that he hadn't said anything about her and there would be no way of knowing. But...the house knows that Audrey is a compulsive liar and that really hurts her credibility in the situation.

Jackie fished for assurance from Liz that she wasn't the target and would be safe this week. Liz assured her that she wasn't the target, but she told Austin that they don't know each other well and she hadn't ever talked to her before she was nominated.

Audrey's Lies
So, Jason, Meg and James are talking about the nominations. Jason thinks John will try to throw the BOB because he does what everyone else tells him. Jason tells Meg something about people lying about him talking about getting Shelli out (while Audrey is laying in the other bed overhearing everything). Audrey gets up and leaves because she knows she has to do some damage control since it's obvious that Jason suspects her as the liar. Shelli tells Audrey Jason is the only person she knows to target this week ONLY BECAUSE OF WHAT AUDREY HAS TOLD HER. Audrey was like "wait a minute"...she said what she heard about Jason was secondhand from what they all were saying about him. Shelli was like "oh no you didn't!" Shelli told Audrey she knows she is lying and she isn't going to make her believe that she didn't tell her that she knew for a fact what Jason was saying. Shelli said she doesn't know how much longer she can protect her if she keeps lying. She said "AUDREY, YOU ARE THE ONE WHO TOLD ME JASON WAS COMING AFTER ME!" The look of panic was all over Audrey's face because she didn't know how she was going to get out of this one. She said she needs Jason gone because he is coming after her and if he stays he will also be coming after Shelli.

BOB Comp
The grunge theme continues. Each team has an "Alice" tied up in chains (Alice in Chains...get it?). They have to go through the Soundgarden, Pearl Jam, Smashing Pumpkins and Screaming Trees! All very clever sections of the course! There is one key in each section to find in order to free Alice and take her to...where else, but...Nirvana, of course.

Johnny Mac sees a key just laying on top of the leaves in the Screaming Trees section, as it was thrown out by James and Jackie. Johnny gets another one, and they now have 3. So, he must not be throwing this comp? They get to the Smashing Pumpkins and they are having trouble breaking the pumpkins. Johnny is falling down and it is hilarious! Have I said how much I love him and enjoy watching him? Jason and Jackie have now caught up and are coming for the Smashing Pumpkins. Johnny is getting worried because this is one comp he actually wants to win. They've all smashed so many pumpkins, I don't know how no one has found a key yet! Jackie finds the key and Jason finds one right behind them! They are both unlocking Alice...it's going to be a dragging race to the finish!

James and Jackie are the winners. Liz is dethroned as HOH and Shelli remains.

Johnny, Jason, and Liz have to endure a punishment for the week. Because boybands were hated by grunge rockers, the 3 of them have to create a boyband call the Wackstreet Boys (how dare they make fun of the Backstreet Boys!). Whenever their pager goes off, they have to get with their bandmates and practice.

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