Sunday, December 7, 2014

BBAU 11: Week 10 Recap

Sorry it's so late, but I'm now getting caught up! Here's the Week 10 Recap:

Power Play Nominations
This week the housemates are voting for who they want to be the new HOH. They will pick 2 people, they will give 1 person 2 pts and the other person 1 pt.

David -- Ryan 2, Tom 1
Leo -- Skye 2, Richard 1
Skye -- Leo 2, Travis 1
Ryan -- David 2, Tom 1
Tom -- Ryan 2, Penny 1
Travis -- Richard 2, Priya 1

We don't get to see the rest of the votes.

The winner with the most points's a tie! Travis and Richard got the same number of votes. David as the reigning HOH, he gets 1 extra point to give to either Travis or Richard. He chose Travis.

Remote Control Task

This is always one of my favorites! They have to react to the Pause, Rewind, Play, Slow Motion, Mute, Volume Up, etc. functions. For "Pause" they can't move or talk. For Rewind, they have to re-do what they had just reverse.

However, the normally really fun and funny task seemed quite boring. I can't hold it back any longer, I just have to say that this season has been such a letdown! From the rather boring cast to the extreme lack of interesting and fun tasks.

After a burglary (or "burgulary" as Travis kept calling it. Travis picked Richard and Priya as the smartest in the house. They had to coach Travis on how to spell 6 of those words being "burglary".  Doing so, he can win back the stolen items.

He keeps practicing "burglary" with the extra u because he's sure that's how you say and spell it. And for some reason, he can never remember to put the e at the end of massive. When it came time to spell the words, he did remember the e. It came time to spell "burglary" and he spelled it wrong...

Big Brother gave him another chance to spell one more word correctly, and that was "Aisha". Uh-oh..he looks nervous! That's terrible! He said "you're going to get me dumped Big Brother!". But, lucky for him, he got it right!

Despite a few questionable slip-ups, they passed the task!

Travis's Power Play
Travis is shown 3 plates of food, each one smaller than the next. It was his mom's lasagna. If he chooses to eat the smallest piece, he gets to Aisha and ask her 2 questions. If he eats the medium piece, he can ask Aisha 1 question. If he chooses the biggest piece, he doesn't get to talk to Aisha. He chose the smallest one so he could ask 2 questions...and also keep his carbs low because he has Leo to compete with.

He keeps coming up with  questions that have like 3 parts. Finally, he narrows it down to:
1) Is she going to move to Melbourne to live with him? She said "yes".
2) Who are the 3 most popular housemates likely to win, according to sports bets in the house? She said "Travis, Skye and Ryan".

It's time to go...Tom

I'm glad to see an intruder finally's such a bummer that so many originals had to go before them.

Skye got called out by Big Brother for using a dish cleaning brush to clean dog poop off of her shoe in the kitchen sink. She then had to disinfect the sink, which she then wiped her hands on the tea towels. So Big Brother made her take the towels to the laundry...she put them on the chair outside. Big Brother then made her disinfect the chair. She shook Travis's hand, and Big Brother said he should disinfect his hand because she hadn't washed yet! Ha!

Priya and Skye were punished for pressing Travis for information on his Power Play, and ignored Big Brother's warnings. If they survive the eviction, they will start out with 3 nomination points next week.

It's time to go...Richard. 

This week, the housemates' friends and family members will be making nominations. Travis, because he is HOH, is allowed to nominate.

Travis -- David 3 pts and Ryan 2 pts
David's father Melvyn -- Priya 4 and Leo 1
Penny's mother Sue -- Travis 3 and Leo 2
Lina's boyfriend Michael -- David 3 and Ryan 2
Leo's friend Johnny -- David 3 and Skye 2
Ryan's sister Abby -- Priya 3 and Lina 2
Travis's mother Cheryl -- Ryan 3 and Leo 2
Priya's husband Bushon -- David 3 and Ryan 2
Skye's sister Kayla -- David 4 and Lina 1

Remember, Priya and Skye were punished with 3 nomination points each from last week.

David -- 16
Priya -- 10
Ryan -- 9
Leo -- 5
Skye -- 5

No intruders are nominated!

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