Saturday, December 6, 2014

Amazing Race, Ep. 25.10

Leg 10: Singapore > Manila, Philippines

Adam & Bethany lead it off.

Adam & Bethany and Brooke & Robbie go to a travel agent to book their flight. Misti & Jim decide to go to the airport first. Amy & Maya call a travel agent on the phone on their way to the airport.

Adam & Bethany, Brooke & Robbie and Amy & Maya get flights on Singapore Airlines for the same flight to get in at 11:00 PM.

Misti & Jim get to the airport and the first flight is booked, so they have to take a later flight. They decided to go to the airport because they got screwed the last time, but this time it really came back to bite them in the butt.

At the destination, they find a sign that says they can't pick up their clue until 6:30 AM. Bummer...that means the dentists are now all caught up.

Detour: Catch or Coach
Catch: use a bucket to transfer fish from the ocean to the beach
Coach: assemble a side car and mount in on a motorcycle

All teams do Coach except for Brooke and Robbie.

Amy & Maya are all confused as the other teams pass them...they are saying that they didn't follow the clue because they didn't get into a motorized tricycle, so they might get a penalty. They finally figure it out and go back.

Brooke continually whines about how bad everything smells. And they choose the fish task...great.

They actually did a pretty good job on the very physical task. I really don't think that any of the other teams would be able to do this task. It was hard because the waves were really crashing on them as they were trying to fill the bucket. Now Robbie is completely grossed out by touching all the fish. What wimps! Then they start arguing because they dumped the bucket. And then Brooke hurt her hand on some bones from the fish. Oh my...I'm so ready for them to be gone. And then a huge storm starts to roll in. Somehow, they finish and end up in first place.

Adam & Bethany work really well together on putting the side car together. He seemed to know what he was doing, and he would tell her what she could do to help.

Misti & Jim are also doing really well. They think they are done, but something is wrong. They think they fixed it, but they are still wrong. And they're wrong a third time! He keeps missing that he has the shocks on wrong.

Adam & Bethany get it right on the first try, and they are now in second place. Woohoo!

Misti & Jim finally get it right, leaving Amy & Maya as the last team. They soon finish...I'm surprised they actually figured everything out and were able to get it all together.

Switchback: My Ox is Broken
Call-back to Season 5, in one of the biggest breakdowns's very messy and the oxen have their own ideas about what they want to do. They have to use the ox pulling a plow to churn up their clue.

Brooke & Robbie can't believe they are in first place...I can't either.

Brooke takes the lead because Robbie doesn't like animals. He is so grossed out by the ox poop. Brooke was doing a pretty good job keeping the ox moving. She is regretting her decision to choose the biggest ox and plow, but once they've chosen, they can't switch.

Adam & Bethany chose a smaller ox and plow.

All teams are now at the task at the same time. Who's going to find the clue first?

Jim loses control of his ox and he tries to go to another field. Oh no...they found the clue already! Oh no...Amy & Maya found the clue too! Noooooo!!!! Come on Adam & Bethany!

Adam & Bethany and Brooke & Robbie find the clue at the exact same time! Oh no, I can't take this!

Brooke doesn't have any shoes on, and they drop their bags, but Adam & Bethany beat them by seconds in the foot race.'s a non-elimination leg. Ugh! Why?!

This was the closest leg, in almost any of the races. All 4 teams were on the mat at the end.

Pitstop #10
1. Misti & Jim -- they win a trip to Vietnam
2. Amy & Maya
3. Adam & Bethany
4. Brooke & Robbie -- non-elimination

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