Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Big Brother, Ep. 18.42: Finale

It's finale night, on day 99 in the house! Who will be the winner? I don't know, but I sure hope it's Paul!

Here's where we stand, based on live feeds:

  • Paul and Nicole each made a final 2 deal with James, so he feels pretty set
  • Later, Nicole appears to have changed her mind and decided to take James to final 2, should she win the final HOH comp
  • Paul says that if Nicole goes back on their deal, he will not vote for her to win
I think if Paul is in the final 2, it doesn't matter who he goes up against, I think he wins. I don't think James played a good enough game to beat either Nicole or Paul. Paul vs. Nicole could be a close vote, but I think too many people don't like Nicole, so I think it's Paul's to lose if he can get there.

HOH Part 1
They are dressed as cats following a laser beam around the yard. When it stops, they hang onto the obstacle until the laser moves again. If they fall before that, they are out.

James thinks he has this one in the bag because endurance comps are his thing. 

They look so funny running around like little kitties! They have to hang on scratching posts, buttons on a couch, a tilting window sill. All while running through milk and kitty litter. Very interesting comp!

So far, they are all hanging in there. It's now been over an hour. 

Nicole saves herself on her window perch. She is swinging freely with no foothold. Now Paul swings loose. Finally, Nicole drops, and right after her, James falls, too! Paul wins round 1!

Nicole thinks it's odd that James fell right after she did. He was hoping to hang on longer..."it's so fuss-trating" - I hate how he says that word!

HOH Part 2
Nicole vs. James

They have to go through a line to a ride get photos of houseguests that answer the question, then send them down the ride and snap a photo. The first to take the correct picture of the 3 houseguests that match. If they don't get the photos and the yellow bar in the photo, they have to start over.

This is a major endurance comp because there is a lot of running through the zig-zagging line. 

Nicole did very well with getting the right people. She had to re-do her first photo because she snapped it too early. 

James is up. We know from previous comps that James had not studied the things that happened this season. Has he studied since the last baseball comp? I'm doubting that it will help him much. I don't see him doing well. His first photo didn't get any part of the car in the frame! He got it framed right, but he got one of the houseguests wrong. He's already cramping up from running. He says he is really out of shape. He finished strong.

James: 19:06
Nicole: 7:24

Wow, Nicole! That's incredible! Not even close!

Jury Discussion w/ Will
  • He floated
  • He followed Natalie around for the last 6 weeks
  • He did nothing, but also got no blood on his hands
  • Natalile says that him laying low was his strategy
  • Paul the player played strategically
  • Paul the person can be not very nice
  • He owns up to everything he has said and done
  • He had Victor as a shield
  • He was on the block 6 times and either saved himself with the Veto or didn't need to
  • She made big moves
  • Girls are bitter because she stuck with her guys' alliance
  • She aligned herself with the people she knew could protect her
  • Da'Vonne said she used the guys as her puppets
  • Michelle thinks getting voted out was personal, Corey said it 100% was not - she bursts into tears and tells Corey to stop smiling at her with his ugly smile and to stop laughing at her

HOH Part 3
Nicole vs. Paul

It's the famous "scale" challenge. They answer questions about how well they know the jury by completing their quote. Most points after 8 questions will tip the scale in their favor and win.

Q1: both right
Q2: both wrong
Q3: both wrong
Q4: Paul is right, Nicole is wrong
Q5: both wrong
Q6: Paul is right, Nicole is wrong
Q7: Nicole is right, Paul is wrong
Q8: both right

Paul wins! Woohoo! Way to go Paul!

Paul is the final HOH. He will choose who joins him in the final 2. James would probably be the smarter choice, but he made a deal with Nicole, and he doesn't think that James played a good enough game to deserve to be in the final 2.

Paul chooses to evict: James

He said that he worked hard to keep James safe, but when he needed him the most, he still went behind his back and made a deal with Nicole. He said he's worked too hard to get backstabbed again, so he had to evict him. Nicole was in shock by what Paul said. He said not to worry about it and that jury didn't hear what he said and it wasn't about the jury.

James said he wanted his social game to take him far and he didn't want to be a comp threat. I would say he accomplished that.

Jury Questions
These are just too hard to keep up with all the questions and the answers...sorry!

Most interesting question was from James. He asked Paul if he ever planned on honoring his final 2 deal with him. Paul said he talked to both of them and he wanted to see once and for all who was the most loyal. Nicole relayed everything back to him, while James did not. Wow!

Other than that, the main hilights for Paul were that he was always out front and center when making deals and moves, while Nicole was behind the scenes. This was his first time playing the game and he played his butt off. He fought hard to save himself when he needed to and made sure there was always a bigger target than himself. 

For Nicole, she said coming in as a vet was not an advantage like they might think. She said if they watched season 16, they would have known how she plays the game and how she reacts under pressure, what her strengths and weaknesses were. She did align with the guys and often was behind the scenes because what she wanted to happen was happening without her involvement, so she just let it play out. 

Final Statements
Paul: he was the last standing newbie with 2 vets. He won 7 comps and won his way to the end. He made it without any care package from America. He was the first in the Paris room and had the roundtrip ticket which prevented 5 people from coming back. There was more and it was awesome!

Nicole: she talked so fast! Teaming up with Corey after 2 hours and they made it to final 4. Day 1 she was called a snake. Day 2 she fought on an island and had to convince 2 strangers to "let" her be HOH. Day 3 convince Paulie to be a pawn. She convinced Natalie to put up 2 of her allies. She needed to start winning comps and did. She listed so many things that she did, there is no way to catch all of it!

They both made incredible final speeches. This could be very close! Come on, Paul!

Final Votes
James -- Paul
Corey -- Nicole
Victor -- Paul
Natalie -- Nicole
Michelle -- Paul
Paulie -- Nicole
Bridgette -- Paul
Zakiyah -- Nicole
Da'Vonne -- Nicole

Nicole is the winner by 1 vote! And it was Da'Vonne's vote! Da'Vonne who had so many negative things to say about her all season. She did start to come around as of late, though. Nicole's answers and her final statement was very strong. I knew it was going to be close, but I thought Paul could pull it off. I really wanted Paul to win, but I'm definitely OK with Nicole winning. I do think she deserved it. 

What a great season!

Fan Favorite
The fan favorite this season gets $25,000. 

Victor, Natalie, and James were the top 3 vote-getters. The winner is Victor!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay for him! That's awesome!

Final Thoughts
So, that's it! The season is done. I can't believe they didn't have the rest of the cast get to be on stage to talk about the all! That's a first. That's even more of a ripoff than Survivor not letting people who were pre-jury sit on the stage. No one got to talk or relive any parts of the season. I wonder if they thought it would get too volatile so they just scrapped the whole thing. 

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