Sunday, September 11, 2016

Big Brother, Ep. 18.38

HOH Comp
Victor is having a blast laughing at everyone sliding around and falling down.

Nicole is still going for the smaller jar. She thinks she will get tired quickly and will need the bigger scooper. Corey continues to go for the big jug so that they have both strategies covered.

Paul goes for the small jug because he thinks the others will tire quickly and having the bigger scooper will come in handy.

Paul seems to be falling the most. He had some really big wipeouts! I love Victor's laugh as he goes down time and time again. He is just throwing his body around. He is going to be so banged up and bruised.

James is doing the running man, as he is running and going absolutely nowhere! Hey Victor, I said it first! He gives up, and he decides to crawl just to make some forward progress. Paul decides to do the same, only he's using the "butt slide" strategy. It actually starts to work quite well for him.

Nicole gets the big scooper before Paul. At this point, Corey has about 2/3 full, while James has about 1/2. Nicole gets to about 1/2 full on the big jug when Paul finally gets the big scooper...or does he? He can't get the ball out. James tells him not to worry because not all heroes wear capes. Haha! He decides to quit because there was no way he was catching any of the others.

At 52 minutes, Corey has about 3/4 full. He's doing awesome! And...he wins!

James looks like he is going to side with Nicole and Corey over Paul and Victor. He feels like they have kind of had an understanding the entire game that they all have each other's backs.

Nicole and Corey are ready to start making some big moves, so Paul and Victor should be worried. The Final Four is kaput :(

Corey watches James on the TV in the HOH room. He hopes that he will come up to HOH on his own and not go off to talk to Paul and Victor. They shout for joy when he makes his way up there and they think this is a sign that he is with them.

Nicole and Corey want Victor out. He is the strongest person left when it comes to comps. They know that Paul and Victor are going to be super pissed that they are going against their Final Four alliance.

Victor thinks that Nicole and Corey will still work with them and won't want to work with sneaky James. Paul isn't so sure. He thinks they have to win Veto. Paul goes to talk to Nicole and Corey to find out what the plan is. Corey agrees that James is the target. Paul wants to know if he or Victor will go up as the pawn. He said he literally doesn't care if he goes up or Victor.

Nicole wonders if maybe they should put up James, even though they don't want him to go home. She is worried that he could secretly be working with Paul and Victor. They are all going to be in the same room together this week, and they will be in James's ear.

Pranks on Nicole
For some reason, Corey decided to do to Nicole what James did to Paul. He put salt in her water bottle. He laughed at himself as he was pouring it and stirring it in. Nicole takes a swig and immediately spits it out - directly in Corey's face! Nice shot, Nicole! That was hilarious!

Later, Victor starts picking on her, too. He started spitting spit wads at her, jumping out and scaring her. He literally started hanging all over her, and picking her up everywhere. Can anyone say "third wheel"?

Corey nominates Paul and Victor :(

Corey said it was not in his best interest in this game to put James on the block this week. He said "mama didn't raise no bitch" and it was time for him to make a big move.

At this point, I love all of the ones left, so I don't want to see any of them go.

Poor Victor, he looked so hurt. On one hand, Victor has been evicted twice, so technically, he maybe doesn't deserve to still be there. On the other hand, he FOUGHT his way back TWICE and was victorious BOTH times, so that alone is enough to deserve to be there.

James is literally in the best spot possible. Like he said, he is in the middle of two alliances of two that are mad at each other, and it's like he isn't even there. He will most likely go all the way now.

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