Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Survivor, Ep. 32.7

Days 17-20

Gondol After Tribal
Joe is confused. Scot wanted to make sure Julia made the right choice, and he said Joe didn't vote correctly and that's his own fault. Aubry knows she put a target on her own back as well as Joe's because of writing Julia's name first and then crossing it out and putting Peter's. Scot is ready to just pick off the Brains at this point.

Gondol Camp
Tai is being attacked by the chicken! He keeps jumping on his lap trying to steal his food - so funny! Tai said he likes the coconut.

Chan Loh
Cydney notices a bulge in Neal's pocket. She thinks they need to flush out the idol. Jason knows it must be an idol because he also has one.

A boat shows up and someone hands them a note. The note told them that they have 5 minutes to pack up everything and they are merging over to the Gondol beach.


4 Beauty, 4 Brain, 3 Brawn

Scot is so stoked to have made the merge! He can't wait to get back with Jason and Cyd. Scot pretends to protect Tai from a growling Jason. He said to stay back because he's his! LOL!

Aubry thought her game was done, but now it's a whole new ballgame because she's joining back with Debbie and Neal.

Debbie announces to the group that she thinks Nick is extremely good-looking. Oh heavens...

Aubry filled Debbie in on what happened with Peter. They agreed that they are still very tight. She said they are like ebony and ivory, like toilets and toilet OK.

Nick, Neal, and Aubrey talk about aligning Beauties and Brains to take out the bullies. Nick thinks Scot and Tai are very tight, and they have Julia because they saved her. He said he can get Michelle.

Jason tells Scot that he thinks Neal has an idol. They want to target him and split votes. Nick was in the convo and immediately he's in their group and knows about the idol. Scot tells them that Tai also has an idol. Hello, Super Idol! Scot tells them that they shouldn't even tell Cyd about it. Nick is annoyed with their cockiness, but he's glad to be close to them because they will never see a blindside coming. Yikes!

So...we don't get to see them pick a name, but the new tribe name is Dara. No idea how they came up with that.

Debbie approaches Tai in a very low voice and says she likes him and would like to get in an alliance with him. They shook on it. She immediately asked him what his plan was. Tai says he's no fool and he sees right through her. She tells Joe, right in front of Tai that they have him and he's in their alliance. Later, she tells Nick that he shouldn't worry about being voted out because he's not going anywhere. People are starting to see her making moves with everyone.

Jason realizes that if the Beauties and the Brains align, they have the numbers 7-3. Jason's plan is to go after Aubrey because they won't see it coming.

Aubry and Nick talk about Debbie going off on everyone and double and triple teaming them. He tells her that Debbie is awful. He sees her trying to have all the power and he doesn't like someone having more power than him.

Aubry tells Neal that Nick is more appealing than working with Debbie. Neal realizes that this is bad. He shares that he has an idol and wants to know how they can use it to their advantage. It sounds like he wants to use it on whoever they might be targeting.

Immunity Challenge
On a side note: Neal has "Mt. St. Neal" spouting puss on his knee for the last couple days. Others point out that they also think they have some infected cuts. Tai shows off the big scrape on his inner thigh.

Challenge: stand on a perch while balancing a board with a ball; as time goes on, balls will be added

11th place: Joe (less than 1 minute in)
10th place: Debbie (I thought she might be good at this)
9th place: Jason

Round 2: 2 balls
8th place: Michelle
7th place: Neal
6th place: Scot
5th place: Cydney
4th place: Aubry

Julia is so steady. Tai's balls hit each other and Jeff says "never good when you're balls bang into each other".

Round 3: 3 balls
3rd place: Julia
2nd place: Tai

Wow, I'm really surprised. Nick has big feet which made it hard to stand on the perch. He was never the steadiest one out there. Tai may not have won on purpose...I'm not sure.

Dara Camp - Pre-Tribal
Nick thinks he has everything sized up and he's in the middle. He said he feels like a pretty girl at the dance.

Scot thinks Neal will play the idol because he's scared and Aubry will still go home. He, Jason, and Nick have it all figured out how to pick off the Brains. Nick would like to work with Brawn, but he knows that they are too cocky. He said when someone feels safe, that's when you have to strike and they will never see it coming. Ruh roh.

Nick tells Joe and Neal that the 3 Brawn are too strong and they will use the girls for votes and then take them out. Nick said he would talk to Michelle and get her on board.

Debbie, Michelle and Aubry are in the water. Debbie says that the 3 of them should align and take the power. She wants to take out Scot or Jason. Aubry said the Brawns are so concrete with each other, and once they are gone, there is a lot of room to work between Beauty and Brains because no one is that tight.

Michelle doesn't think people will vote for Scot in the end because he has money. Nick tells Michelle that he thinks they should actually stick with Brawn. He said they will tell Brains that they are thinking about it, and then at Tribal, they will surprise them and say that they are voting out one of them.

Surprise beach visit! This is never good! Jeff said the injuries he saw at the challenge worried him, so he thought the doctor should take a look at them.

Tai - doc thinks his scrapes are healing nicely.

Scot - he has some bumps on his inner thigh and the doc thinks it is infected so they should watch it.

Aubry - she has a very similar bump in a similar spot, and hers is hard underneath and is getting worse. He talks about either antibiotics or lancing it to get the puss out, but that could lead to infection because it would be an open wound. They will start with antibiotics.

Neal - Mt. St. Neal blew its top, he says - it is now an open wound; he also noticed something a couple days ago on his back. This looks bad - he said it doesn't hurt and he thinks it's fine. He said if they want to pull him from the game, he will put up a fight. Doc says that the spot on his back is a nasty spot, but its not life-threatening. The one on his knee is more serious because of its location by his knee. The infection could quickly - within hours - get into his joints and destroy it! Neal said he thinks he will be fine and doesn't want to go. The doc decides it's serious enough to pull him from the game. I knew it wasn't good when they decided to go off in private to a "clean" area. Neal broke down in tears because this was his dream. Jeff tries to cheer him up by telling him that he will get to come back and be on the jury.

Aubry is sad to lose her closest ally. She immediately thinks about his idol. She hopes that he will find a way to give the idol to her before he leaves. She almost spoke up and said something, but she didn't. He looked like he might have been thinking about it, but ultimately, he got on the boat and left her high and dry to fight on her own with no protection.

This sucks! Another one I was having fun watching, and to have to go like that just is not fair. And it's so sad to see someone who wanted to be there so badly get so emotional.

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