Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Survivor, Ep. 32.5

Days 12-15

Brains Camp
Uh one down. Joe has a boo-boo on his finger. It's starting to swell and is beginning to look infected. Dr. Peter says that it's bad because he can't bend his finger because of the swelling. He starts using what looks like a fish hook to dig around. His prognosis is: he will live.

Neal begins looking for an idol. Neal: I sure hope you've been looking before now. Luckily for him, he just found the clue! He found the box with the lock and the 2nd clue. He scampers around looking for the hidden cylinder with the key, and voila! We have an idol! Neal is the only one on that tribe that I would want to have an idol in his hands. So, way to go Neal! Perfect timing right before the tribe swap. We now have 3 idols in play.

Tribe Swap!
Jeff tells the group that they had always planned to do a tribe swap at this stage of the game - 7 to a tribe. However, with Caleb's evacuation, they are now an uneven 13. So, this is the new plan: 6 blue buffs, 6 yellow buffs...and 1 lonely red buff. The unlucky soul to grab the red buff will go all by their lonesome, back to the Brawn beach to fend for themselves. Wow! How incredibly harsh! Hasn't this season been tough enough already?! They will not participate in the next Immunity Challenge, so they won't go to Tribal Council, and they can't be voted out. They also won't be able to strategize and make connections while they are there. They will return to the game on the losing tribe. Wow! Fingers crossed that that person is either Debbie or maybe Peter.

New "Brains" - Chan Loh: 2 Brains (Debbie, Neal), 2 Brawn (Jason, Cydney), 2 Beauty (Michelle, Nick)

New "Beauty" - Gondol: 1 Brawn (Scot), 3 Brains (Peter, Joe, Aubrey), 2 Beauty (Tai, Anna)

Flying Solo back to Brawn Beach: Julia (former Beauty)

Gondol Camp

Tai shows the new group the campsite. He says Scot can boost him up to the mango tree. Scot says he can reach some of them himself.

Aubrey doesn't trust Peter. They are all worried that if they lose, they are gaining another Beauty which would make 4 of them. So, they decide a Beauty should go.

Scot likes Tai and he thinks he's a good guy to have around because he knows how to do everything. I think we have our next epic bromance! Scot just said he has a man crush on Tai and he thinks he is the most valuable member of their tribe. Awe! Scot tossed him right up the tree and it was mangos galore. Tai says "look at me!" He said he wasn't afraid being up that high and that it was fun.

Uh oh...Anna is totally throwing Tai under the bus to save herself already and they haven't even lost the challenge yet! She told them all about finding Tai looking for the idol and not trusting him.

Nick approaches Jason. He thinks he can get Michelle on board and Jason said if they are good with him they will be good with Cyd. Jason says that they can make up their own new Brawn tribe. which side are Jason and Cydney going to go with...which ones are they telling the truth to. I sure hope it's Nick and Michelle! I would love to see Debbie be proved totally wrong about her running things and being the mastermind. But uh Jason is realizing that he and Cydney are in the best spot because both sides are coming to them, he utters the words of death: "I am feeling really good".

Chan Loh Camp
Debbie wants to work with Brawn, so she immediately buddied up with Cydney. She immediately started complimenting Cydney up and down and she talked about her own workouts and how she was "ripped" a couple weeks ago. Ha! Next up, she approaches Jason. Debbie thinks they have an absolutely unbreakable bond between the 4 of them and they will be able to take out a Beauty.

To Tang (Former Brawn) Camp
Poor little Julia. On the bright side, this is the most airtime she's received all season. She is not doing well at all. She woke up dehydrated and she couldn't stop shaking. She's truly all alone and no one is there to help her. She's trying to make fire for herself and she's not having much luck. How unfortunate for the youngest person in the game to end up all by herself. She's only 18! She's worried that the game is progressing without her and she knows she won't be able to reconnect with everyone from her old alliance. The paranoia is setting in.

Immunity Challenge
Challenge: swim to get puzzle pieces. Pieces get hung on hooks (pieces look like fish) and then carried to the puzzle platform. First tribe to finish wins immunity.

Nick/Jason vs. Scot/Aubrey on the first leg out in the water. They can't start to dive until both members get to the net. Scot must have flown out there because Aubrey is nowhere in sight. Finally, there she is, but Nick and Jason started first. Aubrey is no help, so Scot is diving and untying everything himself.

So far it's a tie. The puzzle pieces weigh a total of 100 lb. He is pulling way ahead...all by himself. Aubrey is not helping at all, she is just following behind him.

Scot gets them to the beach first. Jason and Nick aren't too far behind.

Tai and Joe untying the nets, and Cydney and Michelle untying for the other tribe. The girls are making up a lot of time.

The girls are in the lead, but Joe and Tai aren't very far behind and they pass up the girls.

On the puzzles; Debbie and Neal vs. Anna and Peter

Peter and Anna have performed very well on the puzzles in the past. Neal and Debbie are working fast, while Peter and Anna are taking time to think.

And it's Debbie and Neal with a win for Chan Loh.

Chan Loh Camp Pre-Tribal
Most of the tribe seem to agree that it's going to be a Beauty, so it comes down to Anna or Tai. Oh no! I hope Scot can come to Tai's rescue. If all else fails, Tai has his idol...if he can play it correctly. Tai does not want to go home with the idol in his pocket.

Debbie wants Tai out. Peter prefers to take out Anna first because she's too good of a player and Tai is their primary provider right now.

Tai doesn't like Peter because he thinks he's arrogant. Tai thinks he can get Peter out because he has the idol. Tai tells Scot and Anna that he has the idol. I don't know if that was a good idea or not. Anna was shocked. They wanted to see it and he pulled it out for them. He did and they were both so stoked that their plan might work.

Aubrey tells Scot that Tai is safe and they want to vote Anna instead. Scot is just now realizing that he has 2 close companions that each have an idol that can form the Super Idol. So now Scot is thinking that he should let Anna get blindsided, which would mean that he is the only person (besides the Idol holders) who knows the idols' power.

Tai and Scot talk. Tai asks what the smartest thing to do is to hold on to the idol because he's certain he's safe. Tai wants to believe him, but he really doesn't want to go home with the idol in his pocket (or actually in his his shoes). I love Scot and Tai together almost as much as I loved Tai and Caleb. Tai and Scot side-by-side is like David and Goliath. Another completely unlikely pair. See Alecia...Scot can get along with others...maybe the problem is you.

Tai decides that he will bring the idol with him to Tribal Council and see what gets discussed and he'll decide them whether to use it or not.

Tribal Council
Jeff asks Aubrey if the 3 Brains are sticking together. She said yes because they are the ones they've known since the beginning. They are the "devils you know". Scot said the tribe has been welcoming. Anna and Tai agree that it will be one of them tonight. Tai said these are the smart people - they (Brains) have 3 and they only have 2.  He said Scot is a massive asset to the tribe, so they would want to keep him.

Anna said she might not have big guns, but she's a fighter. Tai said he's the provider and shows off his scratches from climbing the mango tree.

Jeff asks Joe about idols. Joe thinks there is no idol because he thinks by now there would have been a clue. Tai said he doesn't think there is an idol either because he's looked and got caught. He said he's bad at looking for things and has a bad sense of direction. OK, stop talking now Tai before someone catches on to what you're doing. Aubrey is getting a little suspicious looking.

Scot says it might be an obvious divide, but it all depends on how tight and loyal the Brains are to each other. Peter opens his big mouth again and says he's not worried because he's in a position of power. Whoa, slow down there Peter! Don't you remember what happened the last time you started flapping your gums so freely at Tribal Council? Let me remind you: you and your closest ally were blindsided. Looks like this time you're not going to get off so lucky. Jeff said you can never trust anyone at Tribal. Peter says the likelihood of Scot, Anna, and Tai deciding to take 1 of the 3 Brains out. He said "low". We sure do think highly of ourselves. And going into this, I thought Nick was the one to watch out for with the big ego. Clearly at this point, that award goes to Peter.

The Votes
Tai chooses not to play his idol.


Oh man, they let Peter and his ego have a freebie. Now his ego is going to grow exponentially. Look out everyone.

On the downside, Tai lost a tribe member, but on the upside, Julia will be joining them. So it's kind of like next week they will have a do-over. They are basically just swapping out Anna for Julia. If they lose the next Immunity Challenge, maybe next time they will decide to go for Peter.

Hoping the Tai/Scot bromance continues to blossom!

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