Thursday, September 10, 2015

Big Brother, Ep. 17.35

Liz or Julia, who will go? Obviously, Liz is the bigger target, and she is more closely aligned with Austin. So...clearly, Julia should stay and Liz should go. So...most likely the opposite is going to happen. And that's exactly what the recaps of the live feeds is suggesting. Grrr...

Where We Left Off
The twins are both on the block, and they both can't stop crying and sniffing in every room of the house...and even by the pool! Austin was Steve's target, but he feels good about splitting up the pair. Vanessa and John are convinced the best move is to vote out Liz because she's the strongest and would still have Austin if she stayed. With Austin voting to keep Liz, Vanessa is the swing vote.

Austin and Liz are on to Vanessa making final 2 deals with everyone in the house. Julia is willing to give up her game for Liz so that she can stay and fight, because she knows she has a better shot of winning. Austin said he would talk to Vanessa to make it happen.

Vanessa told the twins that they should decide who they want to stay and she would honor their wishes. After the Austwins decide that they want Liz to stay, they tell Vanessa. She says that she will have to see what Steve wants. And because they didn't decide the way she wanted them to...which was to vote out Liz and keep Julia...she now has a list of 3 demands that she wants from them. (1) if either of them wins HOH, she doesn't want to be nominated in the original set of nominations (frontdoor), and if she has to go up as a replacement that she will be safe and will be going to final 4 with them (2) if nominations stay the same, she gets to choose who goes home, Steve or Johnny Mac (3) if she ends up in the final 3 with either of them, she needs to know that they will choose her to go to the finals. Are you kidding me?! Ridiculous demands! She says "seems fair, right?" Wow. Clearly, they will tell her whatever they want to hear, but they have 0% intentions to follow through with those ridiculous demands. Normally, this would just be completely insane to demand, but hey, Vanessa has been able to coerce the twins to do all kinds of things, so why not give it a try.

The Votes
Austin -- Julia
Vanessa -- Julia
Johnny Mac -- Julia (and again, Johnny has me cracking up...the say he said was hilarious!)

And it is proven yet again, just how dumb these people are!

HOH Competition
Go Johnny Mac!!! Pleeeeeeease!!!!

"Under the Rainbow" - maneuver the eggs through the course and get 10 into their holders. So, yes, this is a repeat comp that's been done several years in a row now. This one is shaped like a rainbow, so they have to go up and over, which could be tricky. There's also a luxury prize that someone will win a trip outside of the BB house.

I like Johnny Mac's odds for this because I think he has tiny fingers! Not to mention he plays bass and he's a dentist, so he should be really good with his hands. Austin will probably be the worst, because I think he would have big hands. And it's Liz who loses 2 eggs right off the bat. Ha! Somehow, Austin is actually doing better than I thought. He's in the lead, followed by Vanessa. Julie mentions the obstacle after they make the arch, and Austin's like "Obstacle??" #clueless

I hate that this is a "to be continued" comp. Luckily there's Twitter to find out what happens in real time :)

At 10:40 PM, Vanessa won HOH :( Johnny Mac was a close 2nd. Liz won the luxury reward, because let's face it, she was doing horrible. I think she only ended up with like 5 eggs.

So, what is Vanessa going to do? She has an alliance with everyone. She's a smart girl, I hope she realizes that she has a better shot against Johnny Mac and Steve than she does with Austin and Liz. With Steve and Johnny she has a chance at final 2...she doesn't if both Austin and Liz stay in the game. We'll see.

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