Thursday, September 3, 2015

Big Brother, Ep. 17.32

Double Eviction tonight!!! Eek! Let's all say a little prayer and cross our fingers that Johnny Mac wins HOH tonight! ...and that one or more members of the Austwins head to jury! Let's just hope that the Double Eviction is worthwhile this week, and not a total flop like last time (ahem...Steve).

James and Meg try to figure out how to flip the vote to Julia. Meg obviously has James's vote. They need 3 votes. Obviously Austin and Liz will vote Meg out, so it comes down to Johnny Mac and Steve. Vanessa wants Meg out, so that's a problem for John since he's working with her. So, they really need to also convince Vanessa that it's the right thing to do. Steve is so confused and wishy washy. One minute he thinks they should make the move, the next he thinks it's too risky. He was so distraught that he actually was physically sick. According to the feeds, he spent a LOT of time pacing alone and talking to himself and the cameras trying to decide what is best for his game. If they don't make a big move now, then when? You're almost out of time!

Eviction #1

The Votes:
Liz -- Meg
James -- Julia
Steve -- Meg (IDIOT!)
John -- Meg (Only because Steve wouldn't flip)
Austin -- Meg

Dumbest move ever. I cannot believe that they would not take the opportunity to break up a threesome! Three is worse than's basic math!

HOH Competition
I'm so afraid for this competition! John and Steve have basically handed the game over to Austin's Angels. They put up and evicted John just a week ago, so if anyone of those 3 wins, he will most likely be their target again. Argh!

BB Roadtrip -- they will be shown pairs of photos and then be asked true or false questions.

Q1: all right
Q2: Steve and James wrong (did Steve throw so he wouldn't bomb like last time?)
Q3: Austin and John out (nooooooo!)
Q4: both right
Q5: both right
Q6: both right
Q7: Liz is right, Julia is wrong - Liz wins HOH

One of the worst possible comes down to the twins! Grrrrrr! This is not good people...this is not good! So, not getting rid of any of the Austwins tonight. Epic fail. Thanks a lot John and Steve. Your games are officially over.

Liz nominates James and John. Grrrr! Exactly what I thought she would do. She said she needed to be loyal to the people she has been from the beginning..but why not put up Steve? I'm so upset right now! I do not want John walking out that door again! This is so not fair! Why do people have to be so stupid! Speaking of Stupid...Liz should have went for a big move and put Vanessa up!

Veto Competition
Oh Johnny...PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE don't blow this Veto! I know he can win, he did it early in the game to pull himself off the block. Now would be a REALLY good time to pull out a clutch win.

Vanessa is the only who is not playing in the Veto. OK, so this is one time when I would have liked for her to play, because she just might have saved John. Great...his odds just got worse.

They have to roll a ball on a big boomerang 2 times. Their 2 scores combined is their total and the one with the highest number wins.

Steve - 0 + 0 = 0 (great, another person who could have saved John)
John - 0 + 0 = 0 (noooooo!)
Austin - 6 + 9 = 15
Liz - 15 + 0 = 15
Julia - 13 + 4 = 17
James - 0 + 0 = 0

Julia wins Veto. So, yeah, she won't be using it...unless they are going to backdoor Vanessa?

So, tell me this: you get to practice on this competition (according to the feeds). HOW in the world do you get 2 0s?!?!? I'm guessing Steve threw it so he wouldn't have to make a decision on whether or not to use it. But, James and John have no excuse! This was for their lives in the game, and neither one of them could put a score on the board?! Ridiculous! I could just throw up right now!

Veto Meeting
We know that there is no reason to even give a speech...she's not going to use it. This sucks because these are the only 2 people I still like in this game and I don't want either one to go.

Julia chooses to...shocker...not use the Veto...because she doesn't want to get any blood on her hands.

Eviction #2
John really needed a little something more compelling on this speech. I think he knows he's a goner again. Clearly James is the bigger threat, so they will vote out John.

Austin -- James
Julia -- James
Vanessa -- James
Steve -- James

So sad to see James go! He was a great competitor! He didn't always make the smartest game moves..especially tonight, and that's what did him in. He deserved to go farther, and I'm going to miss his scaring pranks.

And of course, it's all about Vanessa, and she's an emotional mess. Because we all know how extremely close her and James were...yeah right!

Final Thoughts
Things are really getting dire in the BB House...the chances that Austin, Liz, or Julia are going to win are about 75%. That means that John is clearly the next target. They totally missed their opportunity to split up the Austwins. Vanessa has a decent shot to win, and that could be good for John, but how long will she continue working with him? I'm not sure. The house is 3 vs 3, but in reality, it's about 10 vs. 3. The advantage CLEARLY swings to the Austwins. John and Steve can't seem to win a challenge even if their lives depend on it. Between them throwing comps and flat out just choking, they really have not pulled out the clutch wins. It will be a very sad and disgusting day if somehow the Austwins manage to make it to final 3. Heaven forbid it comes to that, but it is looking more and more likely with every eviction.

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