Monday, March 30, 2015

Dancing with the Stars, Ep. 20.3

Week 3: Latin Night
Word of sounds like there were some injuries this week.

Rumer & Val - Salsa
That outfit! My goodness! I love the disco vibe! I think I'm just going to call this now...she is winning this season. There seems to be no stopping her and her charisma on the floor is like no one else this season. Those lifts were incredible. She looks like she's been doing this all her life. Great choreo from Val as usual. That was fun! Injury #1 of the night: Rumer plows into Val's face and busts his lip in rehearsal.
Score: 33

Charlotte & Keo - Rumba
First of all, let me say how awfully the house singers botched Shakira's song. She looks stunning in that outfit. Her flexibility really lends itself to this dance. It was beautiful, and Keo taking off his shirt didn't hurt. The only thing lacking was the chemistry...there was nothing happening between them. Her lack of concentration during the dance really reflects her lack of concentration in rehearsals.
Score: 22

Michael & Peta - Salsa
I love her outfit and her hair this week! Gorgeous! This was a very fast Salsa, with so many lifts and really fast moves. He kept up really well. I thought he did a great job. You could tell he was really trying to slow down the lifts--in rehearsals, his strength was kind of scary and he was throwing her around like a rag doll. He dropped her a little too hard, several times. I agree with Carrie Ann that it was a little choppy and it didn't always flow very smooth from one thing to another.
Score: 24

Riker & Allison - Salsa
I am just loving him more and more every week! Great job on the twisty arms! He really brought the fun of the Salsa...and he brought the sexy too! He was so worried about that, and she even ripped his shirt open at the end! Way to go Riker! I was a little bit worried about the lifts at the beginning and I wasn't sure if their timing was off or if it was just so fast. He threw in some breakdance moves, and the choreography was just so cool! Allison did not hold back, I think the difficulty of this was off the charts. I loved this so much!
Score: 34 (three 9s!, come on Len, 7?!)

Suzanne & Tony - Samba
Is it like a rule that at we have to hear "Copacabana" at least once every season? I was so distracted by the song and that hideous fruit hat, and really ugly feathers, that I couldn't really tell if she was dancing well or not. Not my favorite...I wish Tony would have done something else with this.
Score: 25

Chris & Witney - Argentine Tango
I feel so bad that he was at the bottom of the leaderboard...and 5 points below Charlotte...he didn't deserve that low of scores last week. I'm so happy that he came out and destroyed this Argentine Tango! This was hot! The lifts were great, and their chemistry was hot! So happy for him this week! I just hope he sticks around for another week because there are people who should go before him!
Score: 28

Robert & Kym - Rumba
Injury #2 was Robert. He was having trouble breathing and was having a lot of back pain. What an absolutely stunning dance! The song was beautiful, and the dancing reflected that. Their chemistry is so obvious. I didn't know how he would do at a dance like this, but he actually had some really graceful and smooth lines. Nicely done!
Score: 29

Patti & Artem - ChaCha
Artem asks Patti if he could lift her...oh dear, be careful Artem! Did Patti lose like 25 pounds this week? She looks so much thinner! He gave her a little more choreography to work with this week...but not much. She had some hops and a little shimmying, but not much else. Poor Artem...not impressed Patti. I don't care how many standing ovations she gets. She is not as good as everyone thinks. Seriously, her to everyone else this season...she just doesn't have it.
Score: 22

Willow & Mark - Paso Doble
Injury #3 - Willow. She hurt her rib cage on his quad. The more they rehearsed the worse it got. She couldn't breathe in rehearsals and was out flat on the floor. She came out like fire though...literally! She was fire and he was ice. That intensity in her eyes! She means business on the dancefloor. The music was erratic and so were Mark's loosy-goosy legs! Overall, while the music was a little distracting, she totally killed it! Great, great job!
Score: 32

Noah & Sharna - Argentine Tango
New challenge this week--he's trying to adjust to using a prosthetic arm. He doesn't use one normally, so trying to learn how to use the arm, and learn how to do the dance at the same time. It didn't work, so they scrapped the arm. I think he would have been far too uncomfortable with it and it would have affected his dance. I think he got by just fine without having a full frame. Sharna has quickly learned how to choreograph every other dance around it, and this was no different. I mean, he even did an over-the-head lift with one arm! Wow, absolutely incredible.
Score: 30

Nastia & Derek - Samba
Injury #4--they fell and Derek fell on her thumb...and they had very limited rehearsal time. Oh yes...Derek is shirtless! This dance was moovin'! Holy crap, Derek! He just doesn't hold anything back with his choreography...this thing was loaded with incredibly difficult moves. Like, a ton of them! And to think she has to switch between rehearsing with Derek and with Henry just because of how crazy their schedules are. They have to be right on, or it doesn't work, and I don't know how she can be that connected to him with the little rehearsal time. I loved this!!
Score: 34

Week 3 - Results

In Jeopardy: Chris & Witney, Charlotte & Keo, Noah & Sharna
Going Home: Charlotte & Keo

I love Keo, but she didn't have the best attitude and work ethic (at least from what we were shown). She was really starting to annoy me. Chris worked his butt off this week, so I'm glad he gets another week on the show! Instead of being clear at the bottom of the leaderboard, he is nicely in the middle this week.

The Judges' Leaderboard - Night 3

Nastia & Derek - 34
Riker & Allison - 34
Rumer & Val - 33
Willow & Mark - 32
Noah & Sharna - 30
Robert & Kym - 29
Chris & Witney - 28
Suzanne & Tony - 25
Michael & Peta - 24
Charlotte & Keo - 22
Patti & Artem - 22

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